Chapter 19: The End Part 1

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Karkat tapped his foot nervously. It was the same maths class with the same people. It seemed so long ago and yet nothing seemed to change. John was doodling green blobs and the teacher continued with the monotone speech. Terezi seemed to be whispering with Vriska who had come back to school. According to Latula, who was told by Aranea, Vriska had caught some sort of cold. To him she seemed fine. Back to her usual terrorising self. He felt bad for Terezi.

His mind shifted back to Sburb. He never knew such a perfect person could be so troubled. It hurt him inside to know he couldn't help her in the real world. Soon he could tell her just a few more days. A note landed next to his desk thankfully without the teacher noticing. He turned his head in the direction it came from and saw John smirking at him. Unfolding it wearily it read:

Hey Karkat you're staring at her AGAIN. ; P You really like her don't you?

"Shut up" he mumbled his face tinged with red. John chuckled.

"Karkat it's fine to like someone and don't worry I'm not going to steal her away or anything."

"You wouldn't say that unless you've already thought about it!" He said accusingly.

"Calm down Karkat jeez!" John moved his hands up in defence. "Besides you don't have to worry about me. In fact I think it's just you in the competition right now"

Karkat narrowed his eyebrows and said "What the heck do you mean by that?!"

"Well" John said his tone sounding a bit sad. "Dave is moving away for a brief amount of time. He told me it was because of his Bro and I'm pretty sure he had a crush on Terezi too"

"Oh?" Karkat didn't know whether to be happy or not. It was great that he was moving away but that meant he didn't really have a rival. It seemed sudden but it explained why Dave was trying to talk to Terezi so much. Think positive Vantas! No Dave means no competition. He felt a bit guilty but at the same time he was trying to steal Terezi away. He looked at John while keeping his voice steady. 

"Hey John?"


"Tell him... I wish him good luck"

Terezi strolled down the corridor by herself. Ever since talking to CG about her feelings she knew she could never look at Vriska the same way ever again. The more they talked in class the more Terezi realised how she had been used. Used for Vriska's own enjoyment. She knew Vriska was a skilled manipulater but she never thought she would be a target too. 

Meeting CG in real life had made her more and more curious. She had started making a list of potential people in the school. It wasn't too hard sniffing out the people who weren't him. She'd just accidentally trip into them and blame it on her blindness. There was one guy she found herself hanging out more with. He reminds me so much of him.

"Hey lil sis whatcha doing walking by yourself?" an arm suddenly wrapped around her shoulder. She smiled realising Latula was trying to scare her.

"I just need some alone time by myself" 

"Oh? You know you can talk to me about things that are bothering you"

"Yeah I know" she said removing Latula's arm from around her. 

"Sooooo you free Friday after school?"

"Why?" Terezi asked slightly suspicious.

"There's lets just say a radical surprise"

Interesting. How is this all connected?

"Wait you asked her?" Karkat asked. 

The whole band had gathered in the basement. Porrim had went out and bought some fancy looking fairy lights which she was now decorating the walls with. Cronus was taking a nap on the couch which they had moved so that it was facing the band. Occasionally he would crack an eyelid to see what was going on and to double check the progress of the lights. He really didn't want to do anything. Mituna was absentmindedly playing a few keys on the keyboard while Latula animatedly told him how she had managed to get Terezi to listen to their next practice session which was in fact Karkat's performance. Latula waved her arms around excitedly.

"This is gonna be great! I can totally see you two on a date at the beach" She exclaimed loudly. "Of course if you break her heart then you better watch out because I swear if you hurt her-"

"Ok ok I get it!" Karkat said. He felt nervous. Friday was only a few days away and with all the practice in the world he didn't feel like he could do it. Porrim noticing how quiet he was went over and placed a hand on his shoulder. 

"Don't worry Karkat you'll be fine. Just pretend it's practice" All Karkat could do was nod.

"We can always practice again if you want? Kanaya is keeping her busy again so she isn't here to walk in on us" Latula said feeling slight sympathy for him. She remembered the first time trying to talk to Mituna and this situation reminded her of it. Just instead of him talking to her it was something a lot harder.

"Thanks guys" he smiled looking down at the floor. He had never really known what it was like to be cared about by friends and it gave him a warm fuzzy feeling. 

The days few by in a flash. The basement had underwent a transformation of sorts. Instead of a plain generic basement it was turned into a small nightclub decorated with fairy lights along the walls that gave off a twinkling glow of white light. Cronus had somehow acquired a disco ball which they hung on the ceiling. Obviously without the help of Seaweed Brain himself. Latula decided to keep the posters on the walls but had removed some of the rugs so that it looked a lot more neat. They couldn't repaint the walls so instead replaced the normal light bulb for a light pink one. They were all set up. Cronus and Mituna had set up their instruments at the back with the rest of the band in front. Karkat nervously fiddled with the shirt that almost gave it away. 

I've got to be brave for her! I can do this! 

For reasons he didn't understand she had spent more time with him over the past few days. Kanaya assured him she didn't know but it was nice spending time with her. He learnt so many things about her that GC wouldn't be able to tell him like how she used to play the piano and violin. She even invited him to role play with her and Nepeta. However she couldn't spend too much of lunch talking to him due to the fact that Vriska would come looking for her.

Porrim was now making sure all the microphones worked and were connected to the right speakers though Mituna couldn't help but help. Latula had ran back up stairs to check when Kanaya and Terezi would be back. The plan was Karkat to be at the front with Latula and Porrim behind him as the background singers. Much to the disappoint of Cronus, he and Mituna were placed right at the back. Karkat sighed standing the front of the microphone which meant directly facing the couch.

This is it Karkat you can't screw up. 

"They're here!" yelled Latula's voice. "Everyone get to your positions!" As she had said that she came sprinting down the stairs and running to her guitar which was placed next to a microphone stand. She gave Karkat a thumbs up as he rushed to the front door. He took a deep breathe and waited at the door. 

A/N: I can't count the amount of times I've had to rewrite this. Also DOUBLE UPDATE! The next chapter will be out in an hour. Sorry that this has come out late. 

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