thirty eight

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luke has gone a week without talking to michael. he couldn't answer his calls, his text. he even took it as far as calling off sick from work. he was being a coward.

all this time, luke never thought his feelings for michael would change. he thought to sure, with all his heart, that he and michael would make it far. if anyone was right for luke, it was mike. the twenty-seven year old never thought one little conversation with calum and one kiss with ashton could change all that. it was driving him mad.

of course, he still loved michael. he loved him more than life itself. which is why he was completely and utterly confused on why he was feeling this way. he didn't understand why his feelings had to mess with his mind so much.

he didn't think he had any kind of crush on ashton. how could he? he was manipulative and all he did was use luke to impress his parents. he was only attracted to his looks, while with michael he was attracted to everything about the younger boy.

a knock on his door nearly made him jump out of his skin. he had no idea who it could possibly be since he wasn't expecting anyone to come over.

he lifted his body off his couch that he seemed to have gotten a bit too comfortable on since it's where he has been all week. he drags his feet over to the door and swings it open.

"you can't keep showing up here, ashton," luke says sternly, a nauseous feeling rising in his stomach as the slightly older boy stands right in front of him.

"oh please, you love seeing me," he responds cheekily, leaning his shoulder against the door frame.

luke rolls his eyes, scoffing, "i'm serious, you have no right to just show up here whenever you feel like," he tells him, "what are you doing here anyways?"

ashton has a signature smirk on his lips. he knows he is driving luke crazy and he loves it. ashton knew exactly what he was doing to the blonde, "i just wanted to thank you for the other night."

"you already thanked me for making your parents happy," luke reminds, folding his arms over his chest.

ashton let out a cackle, "i know i already thanked you for that, but i was thanking you for something else," luke's eyebrows furrow together, signaling for ashton to share more information, "you know, for what happened after we left the restaurant."

luke could feel his body grow tense and stiff, "i told you i didn't want that to ever be brought up."

"come on, luke. we both know you liked it," ashton grabs the hem of luke's shirt in attempt to pull his closer, but luke resist.

"you have to stop," luke commands, becoming tired of all of ashton's snarky comments.

"stop what, exactly? you didn't seem like you wanted me to stop when you were screaming my name."

luke could feel his blood boil. his feet feel frozen to the ground. he didn't even know what to think right now, other than how disgusted he felt with himself. he wanted to blame ashton for this, but there was no one to blame but himself for his actions. he could have put a stop to it, but he was to weak and kissing ashton was a complete different feeling then kissing michael. it was more heated and hot.

"my car is right outside, care to go for a round two?" ashton continues.

"this isn't funny, i have a boyfriend who is going to hate me after i tell him what i did," luke hissed between gritted teeth, wishing ashton was taking this more seriously instead of messing around with the twenty-seven year old.

"why do you have to tell him?" ashton leaned forward a few inches, closing the gap between them more, "if you can have one secret boyfriend, then why can't you have another?"

luke huffed, turning his shoulder and walking back into his flat, "you're insane if you think the two of us could ever be something."

ashton followed behind luke. although he acted like this, he truly did like luke. he has taking a liking to him every since they first met. he knew that the blonde felt someway towards him as well, or he would have told him to leave by now.

"am i really?" ashton raises his eyebrow, "you're saying that you haven't thought about what it would be like if we were together? you haven't been thinking about the other night and how much you want me again?"

it was like ashton could read luke's mind and he absolutely hated it. he wasn't going to admit to anything, "i have someone i love. i don't need to think about that."

ashton wasn't going to give up until luke cracked. he was going to keep pushing his limits, eventually going to get him to admit or even act upon that he felt some sort of way for the curly haired boy.

ashton took a few steps in luke's direction who was on the opposite side of the couch. he stared into the baby blue irises for a moment, taking in the beautiful color. he took his finger and traced it along luke's defined jawline that was covered with a few days old scruff. his hand trailed its way down luke's back and slyly went under his shirt.

"so, you don't think about me touching you?" he ran the tip of his finger up luke's spine in a slow, teasing way, "or kissing you," he placed a kiss on the skin right below his ear.

chills coated luke's skin. he gulped, using all of his willpower to push ashton way because even though he hated to even think this, it was terribly hard to actually push him away, "i think you should go."

"fair enough," ashton threw his hands up before he began walking back towards the door, "i know you have your boyfriend and all right now, but if you would ever consider giving us a try, i don't think you would regret it."

with that, ashton left and luke was alone once again. all he wanted to do was make up his mind, but no one was making it easy for him.

+ + +

i know everyone hates me right now

do you think ashton and luke should be together?

what do you all think will happen to muke?

ily xx

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