Chapter 16: The Other Guy

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"So.." Karkat awkwardly said not looking at her. Both were blushing harshly. Light laughter surrounded them from their classmates. 

"So" she replied nervously laughing. A heavy silence hung in the air. 

"Let's forget this" they both chorused together as they turned to look at each other. Karkat flushed red and Terezi looked away again. It was like that classic scene he had seen so many times in his Romcoms. Gog why? Absentmindedly Terezi started twirling her hair around her finger. I guess she's as nervous as me. I've got to make it seem like I'm not bothered by this silence

"So Terezi what's your favourite colour?" he blurted out the first thing that came to his head.

"Um...well from what I remember when I wasn't partially"

"Oh...sorry" He felt the atmosphere drop slightly. How could I forget?!

"No it's fine" She smiled at him. "I've gotten used to it. I mean I am pretty good at acting normal. It's not just red though but that bright candy red. The type that smells like cherries." Terezi said dreamily. "What's your favourite colour?"

He couldn't help smile. She's being so cute. If only I could kiss you right here.

"Well my favourite colour is...probably teal"

"Teal?!" She said shocked. 

"Yeah I think it's a really pretty colour. It reminds me of someone I like" 

"Y-You like someone?"

"Heh don't act so shocked. I have feelings underneath" This is my moment "So Terezi-"

"Call me Tez"

"Right, Tez if there was someone you liked how would you tell them that you liked them?" 

"Well...I'm not too sure. For me I would just give them hints. I think the best way to tell them is to say it. Perhaps throw in a romantic proposal? Why? Who's this lucky girl?" She wiggled her eyebrows up and down.

He laughed awkwardly. Wow she really doesn't know. 

"Just someone I know. She's cute when she blushes. Everything she does is just cute. Her eyes look so distant but yet when she talks to me I know that's all she can think about. Whenever shes away I hope I'm on her mind like a catchy love song" Wow who knew I was this sappy. Romcoms why you do this?

"Wow you really love her huh? Almost makes me wish I were her. You're such a poet who knew?" She said smirking ruffling his tousled hair. It was softer than she expected but it was still as messy as a bird's nest. His blush smelt like a strawberry sundae on a hot summers day. Wow I'm a sap thought Terezi. 

She couldn't lie to herself though. This guy really was familiar and it didn't take her long to figure out she had developed a small crush on him. To her looks really didn't matter. Why would they? She's blind. It was like she already knew him like meeting your soulmate from another world and knowing instantly you're a match. Hanging out with him was more enjoyable then she had hoped. 

The whole way through the bus trip she couldn't help laughing and smiling. Laughing when he stuttered for a response after her playful teases and smiling when she learnt something new about him. It was like re-reading your favourite book all over again knowing all the best parts. At the back of her mind there was something nagging her. Something she needed to ask.

Unfortunately all good things must come to an end. Which is exactly what happened. After the bus stopped and everyone was quickly getting off Dave had come to steal Terezi away. Of course Karkat wouldn't have any of that. Though he was a little crushed after Terezi opted to go with Dave. Yet another thing to fight about with Strider.

Luckily for Karkat the same teacher who had called them out decided it would be interesting to put the three together. 'For Science!' was probably her excuse thought Karkat. Though secretly he had a theory that she for some reason shipped them together. Best teacher ever?

"Hey Tez do you wanna listen to some sick beats I made last night?" suggested Dave.

"Sure!" Terezi replied. Karkat glared at Dave as he gave Terezi his headphones. 

Currently they were all walking along in some sort of garden built a few centuries ago. The teachers had told them to spread out and answer a booklet that was given to them shortly after leaving the bus. Terezi had sensed a tense mood between the boys so walked in the middle. It was one of those cloudy days. Not too hot and not too cold. Yet the atmosphere between the two boys was electrifying. Karkat held onto Terezi's right hand as Dave did the other. It was wise of their classmates to avoid this silent feud between the boys. However if you looked carefully behind the rhododendron bushes you could see bets being made. Money being tossed on who would get the girl. Truly this would be the most entertaining fight in school history. Terezi carefully placed Dave's shiny new headphones onto her head and started listening unaware of the fighting happening behind her.

"What the hell man? What do you think you're doing?" Dave whispered behind Terezi's head. He received a glare from Karkat.

"What?! I can't hold her hand or something? Last time I checked she was single and not dating a lame coward who hides behind shades!"

"Lame? Really? This coming from the loner who has no friends. Last I checked she had a crush on me!"

"Yeah right! She has standards you know?"

"You're one to ta-"

"Hey Dave this music is really good" Terezi interrupted handing the headphones back. She sniffed the air and for some strange reason it smelt foul. Like an argument of sorts between an old married couple. "Guys are you ok?" she hesitantly asked. Did I do something?

"Yeah it's chill TZ" Dave said brushing it off. Silently the argument continued in the form of tripping each other up and glaring at each other. If looks could kill both these boys would be dead dead dead. 

The day was frustrating. Every time Karkat was alone with Terezi Dave would somehow manage to show up interrupting any kind of private chat between them. Granted Karkat would do the same. The peaceful garden had turned into a war-zone. A war-zone of Love. Even when they were all ushered onto the bus Dave had somehow managed to convince Terezi to hang out with him at the back of the bus. Far far away from him. Instead he was constantly pestered by Nepeta who Dave convinced to swap places with Terezi.

The nerve of that Strider making moves on Terezi. Sure it hurt him to admit that he had heard rumours that she liked Dave but maybe that would stop. Maybe if he loved her enough in Sburb she would stop crushing on Dave. Ugh I could have told her. I could have told her my username on the bus. Why didn't I? The questioned buzzed around his head along with jealous thoughts about Dave. He was determined to win her over. Perhaps he needed to pay a visit to someone for an favour. Pulling out his phone he sat on his bed as he nervously wondered what to say. 

A/N: I just realised I got so excited that I forgot the authors note *facepalm*

Right anyways I would like to say thank you for all the support it really does mean a lot. I feel so much happier nowadays because of you lovely people. Seriously if I could I would bake you all cakes. I honestly can't believe the amount of views! : D You guys are freaking awesome! I would also like to thank you guys for being patient and waiting for this chapter. 

Coincidences (AU Karkat X Terezi)Where stories live. Discover now