Seungkwan Scenario

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A/N- I hope you like it my sweet sunflower <3 And I'm glad you requested Seungkwan!! This child needs more love

Request: You want requests and I want more Seungkwan so Seungkwan and 44 pls? Low self confidence, love for Seungkwan and feeling like shit rn omg pls I need this ;; ily and your is great btw

Plot: You get jealous over a girl who is body flirting with Seungkwan
Genre: angst/fluff
Drabble: 44-Jealousy

Walking down the streets of Seoul, you took each step with high spirits. The reason why was because you were on your way to see you amazing boyfriend, Seungkwan. He had invited you to see their mv shooting and get a first listen of their latest song. Though you were excited to hear their song, you were even more happy to see Seungkwan. Because of their comeback their schedule has been very busy, so you didn't get to be with him very often. That's why today, you were going to spend as much time with him as possible.

When you walked into the studio, people were running left and right to get around. It looks like everyone was working and they all had something very important to do. As did you, you were on your search to find Seungkwan. You saw Hoshi, DK, and S.Coups all chatting beside each other while their makeup and hair was getting done. When you walked over they all greeted you with happy smiles.

"Have any of you seen Seungkwan?"

S.Coups, "He was around here somewhere..."

In mid sentence, you were caught off guard by something grabbing you from behind. You looked back and saw a smiley Seungkwan. Turning around you returned the hug and kissed him on the cheek. You heard the boys behind you teasingly groan with disgust at your PDA, but you ignored them.

Seungkwan, "I'm so glad your here (Y/N)!"

"Well I wouldn't want to miss spending time with my Seungkwanie~", this was the nick-name to gross out the members to make them leave. They made throw up noises behind you making you giggle.

Seungkwan gushingly replied back, "And I'm so happy to spend it with my honey-sweetie-pie~"

DK, "Okay I'm gone."

Hoshi and S.Coups said in sync, "Me too."

They all three walked off leaving you and Seungkwan. But it didn't last for long because he was called for the mv shooting. You wished him good luck and with a quick peck, he was off. As you watched him walk to the director, you overheard talk of the female actress and how beautiful she was. Female actress? There was supposed to be an actress in this mv? What was she going to do? Will she be filming something with Seungkwan? You tried not to get ahead of yourself in suspecting her, but you couldn't help but feel at edge.

Seeing her walk out, it was almost jaw dropping seeing how gorgeous she was. No wonder they praised her so much, she was like a goddess. And everyone, even herself, knew it. Everyone in the room gawked at her strutting figure as a smirk of satisfaction was painted on her lips. The director told her what to do and she walked right over to Seungkwan. She looked him up and down with her smirk growing larger. This caught your attention making your eyes not leave her for a second.

The mv begun and the boys started to sing and dance out their parts. If only you were able to enjoy the song, but right now the girl was more important. Seungkwan's solo then came on, and you were fuming. She grabbed his tie and pulled him extremely close to her face. You must have had the look of the devil on your face because in just a few seconds you were going to go through hell with that chick. As you were sending daggers across the room, whether it be part of the choreo or not, she grinded against him. That's when you snapped. You huffed and stomped your way somewhere else where you didn't have to see this.

In what looks like a separate dressing room you paced around the place with fire breathing from your throat. 'What the hell is her problem?' 'Why did she look at him like that? And what was he doing?' You sat down to think about this more carefully. 'He didn't do anything...What was he thinking? Did he think she was pretty? More pretty...than me?' You shook your head at those silly thoughts but took a consideration. Standing in front of a near by mirror you analyzed your figure. Comparing it to her...your confidence dropped dramatically. 'Her waist was much more slimmer than mine...she had a nice bust not a single blemish was on her face...'

Your expression started to fall and you were starting to think, 'Maybe Seungkwan...really does prefer her over me...I'm nothing compared to her...' You sat on the couch and hugged your knees close to you. You felt absolutely useless and felt like you were just a shadow compared to such beauty. This was the lowest you've felt in a while and you wanted Seungkwan with you mote than ever. Suddenly you started to feel tears stream down your cheeks. The people in the room started at you, but you didn't care, all you cared about right now, was Seungkwan.

Then out of no where,the door bursts open. You look up to see it was just the person you hoped for, Seungkwan. He shoed everyone in the room outside so that presumably you two were alone. When they were all out Seungkwan shut the door, and carefully came over to you. Your lip quivered and your eyes were puffy as you looked up at Seungkwan. He had a hurt look in his eyes and almost had no idea what to do. But luckily, his words worked on their own.

Seungkwan, "(Y/N), what's wrong?"

You were embarrassed to tell him that you were jealous of that girl, but you needed to tell him. Looking down you answered, "I thought you might like that girl more than me...And that you thought she was better..."

Seungkwan almost immediately replied back, "Why on earth would you think that?! There is no reason that I would ever take her instead of you!"


He placed his hands on your tear stained cheeks and kissed your forehead, "There is no one, in the entire universe, that I would love instead of you...I love you (Y/N). For your beauty, your laugh, your cries, everything about you I love. And no one will ever replace that. My beautiful (Y/N)."

You sobbed loudly but sobbed out of happiness. Seungkwan was right. Even if you didn't have the slimmest waist, the smallest face, or the skinniest figure. Seungkwan thought you were still beautiful. Because it was you, and you were truly beautiful anyway you look at it.

When you two walked out, hand in hand, you about burst out laughing. Seungkwan couldn't hold in his laughter either at the sight in front of you. What you saw was the female actress flirting with S.Coups, and while he was sweating a waterfall, behind him was the scary aura of a jealous Jeonghan. You could see fire in his eyes as he stared fiercely at the girls back. She was breaking a sweat also and retreated back to her dressing room. Jeonghan grabbed S.Coups and sat him in his lap without a word. And while Coups just sat there bewildered, you and Seungkwan about died laughing.

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