JB Scenario

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A/N- welp since no one's requesting I'll just continue to make up shiz. So here's some JB smut for ya!

Plot: we're the romantic leads and we literally hate each others guts with a burning passion but kissing isn't so bad i guess? au
Genre: smut

"CUT!!!! Your doing it all wrong!!"

The director rushes over to you and speaks to you in an upset tone. "You are in love with him ok? And when you are in love with someone, you have to ACT LIKE IT!!"

You crossed your arms and stomped your foot. With a huff you snapped at him, "It isn't my fault! He isn't all that good either! If he didn't look like he had a broom up his ass all the time maybe I could do it right!"

The other actor jerked out his lower jaw and huffed right back at you, "Well at least I got an ass! Not even a hawk could spot any bust on that flat board of a body! I'm still tryna find out if there's anything to spot out!"

You gasped, "Take that back!"

He pointed his finger at you and tries teasingly, "Make me, pancake."

You both continued to go at each other and if it weren't for the director, someone would've gotten their head chopped off. The director sighed and decided to take a five minute break. You and Jaebum huffed at each other once more before getting your makeup fixed up. This has been going on ever since you agreed to do this movie. This other actor, Im Jaebum, has been a thorn in your side from day one. For some reason he always had to push your buttons and he always did it on purpose! It really did make your mood go sour with every scene that you did. This was probably your hardest role yet.

The director paced around trying to come up with a better idea to make the scene feel more heart moving. "There has to be someway we can make this work..." then suddenly he clapped his hands and started to dance around the room. One of the crew asked him what's wrong and he eagerly replied, "I know just exactly what to do! Ah ha! We will...make them kiss!"

You and Jaebum jumped from your seats and exclaimed, "Kiss!?!"

"You got it! Isn't it a brilliant idea?"

You angrily replied, "No! No it most certainly is not! I can't kiss him! I'd rather kiss a tarantula." You crossed your arms and turned away from the director.

Jaebum crossed his arms and did the same, "For once I actually agree with her. Leave me out of it!"

The director didn't so much as mope, but actually started laughing. "Oh ho ho but you see boys and girls, I have your contract. And if I don't get my movie, you don't get your money!"

Both of you flinched at his truthful statement. You hung your head and bit your lip. The director laughed maniacally and sat in his director chair with victory. Jaebum turned back to him and confidently said, "Okay! I'll do it!"

You got up from your seat and added, "Seriously? Your seriously going through with this?"

He nodded, "You heard what he said, what other choice is there?"

'That's true...the only other way is to quit, and you just can't do that. It would hurt your reputation being known as the actress who quit because of one little kiss scene! No...you have to do this, you must!'

You nodded your head as well and said, "Alright! I'll do it too!"

The director flew his hands in the air, "Splendid! Ok everyone get into places! This will be best scene yet!"

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