Dedicated to my little sister! She made sure I got this one done today :)
As I made my way back into the living room, I almost bumped into Blaine. She started to pout unconsciously.
"Blaine, what's wrong?" I asked, but she just forced a smile. The sight of that broke my heart.
"Ima just go get a drink." She answered.
"Do you want me to come with?" I asked in a gentle voice.
"I'll be fine alone." She said walking past me. Without another word, she was lost in the crowd.
"Hey dude, here's a drink." Kevin said handing me a cold drink. I almost told Kevin off before I saw it was only coke. "Where's Blaine?" He questioned.
"She went to get some punch or whatever else there is." I let out a sigh wondering if I just embarrassed her or something. I wouldn't even be surprised if that was the case.
"You straight?" Kevin asked; I shot him an annoyed look.
"What kind of question is that when you already know I'm in love with Blaine?" I said waiting for his chuckle, but surprised as the contents in his mouth shot out. I patted his back as I noticed everyone's concerned looks. But if I did it, everyone would be taunting me. But, it's times like these where my feelings for Blaine deepen. She would have cared. I sighed; I sound like a love-sick puppy.
"Love?" Kevin spit out the word like it was so impossible.
"Anyway, thanks for intervening earlier. I have no idea why Blaine's mad at me."
"You do think about her 24/7, huh?"
"Well excuse me for being worried that my best friend hates me." At that, I set out to find Blaine and to apologize for whatever I might've done. Surprisingly, Kevin didn't halt me with actions but with words.
"I know why she's mad." I turned to give him a skeptical look.
"You're lying." His grin was proof enough.
"That hurts, have I ever lied to you before?" That made me think. He hasn't ever lied.
"Annoying? Check. Flirts with my best friend? Check. Lies..Hm, I guess not." I saw Kevin raise an eyebrow. "What do you know?"
"That's not how it works. You have to answer a question or two first." I hit my forehead; did I mention how annoying this guy could be? However, I nodded thinking Blaine was worth it. Kevin look relaxed with his back on the wall with one arm behind his head while his other hand occupied his coke. He gave me that nod to the side as to follow him, so I imitated his pose as I was waiting for his questions. We were facing the crowd of people acting like idiots.
"So the first question, number one.." He started with a smirk on.
"Well of course it's a number, you're killing me here." I said leaning on the wall now.
"What's up Alan?"
"Is it a family thing? I already told your cousin what's up." He shook his head as if he expected that answer. I didn't want to talk about what happened with his cousin, so I didn't say anything, especially not after that 'break my neck' joke earlier.
"I meant as in 'what up'?"
"You mean what's up?" I said correcting his grammar.
"You never heard a valid response to 'what's up'?" Jesse was walking by as he said that and I shuddered. Kevin noticed this as Jesse greeted him with a nod. Kevin moved off the wall and went over to Jesse.

My Nerd Project
Teen FictionAlan and Blaine. Blaine and Alan. That's how it's always been. Alan is seen as a nerd while Blaine is a popular cheerleader. This doesn't change anything between the two because they've been best friends since forever. But with a Psychology project...