For the rest of the day, Kevin and Jesse didn't say anything to me. At all. Blaine and I were on good terms and it was like nothing had changed at all. But I knew I was completely wrong when I stepped out of the school exit. Both Kevin and Jesse were talking next to a shiny silver car and looked my way. I took that as my way to go home, immediately. I know that they are my friends now but we were talking about jocks here. They can easily beat me up, heck Jesse has done so! It would just take some getting used to. I put my right hand in my pocket and kept my head down while I kept walking. Just like old times Alan..
I tried to put other things in my mind such as my textbooks that were in my left hand. I was thinking of reviewing some of today's notes while waiting for Blaine to finish cheerleading practice. I looked to where Kevin and Jesse were and let out a breath of relief that they weren’t there anymore. Good I made it through without any complications.
I found my way back to the bleachers and opened my book to start reading. I should take my notes out too so I can start highlighting the more important notes. As I started highlighting in my notebook, I felt a presence beside me. I looked up to see three jocks. I didn't know if I should say anything considering they came up to me, oh and that they are jocks!
"Look what we have here guys, it's Blaine's little puppy dork." Chris, the biggest one of the bunch started. My throat started feeling dry and I definitely knew that saying anything will only make it worse.
“What’s wrong dork? We just want to hang out with the ‘new Alan’.” I gulped at Nate’s response and wished I found a more secure hiding spot.
“So Alan, what’s up?” Chris put his arm around my shoulder and quickly put me into a headlock. “I see you and Blaine have been getting all dolled up together lately.” Nate started laughed while sweat made its way down my forehead.
“Can you please just let go C-Chris?” He was really hurting me, and I knew stepping up to him would make it worse. I tried the safer approach, hoping he would let me go. Chris started laughing and let me go. I let out a breath. That was easier than I thought.
“You guys, we were interrupting, our Alan was doing his homework.” He went to my notebook and surrounding notes and homework and picked them up. I instantly went numb. He started ripping up the notes. “Geez I hate math.” He kept ripping then threw the papers everywhere out of his hands. Call it my new found confidence or whatever, but it made something in me snap.
“What the hell was that for?” The three guys looked at me in surprise. “Do you realize how long it took me to do that? Just because you guys can’t count up to three, doesn’t mean the rest of us are that ignorant!” I was so angry; I didn’t care that they could easily beat me up. It almost slipped my mind. But then the fear returned as quick as it left.
The strangest thing happened. Instead of getting beaten to a pulp, which I did expect, the three of them started laughing. Even Cole, the more reserved one of the pack, and they were laughing so hard that they had to hold on their knees. I almost expected them to fall down the bleachers, not that I was hoping for that or anything…
“We were just kidding man, we all know better than to mess with Jesse’s orders.” My mind went blank at Chris’s words and I think my jaw dropped a little. What??? “You think we want to get benched next season, I think not.”
“What are you talking about?” I said wanting to grab my notes and run for it. Three against one...not looking good.
“We just wanted to ask you for help. We haven’t been doing good in Math and coach keeps giving us earfuls. So what do you say nerd?” Now I know my jaw dropped for real.
“B-but then my notes-you-” I took a second to relax and backed a step away from them. They gave me amused glances. “Why did you rip my notes then?”
They all shrugged, “We needed to see your notes. We thought if we ripped your old ones, you wouldn’t mind writing new ones while we copy and learn.” I found myself doing a face-palm. Because asking to see my notes would’ve changed anything instead of just ripping them?? I wanted to say but kept it in. “Come on guys, fun’s over, let’s help him pick up his notes.” Nate and Cole agreed and spread around picking up the notes. “Err- they’re not in the right order anymore, I think we should’ve thought this through more.” I actually found myself laughing at Chris’s sheepish look.
“So let me just make this clear, you three want my help- and not to beat me in a pulp?” I said the last part quickly not trying to put any ideas in their heads.
“Pretty much, yeah.” Nate answered holding up more papers.
“You guys are weird.” I said without thinking. Cole started laughing, which made me smile a little. “But okay, I love math! I don’t mind helping out. I’ll just need to borrow Blaine’s notes to fix mine in order." I saw Nate wiggle his eyebrows.
“Can Blaine join?” Cole said innocently.
“Sure.” I said shrugging.
“Great! Because she’s one hot piece of-” Cole said, a smirk coming on his face.
“Nevermind she’s not!” I announced, so much for being the reserved one! I guess I didn’t know much about the jocks.
“No-come on! I was just kidding.” Cole said in a defensive tone.
“Cole, everyone knows Alan had dibs since ever.” I blushed at Chris’s blunt words.
“I don’t have dibs-I mean you don’t just call dibs on someone like that.” I stuttered.
“Then I could date her?” Nate said out of nowhere.
“Ugh, can’t we just talk about math?”
“You’re dating that Courtney chick.” Chris said at Nate’s words. I thought I heard Nate saying ‘oh yeah’ but it was in muttered terms.
“Hey wait what did you guys mean about Jesse having orders?” They all gave me a dumb look.
“Football captain, duh.” Nate said. I gave them a sheepish look. Oh right..
“Hey Alan!” I heard Blaine’s shout and looked around until I found her waving her pom-poms at me. I smiled and waved back.
“Hey!” We smiled each other for a while until Nate’s obnoxious words went out.
“Call me!” He said to her making a pretend phone gesture with his hand. He also winked, which annoyed me. But she just winked at me and went back to her team. I couldn’t help but sigh happily.
I ignored the guys’ teasing and whipping noises. Yeah, yeah. Nothing I haven’t heard from Jesse and Kevin. I can’t believe I actually found myself miss them two. This is just weird.

My Nerd Project
Teen FictionAlan and Blaine. Blaine and Alan. That's how it's always been. Alan is seen as a nerd while Blaine is a popular cheerleader. This doesn't change anything between the two because they've been best friends since forever. But with a Psychology project...