Chapter 3

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As I was walking beside Anya to class, I asked her “ Who was Adam Banks in this school ? “. She said “ Adam….hmmmm… do I begin to describe Adam…. Oh yes, he’s the schools Bad Boy, every girl drools over him. He like to think of himself as the King. Anything he does makes the girl go * OHHHH. MY. GOD !!! IT’S ADAM !!! * “ Anya replied mimicking a the high voices of the girls in school. “ He may be good looking, but he’s a jerk “ Anya said. “ He thinks girls are like toys to him. When he gets bored with one, he just dumps them and moves on, does not care about their feelings at ALL !! “ Anya said.

“ Wow what a JERK “ I thought. 

When it came to lunch, I was happy. Finally and plus I was starving. As I made my way after getting the food, I was scanning around to see where I should sit. The I heard Anya yelling to come and sit with her . Once seated, I dug into my food like I have not eaten for days. “ Wow slow down Kat…you’ll get a tummy ache is you eat like that” Anya said. “ Well hello beautiful…enjoying your 1st day in school yet ? If not I can make it EXTRA special “ Adam said, while sitting beside me. I rolled my eyes, and turned to face him, “ Ummmm….no thanks, I’ll pass, I don’t want to throw up later on “ I replied him and got up.

The other two periods just flew by. Adam was not taking my hint to leave me alone, I actually wanted to kick him where the sun don’t shine, but I tried to restrain myself. It seems that Adam was practically in all of my classes. I tried to ignore him as much a possible, but he was so hard that he tried to get my attention by throwing paper balls at me, and because of that I almost got detention. By the 8th period, I was relaxed, because Adam was not in this class. I made my way to the dance studio. By the time I got there, some of the students where there. I was surprised when I spotted Anya. “ Hey Anya” I said. “ Heeeyyyyyy…..what are you doing here ? “ I could not have asked you the same thing “ I said. “ Well, I love to dance, and this school happen to have a dance as a subject. What about you ? “ She asked “ Well I’m the same as you, I love to dance, I’ve been dancing since I was 5 years old “ I said. “ Yeaaaa…finally another dancer to join our group “ Anya said excitedly, while clapping her hands and jumping up and down. I found it amusing.

After a tiring day, I made my way out of the school, to my car. As I was opening the door, someone honked at me. I turned and came face-to-face to Adam…AGAIN !!!! sighing “ Yes? How can I help you Mr. Banks ?” I said in my most sarcastic manner possible. “ Oh I thought I’ll give you a lift home “ Adam said.  Wow is this guy seriously dumb ? “ Oh no thank you, as you can see, I have my own car “ I said.

“ Oh” Adam said. “ Well then, can I ask you out on a date tomorrow and possibly your number ? “ He asked? Wow his pick-up lines are so LAME !! I thought, “ Hmmm well…….I’m busy, and as the answer for your other question, no. I don’t give my number to strangers” I said. As I got into my car and drove off leaving Adam with his mouth hung open. 

The Green Eyed Indian Beauty & The School Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now