thirty six

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luke had a lot on his mind. it was more than he could handle. between having a secret relationship and ashton coming along telling luke he knew everything, he felt as if he was going to explode any second now.

the worst part was, he had no one to talk to about it. sure, he could talk to michael because it was michael. he could tell that boy anything, but he needed someone else who wasn't michael.

making a quick decision, he picks up his jacket off the table and rushes outside into his car. he quickly drives off, going to one of the only places he knew he would be welcomed and able to talk to someone. he had to tell calum everything. it was time that he had someone to talk to about this all on days like this where he felt trapped in his own mind.

he pulls up to calum's flat. he exits his car and makes his way to calum's room number faster than he ever has before. his head felt like it was spinning by the time he arrived. he didn't bother knocking on the door as he entered. it was a mess, like usual, but luke wasn't here to complain about it this time.

"cal?" luke calls out, looking around for his friend.

"I'm in the kitchen!"

luke makes his way into the kitchen. calum sat there in a pair of basketball shorts and a bowl of cereal in front of him.

calum looks in the direction of his friend, his eyebrows instantly scrunching together, "dude, you look awful."

luke rolls his eyes. he pulls out a chair, taking a seat next to the tanned boy. he didn't want to beat around the bush. he wanted to get it all out in the open. he wanted to scream it to the world, honestly, but calum would have to do for now.

the blondes leg was bouncing rapidly, his hands were damp and his lip was most likely bruised from the way he has been gnawing on it. he felt as if he were in the middle of a crime scene.

"i'm dating a student," he spat out quickly, his eyes closed tightly not at all wanting to see any reaction that was spread on his friends face. although, it did feel like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders by finally telling someone.

"you're,—" calum paused, trying to wrap his mind around what he just heard, "you're dating a student? like, one of your students? that you teach?"

luke just nods, no words able to come out. he doesn't know how calum is going to react. he it quite nervous to find out, "i so badly wanted to tell you sooner, but you don't know how hard it was for me."

"how long has it been going on?"

luke hesitates a moment before answering, "nearly a year now," he took a deep breath and continued talking as calum looked a bit stunned, "i don't know how it happened. we started to talk more and one thing led to another. i really like him. i know this is going to sound crazy, but i actually love him."

calum didn't have much to say. he was taking in all this news at once. all this time he was trying to set someone up with the blonde, he had someone all along.

"i did not expect any of this," calum runs his fingers through his hair, leaning back in his chair.

"actually, ashton stopped by my flat the other day. he knows about michael and i. he had me agree to be his fake boyfriend so i could impress his parents or he would go to the police. what a dick," luke groans.

"ashton? as in alex's roommate ashton?" calum's lifts one of his thick eyebrows, even more confused and taken back.

"that's the one," luke says, "for future reference, please don't tell people where i live."

calum rolled his eyes, not in the mood to joke around right now, "luke, im happy that you found someone you like, really. but have you thought about the future at all?"

the blonde shrugged, "i guess i think about it sometimes."

"i'm just saying, pretty soon you'll be ready to have a family and what about this student you're dating? he will still be young and wanting to live his life, not settle down with kids."

"i haven't really thought about that," luke admits, looking down at his fingers, "i guess i've been so caught up in the love i have for him i never considered all of that."

"have you talked about where he plans on going to college? is he going to be far away? i mean you have to think about all of that too," calum doesn't mean to be a downer, he is just trying to put some sense into his friend.

"no, we haven't talked about any of that," luke admits.

calum sighs, placing his hand on the blondes knee, "i know you say that you love this kid, luke, but you have to consider your future as well and what's best for you."

and luke has never been more torn on what to do in his entire life.

+ + +

there aren't many chapters left, I'm going to miss writing this :-(

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