Chapter 5

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( Ok guys…… after 4 chapters of Katrina’s POV, I have decided to do a Adam’s POV) please have mercy, peace out :D

2 weeks later


Lunch. Finally, my favorite subject of any day. I was sitting with my peeps having lunch, when Cindy came and sat on my lap. Sighing, and not wanting her to get angry and throw a fit, I pasted a face smile on my face and greeted her “ Hey baby “ rubbing her thighs. She was wearing a short skirt and tube top, which did not have much coverage to her huge boobs. “ Hey baby, wanna come over after school and “hang out” ? “ She asked. I was about to answer her, when she walked in. When I say she as in Katrina. Looking at her makes me feel determined to get close to her, but not in a way that I want to get into her pants or anything, in a way that I want to get to know her better. I s happening to me, I questioned ? This is not me, this is not the FAMOUS Adam Banks, no. But yet I can’t help it, it like she has this power over me or something. Before I could even think, I got up onto the chair “ YO, CAN I GET EVERYONE’S ATTENTION !!!! “ I said, immediately the whole cafeteria went silent for me, GOD how I love this power, I told myself. “ I’M HAVING A PARTY TOMORROW NIGHT, AND ALL OF YOU ARE INVITED….INCLUDING THE NERDS” I said, as I was looking at Katrina.  Everyone started cheering..” ADAM…ADAM..ADAM “.  Still looking at Katrina, I got down from the chair and smiled.


As I was looking at Adam when he made his “BIG” announcement, did I mention dumb to, I was thinking, wow he really loves the attention. I turned back to Anya, when Adam finished his announcement, and shook my head. “ So are you going tomorrow ? “ Anya asked. “ Huh” I replied. “ The party, are you going tomorrow ? “ Anya asked again. “ Can’t, I have plans, and I can’t skip out on it either “ I said. “ Besides, I don’t do parties like that, where everyone is out drunk, grinding on each other or making or having sex with each other. Personally, I find is gross “ I said.

 When I told Anya, I had plans tomorrow, I was not lying. I did have plans, it was my cousins wedding, and coming from a traditional Indian family, it is a must to attend. Some people find going to family gatherings are boring, I however find it fun, because I get to see my cousins, aunts’ uncles and even my dadi, who is flying all the way from India for this occasion. So there is NO way, I’m NOT going to this wedding.

As I was taking out my books for the next subject, I heard Adam say “ So are you coming to my party tomorrow beautiful ? “ “ Actually no, I have plans for tomorrow “ I said. “ Well whatever it is cancel it. I’m sure it is not important as my party “ Adam said. I wanted so bad to tell him that is was my cousins wedding, but I stopped myself by saying *you should not tell him this things, it’s not his place to know *.
“ Sorry Adam, but I can’t “ I said as I walked away, to my next class.


What did she mean that she can’t make it !!?? I had this plan, that at my party I was going to get to know her more, and now she can’t go because she has plans. What plans does she have that is so important compared to my party. I was so frustrated, I could not even think straight. I needed to cool off, I needed a distraction to get my mind off Katrina. I took out my phone ad messaged Cindy, telling her to meet me at the School Theater Hall.


After telling Adam that I could not go to his silly party, I did not see him for the rest of the day. “ Hey “ Anya said, as I was putting in my book. Today we did not have PE and Art, because teachers were at a conference So we had 2 periods free. “ Hey Anya, is it possible we hang out at the School Theater Hall ? “ I asked. “ Sure, I’ll just get Jay and Kent to meet us there, maybe we can dance a bit “ he said smiling  


“ Oh Adam…yes…yes…faster…yes “ Cindy said, I pumped in and out of her. After being rejected by Katrina to come to my party, I spent the whole day with Cindy, trying to get my mind off her. I mean what’s wrong with her, does she not like parties, hell who would NOT like parties ? It’s the only time we can have fun, when our parents aren’t tying us down. Getting off Cindy, I sat on the Theater chair next to her catching my breath. We were at the school Theater Hall. I have always come here when I need a quickie. Since we were setting on the upper floor looking down, no one could actually stop us. The upper floor was darker compared the main seating area.  Suddenly the floor lights and the stage light lighted up.  Some people walked onto the stage. I squinted my eyes a little as saw that is was Katrina with her  friends. I was wondering what are they doing her. Thank god Cindy left, before they came in. So here I am, looking and the, more like looking at Katrina, and wondering what she was doing.

I could see that they had a player with them. Curios, I decide to stay put and watch.


Wow this place is huge as I walked into to Theater Hall. “ Wow guys, this is awesome “ I said. “ It sure is “ said Kent. “ so where should we sit ? “ Anya asked. “ How bout on the stage ? “ I said. “ Cool” Anya said. As we sat down on the stage, stretching, I took a deep breath in and just relaxed. All the tension off school and more importantly Adam just went way. It feels so good to be on the stage. I had a chance to perform or even sit on the stage floor before. So I was taking the opportunity in as much as possible. Jay, had brought his player with him, so we could at least find the song that we wanted to dance to at the Dance Off.  “ Hey Jay, slot in this song for me ( song is in the link at the side ), as I got up to dance “. I just wanted to dance my stress a way


I just sat there dumfounded, I just can’t believe what I just saw. Katrina dancing. And it’s not like to kind of dance where sluts dance to, by shaking their asses and boobs. No this was different. She looked so…so…so…beautiful and free just by dancing. I did not recognized the type of dance nor music they were playing, but I wanted to so bad. Man she look so beautiful. Each and every movement was synchronized to fit the music. Every twirl was so elegant. I just could not get enough of her and her dance.

Katrina Sharma, what are you doing to me ? I whispered to myself.

( Ok guys...this is chapter 5. I tried to get Adam included, so it would not only looked like one side of the story and I made it extra longer. ) enjoy....peace out :D 

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