Chapter 7: The Rescue

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"Seriously though don't bother with her it's not like sh-"

"SHUT UP!" yelled Karkat. His face was red with anger. Vriska taken back slightly stepped back as he took a step forward. Narrowing her eyes she continued to glare at Karkat. She didn't need this loser to know that she felt threaten. Not that she was scared. She was a Serket after all. Add to the fact that if he did do anything she could get her sister to give him a detention. She wasn't part of the school council for nothing. 

Karkat opened his mouth to shout more insults into her smug stupid face but a loud splash caught his attention. It was quite far away but he could hear yelling and more thrashing. He whipped his head in the direction. Vriska smirked as he looked away.

"Looks like that's my queue to leave. Ta ta!" She waved before running back through the school entrance. 

"Wait?! WHAT YOU ARRRGH" he turned back to look. He would have given chase but something in his gut told him to check the swimming pool out. It was just around the corner of the school building. On the left side.  As much as he wanted to bash Serket's face in he felt like he should. 

Gripping her dragon cane she swiped the water in front of her. Something or someone was in the water with her. It was like everything was in slow motion. Perhaps it was because her lungs at this point were filled with water. The bright light of the sun was blocked by a  silhouette. It's foot struck her in the chest as her cane met their's. Bubbles floated from her mouth. She was losing more air by the second. Everything felt heavy. Her limbs were sluggish and slow. Her chest in more pain then ever. Using the last ounce of energy she jabbed it's chest. This was enough to cause the person to clutch the jabbed chest in pain. Perhaps it was her imagination but she "saw" another shadow? Whilst it was distracted, she reached up trying to grab anything. Anything. Anything but water.

"HOLY MOTHER GRUB!" Shouted in shock. The swimming pool water was clouded with white and grey paint. What was more horrifying was that Gamzee was trying to drown someone. Without a second thought he ripped out a twig from the hedge. It was long but thick. The end was covered with bright lime like leaves. He couldn't care less though. Using the bushy end he brought it down upon Gamzee's head. Probably not the wisest idea but this is Karkat we are talking about. He doesn't act well in any stressful situations. Something else made the clown clutch his chest. Sensing he was outnumbered he started retreating.

"HoNk!" He yelped in pain. Doing another stupid thing Karkat dived into the pool. The cold water rushed around his body making him shiver. He struggled to open his eyes. A hand dug into the side of his arm. It took a lot of will power not to open his mouth and yell. Losing oxygen wasn't an option right now. The stupid jugglo had made a point to drown her in the deep end. Using his other arm he wrapped it around the person's waist. His legs started kicking as fast as he could. 

Karkat had never made a point to pay attention in swim class but at this moment he wish he did. However to his luck he broke the surface with a gasp. He was panting like a scared rabbit being chased by a larger wolf. The hand had slipped back into the water. Now that his mind was cleared he turned his head slowly to his right. He froze. Slumped over his shoulder was a mob of dark midnight hair. It wasn't anyone's dark mob of hair though. Terezi. It belonged to Terezi. Oh my glu-god! Oh my god. Terezi. What the... 

He realised they were sinking again. Karkat's thought track paused for a second. He started kicking again. He could swim to the edge and his shoes were really weighing him down. One part of his brain was like THANKS PAST ME YOU DERP! while the other half was like OH MY GOG I DON'T CARE THAT I JUST QUOTED A GAME HOLY MOTHER OF GOG. 

One clear thought ran through his head however.

"HELP HELP ANYONE!" He yelled as loud as he could. He hoped someone was nearby. Karkat felt his legs getting tired. I can't sink. I won't sink. "ANYONE HELP!" Somehow he had floated further from the edge. Terezi felt extremely heavy. Add to the fact that we're both fully clothed.

"Woah! Hey I'm coming!" A voice behind him shouted. The footsteps got louder. Karkat couldn't really turn to see who it was. 

"Whath thith? Bae wait for me!" Another yelled.

A splash behind him and a arm wrapped around his torso made him almost head butt the guy. He saw what looked with Sollux except he was wearing a skateboard helmet that covered most of his eyes. Then again his hair was doing a pretty good job already. 

"Is she alright? Is she breathing?" The person asked in a hurry. She sounded so worried. Karkat momentarily was surprised it was a girl.

After getting Terezi out from the pool her sister, who Karkat learned was called Latula, proceeded to panic. Mituna, who everyone learned to be a bit unpredicable, stood up to calm his girlfriend and told them he was getting the teacher. Karkat, while they were busy, had dried his school jumper, to the best of his ability,and covered Terezi in it. Latula torn her jumper and leather jacket off in a hurry after Mituna had left. Latula then piled her clothes onto of Karkat's. She clutched her sister's cold hand. Few words were exchanged. Karkat constantly checking if Mituna was back and Latula silently crying behind her red tinted glasses. 

The whole school had heard by the time school was over. Terezi was rushed to the med bay while Latula refused to leave her side. Karkat sat awkwardly in class. He had to change into his gym uniform. Somehow thanks to Vriska everyone was secretly whispering about it. Some rumours had said Latula had kissed her sister in an attempt of mouth to mouth. Some rumours were more extreme like Karkat trying to drown both sisters and Mituna running to the teachers. He felt the eyes of everyone bore into his back. English was really hard to concentrate in. First he had arrived late because he had to have a chat with Doctor Headmaster Scratch or Mr Vanilla Milkshake as the students called him in rumours. Then after that chat full of raised eyebrows he had to get changed into his gym uniform. Unfortunately for him he had turned a left instead of a right and walked straight into the girls changing room. To sum it up his afternoon sucked.

He wasn't allowed to stay behind to see if Terezi was alright. However Gamzee hadn't been seen since the pool incident. His head was filled with worry. What if she isn't waking up? No I should have said something to her. Maybe I should have just left her a love note at least. She'll never know I love her. Latula might not even approve. What if she blames me? Does she actually believe in all the rumours?

The school nurse refused to let him in. His small argument with her had costed him valuable time. The sky was slowly beginning to darken and he had missed his bus. Standing outside the fountain he decided there was no point in walking home. He would wait for as long as it would take to see Terezi ok again. Now he understood the experssion sick with worry. 

He sighed. "I love you"

A/N: Welp that was hard to write. Probably not my most favorite chapter due to the poor writing. I felt like I either rushed it or dragged it on too long. Anyways I feel like this story might end soon but I do have this other idea I could add to this. So the options are I could end this pretty soon in 2-3 more chapters or keep going with another idea. 

Don't forget to vote and comment on what you think! Till next time

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