Okay let me just say this was the hardest chapter I had to write because it's wrapping up things and the ending is near. A few more chapters left, and I might make a sequel afterwards. I'm not entirely sure, but enjoy! Happy Eid btw :D
I closed the door after we all got in my room.
"Thanks for that Jess." I said moody. He shrugged.
"Anytime." He answered, and I rolled my eyes. Jesse pulled out his backpack that I didn't think much of. He opened it and threw something at me. I straightened it out and saw my jersey. "If you give it back again, it's gone for good, got it?" He threatened. I scratched the back of my head and nodded.
"I guess I could go without being so dramatic." I muttered, putting my jersey away. "Just don't go insulting my friends or girlfriend."
"Yeah man, don't let Alan punch you again." Kevin jokingly warned Jesse.
"Oh don't worry, next time I won't let him get away with it." Jesse said looking at me, laughter filling his eyes.
"Oh yeah?" I said approaching him. I threw my fist at his face only to have him grab my fist. He threw it aside and tackled me to the ground. Note to self: Don't underestimate a jock. "Okay yeah I asked for that." I weakly let out. I pushed him off me, and he got up laughing at me. Kevin was laughing too. "At least I got to punch you earlier." I said shaking my head.
"Lucky hit." Jesse scoffed.
"Hey, Blaine gave you the guide?" Kevin asked picking up the guide from my study desk.
"Yeah but I haven't read it yet." I said noticing Kevin look through it. He shared a look with Jess.
"He's about to read it." Kevin said amused. Jesse helped me up.
"You good man?" Jesse asked me when I got up.
"Yeah and I can't wait to read the guide." I said, grabbing my contact case. Jesse went beside Kevin and looked through the pages. They started laughing at some parts which increased my curiosity. I put my contact case in the bathroom and went to see Kevin putting the guide back on the desk and Jesse grabbing his backpack. "You guys leaving?"
"Yeah Kristy wants to meet up." Jesse said, a grin coming onto his face.
"She asked you out again?" Kevin said, his eyes widening a little.
"Hello, look at me." Jesse said, gesturing at himself. Kevin looked at me in confusion.
"I don't see it." Kevin said, dodging Jesse's punch and chuckling.
"Me neither, and I'm the smart one." I said.
"Ha ha." Jesse said.
We spoke for a while more before they left. Jesse told me he'll make it up to Blaine for what he said, so I wished him luck with Kristy. I closed the door, and a grin went on my face at the thought of finally reading the guide.
Intrigued, I said goodnight to my mom and got ready for bed. I put my contacts away and shut my door. I grabbed the guide and sat on my bed. I flipped the first page to see signatures. It was my signature all over the page, which was weird. There was a note on the bottom addressing the signatures.
"People feel more pushed to go through with something when they engrave their signature."
My jaw dropped. I wasn't signing anything?? No wonder the guys were laughing when they looked through the guide. I face-palmed, turning to the next page.
"The purpose of this project is to see how people can change their judgments based on the appearances. We want to experiment if getting accepted is worth changing yourself. The following pages will be describing the different steps and procedures we took to make Alan Gray change himself into what people want to see and hear."

My Nerd Project
Teen FictionAlan and Blaine. Blaine and Alan. That's how it's always been. Alan is seen as a nerd while Blaine is a popular cheerleader. This doesn't change anything between the two because they've been best friends since forever. But with a Psychology project...