Part 27
"No, this can not be happening. This isn't fair. You don't have to keep me in here that long, I'm fine, I swear. There is absolutely no way I'm- "
"Aisha, you should stay and you know it. It's for your own health and safety. I promise everything will be okay and that there is going to be no way we will let you miss graduation. I'll figure something out, trust me."
"Oh, alright. But please Catarina, don't let me miss graduation. Anything but that. This was going to be my night, my moment, and now, I've got nothing."
"No Aisha... You've got us."
*two weeks later*
"Okay Ms. Catarina, I think I've got it all set up, thank you. Have a great night." My cell phone beeped, signalling the end of the call.
We had found the perfect way to prevent Aisha from missing graduation. Skype. She wouldn't miss one minute. Except for the dance, but that didn't matter because we had other plans.
I arrived at the high school a good half an hour before the ceremony started because the graduates were told to be here early. When I got there, I quickly found Kathy, but none of the others had shown up yet.
Soon Macy and Ryan showed up, but Katiniss was still missing. That girl was always late!
With five minutes to spare, Katiniss arrived. We all lined up in our classes alphabetically as we got ready to assemble in the gymnasium. We commented on our picks for awards and gushed over each others dresses.
Ryan didn't join in on anything we were discussing. He hadn't really said anything all night. He looked pretty sad, but i quickly shrugged it off. I was almost certain it was just nervousness.
We walked into the gym and found hundreds of eyes staring at us. Friends, faculty, and family were seated throughout the room and along the walls. It was already a little stuffy and hot, but the ceremony was only scheduled to go for an hour, thank goodness.
The mini laptop I had set up for Aisha was on the stage facing the podium. I could faintly see her face through e screen as she watched intently. Even though she wasn't able to be there with us, she was glad to see us graduate.
Mr.M started calling up students one by one to get their diplomas and left Aisha until the end. He made a short speech about how he was wishing she could be here with us, since she was unable to join; he wanted her to know we were still thinking of her and wishing her well.
I saw a small smile grow across her face on the screen in front of me.
The only part left of the ceremony now, was the awards. Personally, I was really holding out for the citizenship award, but if I didn't get it, there really wasn't much I could do.
The first award announced was the academic, which was awarded to a girl from a different class. Then there were the personal growth and leadership awards. I was given a leadership award and a special female award, while Adam and Aisha won male and female athletes of the year. Macy got an award for her near perfect attendance and Kathy got the most improved in our class.
Our table did quite well in the awards department, but the highlight of my night was seeing Aisha's face light up when they announced her name for the athletic award. An award she had been abused over, and had almost lost everything for. She deserved it more than anyone else.
As the ceremony came to a close, my five closet friends and I loaded into Kathy's mom's van for the grad dance. Well, our special grad dance.
I assumed that Adam might tag along since he was supposed to be Katiniss' date, but he didn't. I heard Katiniss give Macy an explanation.
"Adam's moving this summer and he won't be going to high school with us. This was going to be his last time seeing everyone, and I had to persuade him to go. He really wanted to come with us, but I told him I wanted him to spend the night with all his other friends." Ryan's figure stiffened. He pursed his lips together and kept his eyes on the floor of the car.
I could see Macy rubbing his arm lightly, trying to soothe him, but his now audible crus were becoming louder. When I could finally see him, his eyes were red and puffy, and tears had been sitting in the corners of his eyes. He didn't look very happy.
"Ryan, it's okay. I promise you'll both be fine. It's not like he's going to a different country. Don't worry about it." Macy told him calmly. She really was exactly what he needed right now. They seemed to have a perfect balance.
"My best friend Macy. We have been best friends for 5 years, and now he's just leaving." No one said anything, Kathy's mom thought it best to stay out of this one too.
Ryan continued on rambling, "Trust me, I know we've had our fights, but we always seem to be able to work things out. Now he's moving. Do you know what this means now? I'm going into high school without my best friend." I watched as two tiny tears escaped his eyes. But Ryan quickly wiped them away roughly as fast as they had appeared.
When I could see the lights shining on the car, I knew we had arrived at our destination. The five of us unloaded ourselves from the van as Kathy's mom drove away. We stood in the hospital parking lot alone.
"We'll have the best time ever, I know it!" Katiniss said cheerfully, immediately flipping the mood.
We made our way into the hospital and walked right down to Aisha's door. With her award in one hand, and diploma in the other, I made my way through the door.
"Surprise!!!" We sang in unison.
To say Aisha looked surprised was an understatement. She looked totally scared. Perhaps we should have warned her we were coming. But as soon as she saw us, she ran up and gave every one of us a hug.
"I love you guys so much! You are the bestest friends I could have ever asked for." Aisha gushed.
"We try." Ryan answered. He always knew what to say.
"So, we thought you'd like to come with us to our special after grad celebration. Care to join us?" I asked Aisha.
"Well, I suppose if I have to..." She trailed off. "Just kidding! That would be awesome."
"Great, then let's go. I'm starving!" Yelled Macy. For a girl who probably doesn't even way 80 pounds yet, she sure eats a lot.
We walked through the many hospital halls and rode the elevator down to the first floor. The 'food floor' as I like to call it. It held all the hospital's restaurants and was personally my favourite floor.
Since we couldn't take Aisha out of the hospital, one of the hospital restaurants was going to have to do. We picked a fairly fancy one, that wasn't too overpriced.
We were about to sit down when we noticed the 'please wait to be seated' sign. We did as we were told and sat on the two benches near the door of the restaurant.
I looked around me. On the opposite bench sat Kathy, Katiniss, and Aisha, all discussing who knows what, but looked to be having a great time. On my bench, there was Macy, who sat on the end, and Ryan, who sat in the middle. Macy sat with her head nuzzled in right beside Ryan's shoulder while he peacefully played with her hair. We talked about everything and anything with Ryan sometimes telling the usual awful jokes. Some were so weird and terrible that Macy and I had to laugh. Somethings never change.
The waiting area was filled with conversation and the occasional laugh. When I think about it, there really isn't any place I'd rather be.
Our peacefulness was soon interrupted by a waiter coming to seat us. He looked at us, and I wasn't really sure what he thought about us. He must have just thought we were six kids who were totally messed up, wearing fancy dresses and clothes in a hospital, but what did he know?
I thought about everything he could never know, about what we'd gone through together and how we were always going to be there for each other. I did know one thing though. No matter what, this waiter would never know that we weren't just six kids... we were THE six kids. And that was exactly how it was going to stay.
That was when he finally raised an eyebrow at us and asked the words that started it all.
"Table for 6?"

Table for 6
Teen FictionWhat happens when 6, unlikely kids get paired up to sit together for the remaining 6 months of their Grade 8 year? Things never go as planned, so of course, there are some bumps along the way. When big secrets are revealed about all the kids at the...