The next morning, I woke up with a long yawn. I quickly smiled and went on my way to get ready for school. So many people might not like waking up early to have to go school, but I didn't mind it. I actually looked forward to it, especially now since I don't have to worry about the jocks beating me up. I mindlessly grabbed my glasses and put them on my face while I went to the bathroom. I went to wash my face but ended up washing the glasses too. I started laughing after seeing my mistake. I guess I just miss putting on my glasses. I shook my head and put the glasses back down. I could see things in front of me without them but I can't really see anything in far distance.
Blaine told me that she needs me to write at least a paragraph of how these past few days have been so she could include it in the guide. So while I was getting ready, I thought about the paper I wrote last night:
I honestly think it's the glasses that keep me sane throughout this project. Knowing that they are in my pocket always, it makes me remember that I was a nerd and to still feel conscious of people's feelings. I didn't want the popularity to start going to my head and start changing me. Then again, so much of me already did change. My contacts, my new deep voice, social skills, eating habits, gym days, my hair, and I made new friends. And what didn't change? Blaine is still in my life, homework still gets done, I don't skip classes, etc. Honestly speaking, I think this guide has made my life better.
My phone started ringing out loud while I was buttoning up my shirt/uniform. I went to it and saw it was Blaine calling.
"Good morning Alan!" She said when I answered. I chuckled at her morning chirpiness.
"Morning Blaine, how'd your morning jog go?" I said as I was finishing buttoning it up.
"It was good and refreshing. But I need like 20 more minutes to get ready, is that okay?" She asked. I grabbed my backpack and made my way downstairs.
"Yeah sure, I'll be having breakfast. I'll see you then." I said hanging up after I heard her agreement. I saw my mom in the kitchen.
"Morning mom." I gave her a kiss on her forehead and gave her a hug before sitting down at the table. I started rubbing my hands together ready for breakfast. She shook her head and smiled, muttering 'same old Alan alright.'
"Any plans for today?" I said happily as she made me an omelette.
"I might grab dinner with some of my coworkers, is that okay?" She asked. I nodded while eating.
"Sure mom, go ahead." I said with my mouth full.
"No talking with your mouth full, young man." She immediately scolded me. I swallowed and laughed.
"Sorry mom," I chuckled. She started staring at me for a while. "Is something the matter?" I asked. She shook her head.
"You just seem happier." She answered. I blinked at her not expecting her to say that, "I like seeing you like this." She even went to ruffle my hair.
"Moomm." I complained thinking what Jesse would say if he saw this. "I'm a junior in high school, not a little kid anymore." I said backing away a little in my seat.
"Can I at least ask about what's been going on? Are you trying a new image?" She asked while I scratched the back of my head. I didn't want her to know that I used to get bullied.
"I guess I just wanted to be more outgoing, you know?" I muttered. She came next to me to give me a kiss on the head.
"Just don't go spray-painting the school's grounds while I'm away at dinner." She said while I let out a sarcastic laugh.
"That's not gonna happen." I said shaking my head at her after seeing Blaine's text saying she's ready. "Blaine's ready, got to go!" I hurried and finished my breakfast and kissed my mom's cheek before I ran out the kitchen.
"Oh I know that's not gonna happen. And by the way you forgot your backpack." She shouted and I ran back in with a sheepish smile. I took my glasses out of my backpack and put them safely in my pocket. She was watching me with an amused smile. "Don't you have contacts on?"
"Yeah." I answered not wanting her to ask follow-up questions. I put on my backpack when she didn't say anything. "Okay bye mom," I said as I was walking out of the kitchen again, "Oh and I have dual enrollment today so I might just stay at Blaine's house after. You enjoy your dinner!" I quickly got my shoes on and opened the door waiting for mom's response.
"Okay have fun, tell Blaine I said hi dear." She answered so I walked out.
"Okay bye!" I said as I closed the door on my way to walk to Blaine's house. I knocked when I finally reached her house; but then, I remembered my mom messed up my hair, so I quickly put my hands through it to make it as straight as I can before Blaine opened the door. When she did open the door, she looked annoyed. But when she saw me, she quickly smiled.
"Hey Alan!" She gave me a hug, "Ready to go?" I nodded shyly at her.
"Yeah, come on." I said looking down. She bumped her shoulder with me while we walked making me smile. "Everything okay at home?" I asked not wanting to upset her but wanting to make sure she's okay. I was pretty sure she was blushing now.
"Yeah, just Jasper is back in town and was teasing me about something." She said rolling her eyes.
"Jasper is back? No way?" I said, "Blaine your brother is awesome." He would always be the one to defend me if people even looked at me the wrong way. "Why didn't you let me say hi?" I sulked.
"Didn't you just hear me? He was making fun of me." She complained and I rolled my eyes at her. "But he did tell me to tell you something."
"What did he say?" I wondered.
"He told me to invite you later for dinner." I nodded an okay.
"That's good, my mom is going out with her work buddies." She nodded at me. "My mom was asking me about how I started dressing up differently and stuff."
"Did you tell her about the guide?" Blaine asked curiously. I shook my head. "Well of course she'll ask about it then."
"I didn't want to bring up the whole jocks beating me up thing. It would only cause unnecessary worry." I confessed. "Especially since I'm the guy of the house." I shrugged. Blaine's hand met my own, and she held on to it tight. I sent her a half-smile. "I think she's cool with the change though." I said as Blaine leaned closer to my side while we were walking.
"Yeah, your mom is pretty laid-back." Blaine said as I smiled.
"Yeah she's cool." I nodded. "Cool, cool, cool.." I muttered. "Isn't it funny how some people didn't even recognize me?" Blaine frowned.
"Not funny, more like dumb. It's their loss." She said sincerely.
"Right.." I started muttering once more.
"Well no matter how different other people may see you, I'll still always see you as my Alan." She promised. We both smiled at each other for a while. We were stepping into school grounds and I stopped Blaine.
"Thanks Blaine." I looked at her seriously for a second, "And I'll always see you as my own personal cheerleader."
"Hey!" She let go of my hand to smack my arm and we started laughing.
"I'm joking, I'm joking." I said with my hands up.
"You better be joking." She said with a smirk. I laughed again, and put my hands in my pockets, I was holding onto my glasses.
You'll always be my Blaine too..

My Nerd Project
Teen FictionAlan and Blaine. Blaine and Alan. That's how it's always been. Alan is seen as a nerd while Blaine is a popular cheerleader. This doesn't change anything between the two because they've been best friends since forever. But with a Psychology project...