twenty four

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"michael, come down here please."

michael could faintly here his mothers voice through his closed bedroom door. he unburied his face from the pillow his head rested on and pushed the heavy blankets off his body.

his feet dragged along the floor as he made his way down stairs from where his mum called him from. he didn't want to be disturbed from his bed, but he wasn't going to disobey the only family he had.

"michael," mrs. clifford greeted when seeing her son enter the living room, "I want you to meet someone who has become an important part of my life."

a look of confusion crossed michael's features as he cocked his head to the side. he was very much confused, that was, until he saw a man enter the room. he was tall, almost as tall as luke. he had dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes. he walked over where michael's mum was standing, wrapping his arm around her slim waist.

"this is elliot, the guy i was telling you about," she paused, looking up at the man and smiled for a moment, "he is my fiancé."

michael felt like he could have collapsed right there is this moment. the room was spinning as a wave of a shock took over his body. he couldn't be sure he heard that right. he was hoping he was only imagining it, but deep down he knew he wasn't.

"you're fiancé? you haven't bothered to introduce me to him earlier?" michael has felt hurt before, but this was a whole new level. this was his own mum making him feel this way. he didn't know how to handle it.

"i didn't know how serious this was until he proposed just last week. i don't want you to think i was hiding him from you. things got serious fast and now here we are."

michael huffed, "you didn't think i should have any say in this? did you even consider how i would feel?"

"of course i did, mike. i wouldn't be introducing you to him if i didn't think you wouldn't approve of him," she assures, but that doesn't make michael feel any better.

"so what's going to happen now? is he going to move in? am i gonna have to start calling him dad? this is bullshit!" michael can't contain his anger much more. it was bubbling up inside of him bound to escape.

"I'm not trying to impose, michael. your mum and I love each other very much," elliot finally chimed in which was the last person michael wanted to hear anything from.

michael scoffs, "i'm sure you guys do. you deserve each other."

without saying another word, the seventeen year old marched dramatically towards the door, throwing on a pair of shoes before exiting, ignoring his mothers commands to stay. it was raining. of course if had to be raining, but it hid the tears that michael couldn't seem to stop.

he walked for what seemed like miles. he let his feet lead him to the only place he could think of. the only place he wanted to be right now with someone who he cared for and who cared for him.

drenched in rain, feeling uncomfortable and cold from his clothes sticking to his body, he knocks on the door of luke's flat. he waits there eagerly as his body shivers and teeth clatter. he was so, so cold and all he could think of was getting into luke's warm bed with the arms of the older man wrapped around him making him feel safe and secure. it wasn't long before he heard the lock on the door click and the door swung open revealing a all to handsome man.

"fuck, mike, you have to freezing," luke doesn't give michael a chance to say anything before he pulls the boy into his flat where it's warm and cozy. michael already felt better, other than the fact he was soaked. the blonde wraps a blanket around the smaller boy, "i'm gonna get you some dry clothes. why didn't you call me? i could have picked you up. what made you walk here in the rain?

like rambles on with questions while michael just stays silent. he was in to much shock to think, whether us was from his mum or the cold or possibly both. all he wanted was to be warm for right now.

"these should do," luke hands michael a dry pair of clothes to change into, "you can change in the bathroom if you'd like."

michael takes the clothes and heads to the bathroom. he dries himself off before putting on the fresh clothes. he exits and heads straight for luke's room when he saw the blonde already laying in his bed, leaving a spot for michael to lay next to him.

"c'mere," luke patted the spot beside him with his hand and michael willingly laid down next to him without hesitation. this is all he wanted.

"sorry to show up out of nowhere," is the first thing michael says. he didn't want to talk about anything else right now.

luke pushes a piece of damp hair out of michael's face with his finger, "you're always welcomed here."

michael just gives a content smile before nuzzling his body closer to luke's, "i'll explain everything later. can we just sleep for now?"

luke didn't like when michael was sad. he also didn't like when he didn't talk about how he felt, but he didn't want to push him to talking about anything he didn't want to, so he just wraps his arms around him instead.

"of course."

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