twenty six

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they didn't even make it into luke's flat before the duo began to share eager, hot kisses. luke has his hands under michael's shirt resting right above his hip bones. michael has his hands on the back of luke's head, pulling him closer in to deepen the kiss.

the heat between the two hasn't died down from their little encounter in the classroom from just minutes ago. michael needed something. only something that luke was able to give to him. he needed pleasure and luke could visibly tell as he sees a a bulge forming in michael's pants.

michael can feel luke smirk into the kiss, "shut up," he says, slightly embarrassed that he had no self control whatsoever. he has never had this kind of interaction with someone before. it didn't take much to make him hard.

"it's hot," luke encourages, which of course only makes michael's cheeks heat up vigorously.

luke digs around in his pocket for the key to his flat and fumbles around with it to try and unlock his door all while keeping his lips connected to michael's. once he finally did manage to open it, they stumbled through the door and luke kicks it shut with his foot just to press michael up against it.

michael takes the first step, surprising himself and luke when he pulls the older mans shirt off over his head. michael was in awe with what was happening. it didn't take long before michael's shirt was also removed.

"so beautiful," luke says, his breath hot against michael's ear as he nibbles on the skin right below it, "so fucking beautiful."

a small moan escapes past michael's lips as luke leaves a trail of kisses down michael's stomach. his breathing picks up rapidly as luke gets to his happy trail and leaves one last kiss right above the button on michael's pants. luke undoes the button slowly, taunting mike. he waits for any protest, but he doesn't receive any so he takes this as his chance to discard michael's pants leaving his in only his briefs.

luke uses the tip of his index finger to trace over the outline of michael's hard on. the dark haired boy is just watching his every movement. michael would never admit it, but he was a little bit nervous right now. luke was going to be seeing everything. every part of his body. he was feeling a tad bit vulnerable, but he trusted luke more than anyone and if anyone was going to see everything he's glad it's luke.

luke loops his fingers uber the waistband of michael's briefs. he closes his eyes and lets luke pull the briefs off his body and drop them off to the side where the rest of the clothing was.

michael opens his eyes once he feels luke's mouth around him. it's a much different sensation than he has ever felt before. waves of pleasure were taking over his body. he simply couldn't believe how amazing luke's mouth on him felt. it was an indescribable feeling.

michael threads his fingers through luke's blonde locks, tugging at a few pieces that he takes between his fingers. luke moves his mouth back and fourth quickly, trying to give michael as much pleasure as he could. luke looks up at the boy through his eyelashes. his head was tilted back against the door, sweat was aligning along his hairline on his forehead. his moans were becoming louder, letting luke know that he was close to his climax. luke took all of michael that he could in his mouth, occasionally gagging when his tip hit the back of his throat.

"oh my god, oh my god, oh my god," michael repeats, his voice shaky and weary, "please don't stop."

michael's stomach muscles clench. his whole body begins to shake and his face scrunches up. he releases into luke's mouth he has never felt such a rush before. his back slides against the door as he lets himself fall the ground. he is still breathing heavy, trying to come down from that high.

luke connects their lips, letting michael taste himself, "i thought you would enjoy that," luke smiles, using the back of his hands wipe over his mouth.

michael chuckles, "lets do it again sometime."

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idk how I feel about this it's kind of rushed and all but I hope you all enjoy

how is everyone feeling?

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