Jimin Scenario

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Plot: jimin smut ',:)
Genre: smut

Today was officially the best day ever. Today was the day you were finally going to meet BTS! And you could even be able to meet your ultimate bias, Jimin. He was so sweet and adorable at the concert, you couldn't help but fall for him. Now you better get ready or you'll be late!

You finally got there and not that surprising, it was packed. And since it was packed you had to wait in the really long line, but it would be all worth it in the end. In line and as usual the boys are playing around. You smile to yourself as you see J-Hope start to dance like a crazy man and Jin being a total mom telling him he'll fall off the stage and get hurt. You turn your eyes to look at Jimin and surprisingly he's already staring. You blush and avert your eyes. When you look back up Jimin was already back to playing again. 'Was he really staring at me?', you thought.

The line finally was over and you could finally be able to see them! First came Rapmonster. You chatted with him a little and he gave you a high five. After the other members had passed it was now time to see Jimin. Your heart was racing and when you got up to him you shyly greeted him with a small wave.

You began to talk with one another until it was almost time for the next person. You asked if you could hold his hands. He diligently did what he was asked. But when you tried to pull away he didn't let go.


Jimin, "You know when I first saw you in the crowd, I couldn't take my eyes off you. And when you looked away and started blushing, it was so cute I was going crazy."

These words of course made you blush.

Jimin, "Heh yea, just like that. Hey (Y/N) if you can, could you meet me behind the stage when all this is over? I'd love to see you again."

"Absolutely, I'll be there as soon as I can!"

Jimin, "Wonderful. And don't make me wait." *smirk*

You wondered what he meant by that, but you thought it probably just had something to do with his schedule. As you went back to your seat to wait for the performance you couldn't get that smirk of his out of your mind. Although you did start to stan him for being cute and sweet, you knew there was an other side to him. He was known to be super sexy on stage. And to see even a small smirk such as that, it gave you chivers.

After the performance you were on your way to see Jimin. But somehow there was a small traffic jam in the hallway. Some of the fans were trying to get in but weren't allowed. Since this cuts right through your way of getting in, it took a while to get past all the fans. But after finally getting through, you saw Jimin leaning on the wall tapping his foot. 'I hope he's not upset.'. You slowly walk up to him and tap his shoulder. In an instant he wips you around, your back facing the wall and his arms pinned against your sides.

Jimin, "You made me wait (Y/N). You know what that means?"


In a low voice he replied, "It means, your gonna get punished."

He quickly brings his face to your ear and in a sexual tone he goes, "Do you know how hard it was containing myself in front of you?"

He strokes his hands down your arms to around your hips. "But now since you've made me wait, I'm not gonna hold back."

"Now (Y/N)....are you ready?"

With not a second to spare he starts kissing on your jaw. You cling to his shirt, your knuckles gripping to his chest. He makes his way to your ear and sucks at the lobe. It gives you tiny shocks at his every move.

Hungrily he moves to to your neck giving it small sucks and bites earning little wimpers from your lips as he does so. He hears this and starts to move one of his hands behind your back while the other goes under your shirt playing with the him of your bra. With a long suck at your collarbone and a tight grip at your bottom, a moan escapes your mouth.

Finally he frees your now bruised neck and seductively looks into your eyes. Your breaths are short and hitched. Your nervousness rising wondering as to what he was about to do. In one quick motion he springs his lips onto yours. His mouth moves with sensation practically melting you under his spell. He parts from you, but with only a second to let you breathe he plunges his tongue into your gasping mouth. The taste of his lips sends you through a world of ecstasy. As you could feel your place wetting, you couldn't ignore what was forming underneath his pants. With a small grind from his hips you moan loudly into his captivating lips.

He grinds against you harder and harder making you squirm under him. Suddenly you could feel his hands start to move. One underneath your shirt goes behind you and removes your bra. The other is sliding up your skirt into your panties. He grips your breast and you whine from where his hands are going at work.

"Your so wet (Y/N), do you really get aroused by me that much? Oh how naughty."

He pumps you fast making you grow weak and limp. Jimin notices and drags you into a nearby closet, locking the door. There he lays you down letting you catch your breath, but he has something much bigger planned for you. You hear him unzip his pants and see him hover over you smirking.

"Now here's the fun part."

He then slowly pushes into your center grunting from your tightening walls.

"A-ah! Jimin!" You moan his name and he thrusts faster.

"Oh god (Y/N)!", in a low voice he growls, "You feel so good."

In the moment you felt your climax, "J-Jimin I-I-"

"Cum for me (Y/N)."

You let out a sigh of pleasure and he groans from his own.

There he lets out of you and cups your cheek. "God I wanted you so bad."

You giggle,"I love you too Jimin."

You then both laugh and started what to be a whole new life together, with all sorts of new adventures.

A/N- Yay this scenario was longer! As I was looking through my saved scenarios I just realized the only bts scenarios I've ever written are all smuts. -.-;;

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