Chapter 11: The Group

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"Oh...yeah sorry I forgot" he said nervously laughing. Gog why me?!

"But you do smell nice" The libra said trying to make it less awkward.

"Ah yes! Me and Karkat also got some perfume" Kanaya interjected.

Karkat flashed a face that screamed what the actual hell are you doing?!

In which she replied with another facial expression to just go with it.

"Perfume?" Smirked Terezi. Secretly she could tell what they were doing. Kanaya nodded trying to convince Karkat to go with it.

"Y-yeah! We got it at the-"

"Yo why you guys standing in the middle of the corridor?" Latula walked casually from the living room. She had heard voices but didn't what they were doing. Naturally she was curious. 

"Karkat and Kan were just telling me about perfume"

"Perfume?" Questioned Latula as she looked at the two. Both nodding furiously. "I see" she narrowed her eyes before smirking. Once more the doorbell rang, scattering the thick layer of awkwardness. 

"So wvhat's this dwveeb doing here?" Cronus said pacing around Karkat. The band members had arrived. Porrim was standing next to the stairs of the basement as she watched Cronus. Karkat wasn't sure when but she had changed her outfit in the process of getting to the Libra's house. Honestly he wasn't sure what she was thinking. That dress's v-neck was far too low. Latula had explained to them that she had found their newest bass guitar player before dashing upstairs to check if Terezi was fine hanging out with Kanaya and Sollux. Mituna payed the two boys no attention as he carefully set up his keyboard in the corner and working on plugging in Tula's guitar.

"Who are you calling dweeb you as-"

"Woah chill dudes!" Latula said running down the stairs. "I leave for one rad second and yo! You start fighting" 

"They've been fighting ever since you left" Porrim casually remarked still leaning against the stairs. Porrim watched Mituna amused as he pretended to play a symphony but slamming his hands onto the keys. Lucky the keyboard wasn't plugged in yet.

The basement was like any basement. That is if all basements looked like another living room. Pushed against the wall opposite to the stairs was a three seated velvety sofa gathering dust. Older and less used rugs were spread across the floor. Occasionally the Pyropes would roll up one to replace the rug in the living room. Plug sockets were found all along the walls which made it easy for the band to set up. It was colourfully decorated with all sorts of posters across the walls. Some of the game Sburb and others of rock bands.

"Come on leth get the practith over with" Mituna said impatiently swinging his legs. He had already set up his electric keyboard and was ready to play.

"Yeah sure babe!"

"Ugh what am I suppose to do again?" asked Karkat. Already he couldn't stand a band member. Come on Karkat this is for Terezi! Just cause some rich douchebag hates you doesn't mean your not going to let this stop you. You made a promise to yourself and you will keep it! Wait I mean I will keep it!

"Karkat you can take up my old bass guitar. Don't worry it still works fine!" Latula said walking over and reaching behind the sofa. 

"Ahem!" Coughed Cronus loudly who still hadn't moved. "Helloooo? Am I invwisible here or wvhat?!" He demanded while fingering a cigarette in his hand.

"Cronus where are your drums?" Porrim asked as she marched up to him. 

"Oh are you thereuth dude?" Mituna repeated the word trying to get it out. Meanwhile Karkat face palmed looking at him. 

"Seriously after last time? Not cool dude. Not cool" Latula glared at him. 

"I thought you guys were professionals? Aren't you suppose to be this big deal to the school?" Karkat complained. 

"Guys it's chill I got my drums" explained Cronus putting his hands up as the rest of the band members had surrounded him. 

"Where might they be then?" Porrim asked crossing her arms. 

"Wvell I'm not carrying them dowvn here by myself" 

In the end they did manage to carry the drums down even though Cronus could have done it himself. Throughout the time he received dirty glares from all of them. Deciding to get on the good side of the small band Karkat also helped. He would have anyway. 

"So Karkat wvhat can you do?" Cronus asked from the sofa. While everyone else was doing the hard work he just lay down on the sofa doing nothing.

"Oh besides helping you set up hmm let me think!" 

"Hate to agree with the ash breath here but what can you do?" Mituna said twirling on his seat. Latula giggled quietly and went over to spin him around. 

"Well I used to learn the guitar so it can't be that hard." 

Cronus smirked at this but before he could say anything Porrim beat him to the chase. "Perhaps we perform something easier to ease you in?"

Karkat rolled his eyes. It can't be that hard. "No I can do this! Let's just practice or do whatever you guys normally do"

"If ya say so lil man" Latula said picking up her electric guitar. Porrim walked over to the microphone while Cronus had moved to the drum set. 

"So what song are we going to do today?" Asked Porrim turned around to look at everyone. 

"Can wve get somefin wvith a long drum solo?"

"No dude those are boring how about Na Na Na?"

"Latula you know I can't make my voice do that and I don't trust Cronus to sing!" 

"Hey wvhat's wvrong wvith my singing?"

"You probathbly change the lyricth half way!" Protested Mituna. Soon the band were all arguing with each other. Their voices started getting louder and louder. Karkat stood facing them with his mouth hanging open. This couldn't be the well known band around school. Everyone was always talking about how good they were but here he was in their base and all he could hear were arguments. He didn't know what to do. It was probably in his nature as something urged him to do what he was about to do.

His voice rung clear as glass above all of theirs. "WILL YOU ALL SHUT UP FOR A MOMENT AND LISTEN TO YOURSELFS. STOP FREAKING ARGUING! YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE ADULTS! AS THE NEW MEMBER OF THE BAND I WILL DECIDE A SONG SINCE YOU SEEM INCAPABLE!" He glared at all of them as they stared dumbfounded at him. "Now I know you all want an important part but sometimes you need to share that spotlight."

Porrim sighed. "Karkat is corrected. We need to stop doing this."

"Yeah I'm sorry Porrim I just didn't want to be pushed aside again. The last song I barely got to do anything radical!"

"I thood of um...what wath I thpose to thay" Mituna said scratching his head in confusion. 

"It's ok Mituna!" Latula said hugging him in his arms. Then all eyes turned on Cronus. 


"JEGUS freakin-you know what your not worth it lets just get on with the practice"

"So what song did you have in mind Karkat?" asked Porrim who towered above him.


A/N: Two updates in one day! Yay! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you to all the people who have voted! Voting helps the story get more views so I really appreciate it : D

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