Chapter 14: The Trip

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Karkat was practically skipping down the halls. Almost. He was finally dating his crush except in a video game. Now I just have to tell her in real life. She has got to believe me. I'll drop some hints. Wait! This is going to be so hard with Vriska around. The mention of Vriska dropped his mood. There was no way in hell that she would let him date Terezi. She had already tried to stop it from happening once. His smile turned into a thin line. 

"Hey Karkat wait!" Yelled a voice from behind him. He turned around and realised it was John. He seemed out of breathe. His chest rising up and down rapidly. His blue hoodie seemed to fly behind him. "Karkat I've been yelling at you for the last 4 minutes!" 

What? "Oh I'm sorry that your puny wimpy grandma legs couldn't catch up!" John had to narrowly dodge other students to get to where Karkat was. It was unusually crowded.

"Karkat are you feeling alright?" John asked concerned. He closed the distance between them and reached for Karkat's forehead but was quickly slapped away. 

"I'm fine I don't know what your talking about"

"Ow! Sorry but it's just your insults are usually more creative and to do with Sburb. It's just not normal for you to say stuff like that." John replied rubbing his hand. They both had moved to the side of the corridor realising they were causing most of the student body to be trapped outside of the school. 

"Well I'm fine it's not like anything happened at all to do with Sburb" He instinctively crossed his arms. 

"Calm down Karkat jeez!" He held his hands up in defence. John had no idea what had made him so angry or defensive but it was clear something had happened to him

"What do you want Egbert?" Karkat glared at him. I can't believe he told Vriska. He may have been tricked but seriously this is Vriska we are talking about. If he hadn't I might not be in this mess.

"Well Karkat I was wondering if you wanted to help us in Sburb. We're still all stuck and you didn't turn up and the other people we asked didn't either. It's like everyone is super busy or something. I almost died trying to get out" he sighed.

"Ugh I'll think about it but I have my own life to deal with you know!" 

John cocked his head to the side. "Wow Karkat you really are more cranky than usual. You can talk to me about it if you want"

His mind switched back to kissing Terezi. He didn't want anyone to know in real life not yet. He had a carefully planned surprise for her. First an actual love note and not something fake that Vriska wrote. He didn't want anyone trying to get information out of him. 

"I am not crank-" He yelped suddenly feeling a slap on his back.

"Yo lil Kankles! How ya doing?!" A loud voice said belonging to only one person. He turned around with John peering over his shoulder curiously. Karkat mentally wanted to face palm. Why is everyone suddenly talking to me?! Why?! I just want to get my first hint ready for oh shoot!

"Hey why the shocked face?" Latula asked. Her red leather glove still on his shoulder. She was wearing her usual skater outfit. In her other arm was her red and teal skate board.  It momentarily blinded him as the sun's bright rays bounced off it. Around him he could hear people whispering as to why one of the more popular cool kids was talking to him. Then also about what had happened on Friday. He rolled his eyes. Stupid rumours.

"Wait?! Karkat your friends with Latula?" John spoke with amazement. He had never expected Karkat of all people to mingle with Latula.  

"Oh hey! It's a lil blue man! Hi-five!" John nervously hi-fived her back. She seemed to radiate enthusiasm and it kind of freaked him out slightly. It didn't help as she seemed to almost tower over him. "Hey where'd lil Kankles go?" 

Where is it?! Where is it?! His brain chanted rapidly. He legged it down the hallway realising momentarily both teens were distracted. Finally their attention wasn't focused on him. It was more of weaved through the student body. He was trying to find that gift in his locker. The glass scalemate. He had left it somewhere in his locker. Books and paper decorated the floor around him.

"Hi Karkat" said another voice behind him. For the love of all things dear I swear to the great invisible gods out there that the next person who disturbs me is going to get a hit to the head so,far that they will land in the furthest ring in the furthest ring. He turned around making sure the deadly glare was aimed at the person talking to him once more.

"WHAT IN THE-Oh err hi?!" His glare fizzled out realising who spoke. Why am I so dumb?!

She winced in response to his loud voice. Noticing this he continued "Sorry I was in a bad mood um can I help you?" Oh gog why is she talking to me? Is it because she has figured it out that I'm CG? That would save me a lot of trouble.

Terezi tapped her infamous dragon cane on the ground a few times as if nervous. Even though she was blind her head shifted slightly to his right as if embrassed. It was like she wasn't willing to meet his now soft gaze.

"I just wanted to say thanks for saving me on Friday and let's forget what happened in the med bay" Her cheeks burned like a thousand suns.

Terezi  had no idea what had caused her to do what she did. Looking back on it she couldn't help but cringe? Cringe didn't seem like the right word to use nor did embrassed. She had felt embrassed but at the same time it's like she shouldn't have been. The familiar warmth was hard to shake off. It reminded her of CG when he tripped and...

"Your welcome" he replied scratching the back of his neck. "It was nothing"

"It wasn't nothing. I feel like I owe you my life or something." She playfully pushed him and smiled "How about this as payment? You get to spend the bus trip with me" 

As if the Gods listened to his pleading his day just got a whole lot better. However there was one question on his mind.

"What? What bus trip?!"

Ok so this was suppose to be updated last night but as soon as I had finished writing and double checking it the internet went out. Sorry for the late update. I had trouble writing this chapter.

Coincidences (AU Karkat X Terezi)Where stories live. Discover now