Chapter 4: The Unexpected

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Karkat faintly smiled looking at the virtual world around him. In the flashing sky were the familiar neurons. LOTAF was where he could find his other friend. All he knew about her was that she was a girl. In the distance was a looming pink and purple tree. He had visited many times playing with GC on her planet. 

Recently they had tried to defeat his own denizen which had failed spectacularly. Rumour had it that after ascending to God tier the denizen would rise again. Karkat wasn't really listening when GC had told him this but it was something about some crazy English dude and how you needed advice or something. He didn't care.  

If he knew GC by now she would be waiting in her hive. He started walking towards the treehouse. It was a bit eerie walking past empty Roman court houses. His pace quickened. He blushed thinking of GC. She looked similar yet so different from his real life crush. 

The privacy policy was extremely strict on Sburb. You weren't allowed to say anything about where you lived, the name you have in real life or what school you go to. Unless you were given their password to unlock that privilege. So many passwords for this and that. Karkat was beginning to wonder if the baking company wanted it this way. So secretive and for what?

After many many stairs he reached the top of her treehouse. His virtual feet were actually starting to feel tired. Maybe it was his imagination but you would think too if you had to climb so many stairs. His grey fist knocked on the pastel blue door. Surprisingly it wasn't as windy as normal. Though it didn't make all the hanged scalemates any less sinister. The door opened and out peeped the familiar candy corn horns. After realising who it was GC quickly opened the door and hugged CG. A small blush rose on Karkat's cheeks. 

"H-hey GC" 

"My my CG is that a blush I can smell? Hee hee your so cute when you blush" she pulled away 'looking at his face.

 She made no attempt to leave a space between them. Terezi loved playing Sburb with this guy. Even if it was over the Internet it felt like she knew him for real. Plus she could be open about the fact that she could smell colours. Anytime CG asked she would make an excuse about the game letting her. I mean come on it's the future she always said. Everytime she played with him she felt the two of them becoming closer. If only they could meet in real life then they could talk more freely in Sburb.

She could tell CG was speechless. This made her giggle even more. "Aww what's the matter CG cat got your tongue?" She grinned quoting one of her other friends. 

At this point all Karkat could do was stutter. Oh gog why did I have to fall in love with two girls?

"Er I-I-um hi er hi" In his mind he was completely flustered and angry at he self for responding like that. GC smiled even more at his response. 

Deciding she had tortured her poor 'friend' enough she stepped back a bit to giving him space. Karkat breathed a sigh in relief. Not leaving him anymore time to calm down GC grabbed Karkat's hand and pulled him inside. All he could do was follow her while his mind went blank. She's holding my hand. She's holding my hand. He looked up. She was once again she was smiling that gorgeous smile on her face. Only she could make him feel what he felt. GC plopped down on her candy red sofa which was placed in the middle of the living room. He was greeted with the colourful dragon scales decorating the room. All over the floor were more of those scalemates. He had no idea where they all came from. If she was spending boondollars on this gog awful piece of cow festering horse manure then she was indeed nuts. Then again her crazy personality was what made her cute in the first place.

Midst the chaos Karkat had failed to notice a bright lemon yellow scalemate with it's tail poking out from under the sofa. He landed with a grunt onto the sofa. Onto GC. Thankfully this was the virtual world so it didn't actually hurt. What mattered was that Karkat was lying on top of his 'friend'.

"Ack! Oh um s-sorry I tripped and" he said turning once again all red. He was silenced when GC placed her finger on his lips. Karkat's voice caught in his throat. His and her face were so close together. He had never noticed before but her red eyes were really pretty. He would get lost in them for days if she would let him. Her fair skin was graced with a teal blush. He had also knocked her red tinted glasses onto the floor. It clattered across the multi coloured carpet. His hands lifted himself up. They were still close. He still felt her body under him. "Um..." Was all he could say. His mind really was in a love sick daze. Karkat gulped and tried confidently saying "D-did I mention teal is a really really pretty colour?"

For once Terezi felt shy. Her face flared up with even more teal. She smiled nervously turning her head towards where his eyes were. She had never felt so in love. Terezi had been crushing on her online friend for so long. Now it was finally happening. A stray hand crept up to his face and stroked his right cheek. He was warm. Under her hand he stiffen but relaxed eventually. He smelt so intoxicating. Her hand slowly wrapped around his neck. His eyes widen slightly realising what was going on. Terezi tried 'looking' for his permission. He made no motion to object. Slowly she pulled his face down to hers. 

Their lips met in the middle. At first Karkat was a bit shocked. Being the loner at school ment he didn't have a lot of practice in stuff like this. However Terezi knew exactly what to do. Closing her eyes she kept it slow and simple. Small pecks of encouragement. Karkat soon caught on. Their lips matched each other perfectly. Nothing too heated but heated enough for a first kiss. It was sweet. Karkat's lips tasted like the delicious cherry red she had imagined and Terezi's were the softest lips he had ever felt. They didn't know how much time had past but one thing was for certain. They were too lost in each other to care. She deepening the kiss by wrapping both arms around his neck. Karkat feeling like he was in cloud nine decided to try something new and brave. Gently he swept his tongue over her lips. Asking permission to deepen it further. By now he had forgotten his real life crush in school. She obligated and parted her lips. Before they could deepen it however he felt himself slipping away until suddenly...he logged out.

He woke up in his dark room distorted.

"WHAT THE HELL!!" He growled in frustration. His head set had broke. Checking further he realised the power was out. He slammed his fist into his bed. There was no light anywhere in his house. Similar shouts of annoyance echoed in his house and across the streets. Karkat felt so angry. He face palmed. Of all the times the power had to go out...

A/N: Welp Happy Valentine's Day. Thought I tease you guys with a little Karezi. Maybe some Davezi in later chapters. I'm thinking of letting you guys decide whether it's going to be karezi or davezi perhaps both > ; D. Also FYI I haven't kissed anyone so I hope the kiss part was alright. That was my first time writing about a kiss. Boi ;D

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