Chapter 9: The Invitation

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Terezi breathed in the familiar scent. Where have I smelt it before? She wondered. Meanwhile Karkat was currently blushing hard at his situation. Why me? He watched confused as Terezi's face broke into a smirk.

"Karkat?" She said in a whisper. 

Karkat blushed harder if that was possible. His face resembled an embrassed tomato. "Um...yeah" he replied after a second. His brain was still processing how close their bodies were.

She took another deep breathe. " Can you come closer?" I hope I'm right.

What? What did she just I okay! Karkat's brain at this point turned to shambles. Apparently he was too slow because Terezi had wrapped her left arm around his neck. Karkat felt his body had just turned up a million degrees. What?! Oh my gog! Karkat was way too distracted by the blind girl's face. 

Terezi tilted her head to the right. He smelt so familiar. Almost as if...

"Yo Tez, Kankles can pick us up!" Latula loudly exclaimed slamming the door open. This caused Karkat to leap ten feet into the air, roll off the bed and cuss enough to make make Mituna scared. Terezi on the other hand flushed bright red realising how bold she had been. She sat back up while nervously laughing.

"Woah chill Karkat!" Latula said. "With language like that someone would have thought I'd walked in on a radically embrassing moment" she chuckled. Terezi nervously joined in while grabbing her school bag.

"Ha ha very funny" Karkat bitterly said still red in the face. Latula noticing something was wrong decided she would ask Terezi about it later.

They didn't have to wait long in the cold. Kankri's bright red car gently pulled to a stop in front of the school. Before another awkward word could be exchanged Kankri burst out of the car and practically tackled Karkat with a hug.

"WhathappenedareyouokIthoughtIhadtaughtyouenoughabout-" Kankri stuttered in a breathe.

"Kankles chill the lil man's fine" Latula said walking over and patting Kankri's back. Karkat would have retorted with something rude but his face was being suffocated by woolly material.

"You have no idea how worried I was!" Kankri continued taking a few relaxing breathes.

"Come on Tez backseat?"

"Yeah" she replied. It can't be him. Can it?

Karkat made an attempt to push Kankri away but that just resulted in the hug getting tighter.

After a lot of convincing on Karkat's part, that he wouldn't disappear like that again, Kankri started his car to drive them all back home. Needless to say it was rather awkward for the pair. Kankri and Latula didn't have much trouble conversing but with Karkat sitting in the front he couldn't see Terezi without making it obvious. Another moment to add to Karkat's ever growing awkward moments list. He had to keep reminding himself that this wasn't just a dream. Vriska, who was told by John, said that this was GC. This was his internet crush. The car ride took longer than expected. It was as if time specifically went slower just to see how much it could screw with him. His mind just kept wondering to what Vriska said. Do I trust her? She wasn't lying was she? It's too much of a coincidence. Sometimes he just wanted to ask Future Karkat what he thought but at the same time he would probably be a douche about it. It would be a miracle if Terezi was CG. Gog I sound like Gamzee. Speaking of Gam-

"Yo Karbro can ya hear me or wat?" Latula tapped him on the shoulder. Karkat flinched and turned to stare at the older Pyrope. Terezi was leaning on her older sister's shoulder asleep. Her chest rose slowly up and down. A content expression placed on her face. He blushed realising he was staring.

Coincidences (AU Karkat X Terezi)Where stories live. Discover now