Dokyun Scenario

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A/N - I'm sorry it's not a jealousy one sweetheart but I've been having such a writers block lately and I hope this is enough ;;

Request: Could you write a Dokyun or Bit-To smut? Either one is fine because either way it will be great! ╰(*´︶'*)╯♡~ thank you!
Request #2: Can I request a History Dokyun jealousy smut?? You're the only blog that seems to write smut for History. Thank you and keep up the good work 😚😚😚😚
Genre: smut
Warning: oral mostly, "bold" word usage?? (I didn't know what else to say ok?!)

You strut your body down the halls of your top notch, multi-billionaire, company building; catching the eyes of your employees on the way. 'Boys are so easy to persuade.', you think to yourself with a smirk. Even the woman that work here fall over your feet. When a woman can't find a slave, she yearns for power. And when you're​ the most powerful woman on the market, everyone wants to "get some." You didn't mind this though. Everyone grobbling under your will; it's absolutely hilarious. That's why you were looking forward to meeting your new employee today. Apparently he was the best of the best at computers.

"Huh, we'll see about that."

Finally you spot the new worker. From a distance he's not all that of a looker, but when you approached his desk... you wanted to pounce him right then and there. His soft hair hung over his glasses, with a style that just radiated, "I'm a loser and I need to get laid." He was absolutely perfect; ripe for the teasing. You got so much joy out of messing with people, especially when it was a man. Only the hot guys though. You may fuck around  but at least you have standards. Adjusting your tight shirt, popping the top button to show just the right amount of cleavage, and raising your miniskirt just a tiny bit, you went in for the kill. You leaned over his desk just enough to catch his attention. He flinched back and gulped on his saliva.

With a smirk you asked him sexily, "So, you the new worker?"

He cleared his throat and looked down at his keyboard, "Y-Yes I am. May I ask who you are exactly?"

You chuckled at him trying to seem like he had regained his composure. Flicking your hair from your neck you replied, "Oh, my name?" You slowly strut behind him and placed your hands on his shoulders. In a low sexy whisper, "My name's (y/n)."

He was completely taken back and immediately got up from his chair. He furiously started apologizing to you, presumably not realizing that you were his boss. You chuckled and excused him from his panicked state. He looked up at you from beneath his glasses, making your heart thump with excitement. 'Such a cute and innocent face... I want him to be mine.', you felt yourself smile at the thought. You stood him up straight, polishing off his suit and fixing his tie.

"Don't worry love. Just as long as you get your work done, and remain on my good side, then you'll get around just fine here. Got that?"

"Y-Y-Yes ma'am!", he stammered back.

You laughed, "Oh please-" you leaned next to his ear, "call me (y/n)."

He gulped, "Y-Yes (y/n).."

Smiling at him with delight you walked away swaying your hips, "Good boy. See you later then, Dokyun."

The work days went by and you've noticed that this Dokyun guy, was actually the real deal. He gets all his work done, quickly and efficiently. Probably the best worker you've had in a while. All the more reason for you to mess with him. But with every attempt that you've made to coax him into getting you into bed, he's just brushed it off. You tried almost every pick-up line in the book and yet he still won't even spare a glance at you. It's time for the big guns!

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