Part 20- Macy

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"So if you times the diameter by pi, you'll get the circumference of the circle. Questions?"

Everyone stayed silent. It was second block and we were doing math. How fun.

"Okay then, now onto the radius." We were listening to Mme teaching when suddenly, a hand tapped my elbow. I turned my head away from Mme and looked at the person who wanted my attention.

"Yeah?" I asked Kathy in a whisper.

She stayed silent and began shuffling through her desk until she found whatever she was looking for. Kathy ripped out a piece of paper from her binder and started scribbling on it. I watched her neatly fold it and subtly slip it in my direction.

I gave her a confused look and slowly grabbed the note off of the desk. She went back to paying attention to the board and Mme's lesson. I hesitantly opened and read it trying to keep it out of sight from our teacher.

It took me a while to process what Kathy had written. I stared at the paper for who knows how long. I could only make out a few words. All the letters moved around, making it just plain difficult to read.

I'm not planning on telling anyone about my dyslexia. They'll think I'm a freak. The only person in this class that knows about it is Mme. She wanted to give me a challenge that day she told me to read the paragraph out loud. But it only made things worse.

I almost told Ryan and Catarina in the hallway at the time. What was I thinking? They would never look at me the same way. After that, I decided I didn't want them to know. Especially Ryan. What would he think of me then?

Dyslexia made me feel stupid. I was an idiot. I wake up everyday dreading school in fear that I might have to read something aloud. I want to tell Ryan because I don't want to be in this alone anymore. But who's to say that he wouldn't dump me as soon as he found out. I am a freak after all.

Besides, I don't even know why he's interested in a girl like me. I don't even know why I'm interested in a guy like him. Our personalities and priorities may be a little different, but they never clash. Opposites attract, I guess.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by silence. I couldn't hear Mme talking anymore. Oh no, I dreaded looking up from the note, but I had to.


"Um, yes Mme?"

"Are you even paying attention to the lesson?" She asked with her eyebrows raised.

"...Yeah." I answered quietly. If Kathy's note got me in trouble, I-

"Well then, how do you find the radius of a circle with the circumference of 475 centimeters?" Mme asked expectantly.

I'm guessing that they just did this question. Ugh, this is so embarrassing. I don't know why Ryan lives to get in trouble for not listening because it's not a walk in the park.

I sighed. "I don't know."

My table watched Mme walk over from the front of the class.

"Note passing in class is not tolerated. Who gave this to you?" I looked at Kathy. She told Mme it was her, but Mme still put all of this on me. "So, since you don't have time to talk at recess, I'll let you read the terribly important note to the class, Macy. Out loud please."

This wasn't bad... It was a hundred times worse than bad.

Kathy had a scared look on her face, while Ryan thought that his good girl getting in trouble was pretty funny. Catarina, Kataniss, and Aisha all had bored blank expressions on their faces. They didn't really care about the note. But when Aisha found out it was about her... I think her face might change.

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