Chapter 1: The Day That Started All Of It

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Karkat Vantas wasn't the best student in the class. Heck in his standards he was doing well trying to pay attention. He was sitting at the back of the class as usual. John was sitting next to him on the right. Like always John was attempting to draw a weird green blob from one of his strange movies. Karkat rolled his eyes at him. As usual the rest of the class wasn't paying attention to the monotone droning of the teacher's voice. 

The group of kids Karkat was most interested in was the one nearest to the door. Every so often he would shift his gaze from the window to her. Terezi Pyrope. The blind girl with ruby red glasses. She was this time arguing quietly with Vriska. Karkat unconsciously ran his pale hand through his midnight hair. He never bothered to brush it but for some strange reason he didn't want her to see his messy bed hair. Karkat quickly checked the teacher wasn't looking and ran his hand through his hair a couple more times. He growled quietly as his untamed hair always stuck up. His reflection in the window looked worse then before. He sighed finally giving up. What was the point? Karkat leaned against his hand. 

His gaze once again landed on Terezi. Her candy striped cane was propped up against her desk.  Karkat wondered what she was doing. She was, from what he could see, writing something with her red crayon. It was a miracle the teacher hadn't noticed. Pyrope was sitting right in the front row. Behind her was the cat obsessed girl named Nepeta. As usual she was wearing her oversized green coat and strange blue hat. In white chalk she had drawn a smiling cat face onto the perfectly good hat. What is with her and cats he thought. 

According to some rumours he had heard Nepeta had a crush on him. He dismissed this immediately. Of course now it was awkward passing by each other in the corridor. Equius, who was one of her best friends, couldn't stop glaring at him. At one point he had threaten him to not break poor Nepeta's heart. Being the smart person in this situation he agreed. It was more like agreed not to get his face pummelled.

"Karkat do you have a thing for Terezi?" whispered John knocking Karkat out of his daydreaming.

"What?! What the hell are you talking about?" He replied turning his head quickly to John. 

"You're staring at her again. Plus you didn't answer my question."

"Err what was your question?" His cheeks flushed trying to change the subject.

John suppressed a giggle at the look on his friend's face. "I said do you wanna hang out with me and Dave on Saturday?"

"No I don't wanna hangout with you and that loser" 

"What he's not a loser! He's cool. Why do hate him so much?" questioned John.

"Oh my god. John! Mind your own business."

"OK jeez I was just asking"

Just as Karkat was about to reply the bell rang. In a flash the whole class got up and packed up their stuff. 

"I gotta go meet Dave. See you in Art and good luck with the ladies" said John picking up his blue backpack and rushing with everyone else out the class. 

Karkat just rolled his eyes and muttered insults at his friend. The teacher had already left to the staff room so it was just him or so he thought.

"Hey you're Karkat aren't you?" spoke a voice he had never heard before.

"Yeah I'm Kar-oh!" He said surprise looking up from his bag. 

"Can you help me to my locker? Vriska stole my guide cane again. Usually I would ask Nepeta but she left with Equius. "

"Errrr...." Was all Karkat could say before dropping his pencil case. The loud clatter rung around the empty classroom making Terezi jump in surprise. 

"Did you just drop your pencil case?"

"Um...yeah sorry I'll just err..." He quickly bent down to pick all the pens up. Terezi sniffed and gasped.

"You have red pens?!" 

"Yeah I got them at the stationary shop near the Wait I thought you were blind?!" 

"I'm partially blind. It's funny how people forget that detail." She lied. Terezi didn't want to tell him she could smell the colours. That would just make her sound like a mad woman. She tugged at her dark teal shirt. Karkat on the other hand couldn't stop yelling at himself for being so stupid. Of course! He thought. That's why she can see. Don't be such an idiot. His heart raced as he looked up at her again. His hands grazed over a pen he was trying to gather. He couldn't help staring.

"So are you busy or what? Do you need help or something?" She asked waiting in front of him. 

Flinching for a second he quickly gathered up the pens and shoved them in his bag. 

"Yeah I'm fine. Let's go to your locker. Where is it exactly?" He mentally slapped himself. He chuckled awkwardly."I mean what number"

"413" she replied and held out her hand. 

"Oh..." His heart raced faster. She actually wanted him to hold her hand. Wait of course she does you idiot she's blind. Wait partially blind or whatever she said. Tossing his bag onto his back he quickly grabbed her hand and looked away from her eyes. He held his breathe as they walked towards the door. 

Terezi noticed he was tense but didn't say anything. It's kinda funny how he acts she thought. He's almost as clumsy as Tavros. Karkat was starting to get slightly light headed. She's holding my hand. I'm holding her hand. He looked back at her as they passed the desks. Now that he was closer he could see her face clearer than before. She had a light tan covering her rosy cheeks. Her red shades covered most of her face. Terezi's hair was surprisingly neat for someone who could barely see. It was short and spiky and stuck out in the strangest angles. Yet there was just something Karkat loved about it. Maybe it was because she didn't care about what other people thought about the way she looked. Whatever it was it had gotten his heart racing.

The trip to Terezi's locker was relatively short. Karkat couldn't stand all the looks people gave him. Symphonies of whispers followed them. He looked back at the girl he was holding hands with. Somehow she ignored it. He couldn't read any emotions off her face. This only made Karkat more nervous. How can she be so calm he thought. The amount of relief he felt once reaching her locker was overwhelming. 

He drew a sigh of relief. "Here we are. At your locker"

"Thank you." Terezi said placing her hands over the front of it looking for the lock. She eventually found it and rotated it till the right code was in. Meanwhile Karkat was just standing around awkwardly. Should I leave? He thought.

"So I'm gonna go to the canteen. Um...bye" he spoke nervously. Without waiting for a reply we ran off towards the canteen. Oh god what was I thinking. Real smooth Karkat real smooth.

Terezi chuckled to herself. This guy was so awkward. She knew he never acted that way. Usually you could hear him yelling, from across the classroom, with his small group of friends. The dusty grey locker opened with a small click. It was inaudible unless you really listened. She felt around for the familiar candy red cane. Terezi always kept a spare in case Vriska was feeling incredibly nasty by stealing her favourite one. This one was pure red from top to bottom but was plain and simple. Unlike her stolen one which had a dragon head on the top. Her hand grazed a tangling length of rope. Another one of her props for role play. Another click alerted her to someone next to her.

"Sup Tez"

Coincidences (AU Karkat X Terezi)Where stories live. Discover now