Chapter 8: The Fall

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A/N: Thank you for all the support! I didn't expect this story to reach 200 reads nor did I think people would like my style of writing. Special thanks to crustaceancalibrator for encouraging me to continue writing. Now on with the chapter! ; D

At this rate Karkat felt like he was going to freeze his bulge off. It was almost five and the sun was getting lower in the sky. The stone of the fountain felt like it was draining his body heat so he opted for pacing around the fountain. A couple of teachers, probably going home, gave him strange looks but carried on their way to home. His phone had buzzed a couple of times while he was waiting but he ignored. After about what seemed like a million notifications Karkat angrily shoved his hand into his pocket and grabbed his phone. 

You have 27 missed calls

You have 15 new messages

"What the actual-oh flip!" He finally realised who it was. "Oh gog! Why me?!" He exclaimed. All were from the same person. The same person he made a point to runaway from in the school halls. Everytime Karkat saw him in the corridors he would just book it in the other direction. His annoying older brother. Kankri Vantas. He was tempted to throw his phone into the fountain just to shut it up. He decided to put it on silent instead. Not only would he get lectured on putting his phone on silent but his dad wouldn't be happy if he found out he had tossed it into the fountain. He heavily sighed. 

"Screw it!" He said marching back up the stairs to school. 

He admitted the school was a lot creepier now that everyone was home. The lights were on in some of the classrooms where the teacher would be working. Serves them right for handing out so much homework he thought. It was chilly and sometimes Karkat wished he had his brother's red sweater or a sweater of his own. Kankri was lucky that he had Porrim 'looking after' him. Not that he liked to admit it but Karkat was slightly jealous he had someone caring about him. Even if it was the smothering kind. Reaching the white double doors he pushed one gently open. He was frustrated but right now he didn't need the school nurse after him for 'disturbing' a patient. 

The ward was clean like always. The thing that drived him mad was that everything was white. White walls. White floors. The curtains were freaking white. You won't believe this but blankets are white too. Each bed had a curtain beside it. Again white. He guessed some people didn't want to see the 'gruesome' injures you'd get by playing football. Honestly Karkat just thought it was for decoration. The large arch like windows opposite from the doors were covered in white silky curtains. 

"Hey Latula when do you think moms getting here?" A quiet voice asked. It was just above a whisper but Karkat knew that voice from anywhere. Terezi. She's alive!

"I dunno sis she might be awhile" Latula's voice replied. Karkat slowly approached the bed furthest from the door. He purposely made his footsteps heard. He didn't want to freak Terezi out. He peeked his head around the curtain.

"Um...hey" he said nervously. Terezi was lying in bed with her red pointed glasses on a face he could never forget. Latula had taken hers off but had shoved them back on in a flash. She was sitting by Terezi, skateboard on her lap and Terezi's dragon cane in her right hand. Terezi sniffed the air and broke into a bigger smile.

"Yo Karkles wassup?! Whatcha doin here so late?" Latula exclaimed loudly. 

All he could do was stared at Terezi. Latula got up and waved a hand in front of him.

"Watch it-"

"Bro stop yelling we can here you fine" Latula said placing her gloved finger over his mouth to make him silent. "Rad! Now aren't you Kankri's lil bro?" She continued to question while Terezi just tilted her head in amusement. She could smell Karkat's embrassment. 

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