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"so gatsby's whole plan was to win back daisy?" michael questions, his left eyebrow raised as his eyes advert from the book to his teacher who his sitting directly next to him in the desk.

luke nods, a small smile spread on his thin lips, "that's correct."

"at the end, he just—" the younger boy pauses for a split second, "dies?"

"sadly, yes."

michael's lips create an 'o' shape and he closes his book. he bites the inside of his cheek and a short silence fills the classroom as the two were the only ones in there right now since michael requested to stay after school hours to receive help from his teacher.

"any other questions?" luke asked, his gaze following michael's movements.

the seventeen year old shrugged, his lips pursed together. sometimes, the smallest, most unrealistic scenarios bothered the hell out of him, "i just don't understand."

michael stands up and takes his bag with him, swinging it around to his shoulders. he shuffled through all the desk to make his way towards the front of the classroom, not fully expecting for the older man to say anything else about the story.

luke squints his eyes and follows michael's path through the desk. his arms fold over his chest and he can honestly say he doesn't know what there is to not understand.

"then let me try to help you understand," luke urges.

michael's mind was very complex. he has always known that, and luke was just beginning to find that out.

"all the parties, all the secrets. she killed myrtle, yet gatsby took all the blame. why put yourself through all of that?" michael was dissatisfied with the way the book ended. he was also taken a little off guard since he predicted a much different ending.

"it was for love," luke explained, "he wanted daisy back to badly he was willing to do anything for her."

"i know, i know," michael ran his fingers through his hair, pushing a few stray pieces out of his face, "i think it was all unnecessary."

"everyone has their own opinion on it," the blonde shared, taking a few more steps closer to michael as he spoke.

luke wasn't too much taller than michael, but yet michael still felt unbelievably small under his teachers stare while the blue eyes always drew him in. luke seemed so confident, so poised. it was beginning to become very alluring to the seventeen year old. michael not only enjoyed talking about certain topics that would usually not interest other people like the duo were doing right now, but he also was keen of just being able to be near luke and alone with him.

"what's your opinion on it?"

luke scrunched his nose while he thought, and michael adored it. it may have made him feel a bit sick to think about his teacher in a different way other than just his teacher, but becoming more close to luke and realizing how kind he is was making his thoughts run all over the place.

"i think if you love someone, then nothing is unnecessary."

and maybe michael didn't understand luke's point of view because he has never been in love before. in fact, he has never even took an interest in someone up until what he thinks might be right now with the person standing right in front of him.

michael lets out an over exaggerated groan as he begins to pace back and fourth, "there's something that still irks me."

"you're over thinking it," a silent chuckle rolls past luke's lips as he sees how frustrated the boy is over a story. the blonde may have liked how passionate he was about it.

"maybe i am," michael continues to pace back and fourth. he always despised how much things like this bothered him, "i understand that he loved her, but he put his own life at risk for a married woman."

michael rambled on a bit, but all luke could focus on was how attractive michael looked and gosh, he knew it was incredibly wrong and selfish of him to think like that, but with someone like michael, it was hard to put those feelings aside. talking about all this love was only making him want the younger boy even more.

luke's heart was racing and michael was still talking. he let the pacing boy turn to face him and without realizing what he was doing he dipped his head down so his own lips were pressed firmly against michael's.

michael gasped, taken back by surprise. he was quick to pull away, a little shaken up. he could see the fear of what he just did in luke's eyes. michael didn't know what to think about it, much less know what to say. so, for once, michael decided to take a risk when he was the one to reconnect their lips and now it was luke's turn to be taken back by surprise.

it was short and sweet, nothing more. it wasn't in any way lustful. it was perfect. it was something they were each searching for and for the first time ever, luke was glad he let his feelings get he best of him.

+ + +

i read the great gatsby last year so sorry if i got anything messed up

i'm trying super hard to continue to finish this. thank you to everyone who has been patient i promise i'll have this story finished soon xx

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