Alan's POV:
Going downstairs with a smile on my face, I noticed Kevin and Blaine on the couch laughing together. I coughed slightly to get their attention. And it worked while Kevin looked at me in surprise.
"You were right Blaine." His surprised look was obviously full of exaggeration.
"All thanks to your call!" Blaine complimented while I was uncomfortable at Kevin's gaze.
"The guys are not going to believe this." He said laughing. It's not like we created a rocket, sheesh.
"They will, tomorrow." Blaine assured, while a thought processed into my mind.
"Wait a second, you had something to do with this, didn't you? What are you guys teammates or something?" I was pointing at the two of them with narrowed eyes.
"Something like that.." Kevin answered with a grin.
"Sorry Alan, but his timing was perfect!" Blaine's arm went on his shoulder. I dismissed that action from my head, but failed miserably as I answered grumpily.
"What timing?"
"Well..about that.." It looked like she wasn't going to continue, so I started piecing things together in my head as I spoke them aloud.
"You," I pointed at Kevin, "are a part of Blaine's guide to make me cooler. I'm guessing a jock was needed. So, when Blaine excused herself earlier, it was to put brown hair dye in the shampoo... So, you were supposed to text her, causing her to accidentally spill the coke on me, so that I could get brown hair!"
"Whoa Alan, if you thought like that earlier, you would've caught me in the act." Blaine said with a chuckle. My mind ignored that Blaine's arm was still on his shoulder as I continued.
"But wait, why'd you change my hair color?" I said grabbing a few strands.
"Oh that's simple. I needed you to take a bold chance to grab everyone's attention plus it really brings out your eye color." She said smiling, causing me to stare into her eyes.
"Alan, take off your glasses." Kevin said, making us both look away. I only listened because he left Blaine's side as he came up close. He hit me in the back as I took them off.
"Hey!" He ignored me while I glared at his stupid jock self. He went on talking to Blaine as he looked at me, almost analyzing me.
"Blaine, explain." Feeling offended by his tone, I looked at my glasses and saw nothing wrong with them.
"He likes his ginormous glasses." Blaine stated as if it was the most obvious thing ever. I smiled.
"You have pretty eyes though." I looked at Kevin strangely.
"I what?" With that, Kevin chuckled.
"Oh sorry, I was talking to Blaine." He said sending her a grin. Blaine chuckled while I narrowed my eyes at him. Flirt. I snorted while I turned my attention back to Blaine.
"Whatever. So, that's it, I could leave my hair how I want?"
"Not exactly, it's really nice straightened, so no gel or anything else. Just comb it more."
I pointed at the flirt.
"So, why's he here?"
Just then, a light bulb went on in Kevin's head. Well, it looked like it did as his face brightened and he rushed to his backpack on the brown coffee table that was separating me and Blaine. Of course that meant he would return to his seat next to Blaine.
"Oh! I just needed to ask Blaine something."
"Oh great, are we even going anywhere?" I deadpanned.
"Depends on Blaine's answer." A smirk appeared on his face. "Hey Blaine.."
"Yeah Kevin?" Blaine said with a small smile on her face, giving him her full attention.
"I was just wondering.." He was taking something out of his bag as my eyes widened. I bet they were flowers. How cliché! "Blaine, do you-"
"No, she doesn't!" I shouted as I sat on the table covering the bag with my hand.
"Alan! What are you doing?" That surprised both Kevin and I. "I'm sorry, Kevin." I knew what that meant. She liked him, just great.
"I was just going to ask if she thought you would look better in contacts or different glasses." He looked at me innocently while he brought out a box of contacts and a pair of sunglasses. Blaine and I both sighed; something tells me though that we were sighing for different reasons. I shrugged, telling myself to get over it for the time being while I replied.
"I don't wear contacts. They always make my eyes teary, which doesn't help anything."
I wear my glasses to help myself get more information. Trying to look cool is starting to be a drag.
"You could get used to them." Kevin suggested while I glared at him. He was trying to get on my bad side. Blaine patted the spot next to her with an apologetic smile.
"Alan, your eyes are too pretty to hide behind those humongous glasses."
Thankfully, Kevin wasn't the one who said that.
"Thanks Blaine." I smiled as our eyes met, and I saw the sparkle in her eye once more.
"So," Kevin just had to ruin the moment. "You gonna try on the contacts?" Blaine gave me a hopeful look, which made me sigh in defeat.
"Fine." Kevin chuckled at my answer. He started teasing me from behind Blaine, making hearts with his hands and then pointing at Blaine, I glared at him until Blaine's smile came to view. I smiled as well.
There's no way I can lose her to this jock. For some reason, I know I won't be happy without her in my life. Even if he does have that fit body and deep voice, I'll get there. I sighed to myself. I have to.

My Nerd Project
Teen FictionAlan and Blaine. Blaine and Alan. That's how it's always been. Alan is seen as a nerd while Blaine is a popular cheerleader. This doesn't change anything between the two because they've been best friends since forever. But with a Psychology project...