Mark Scenario

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A/N- i am horrible at angst holy shit

Request:Can I get a Got7 scenario where Mark and I get into an argument and he makes it up to me by coming to my concert to support me and make up with me

Genre: angst/fluff

You shut the car door with a loud slam and slump in your seat. Your manager in the front seat asks if everything is alright, to which you replied with a huff. You didn't want to talk about the fight you just had with your boyfriend, but you just couldn't help but still think about it.

"Why the hell do you keep coming home so late? Is there something I don't know about?"

"Why can't me and the guys just hang out from time to time?! The world doesn't revolve around you (y/n)!"

"It may not revolve around me but I deserve to know what time you're coming back home or even coming back at all! I just want to know what little time I have to spend with you!"

"But you don't deserve to control what goes on in my personal life and make it so I have to spend every other second with you! Just give me some space!'

You clenched your fists and took a deep breath, "Alright.. I'll give you some some space, but I never wanna see your stupid face again!" And with that you stomped out of the building with tears in your eyes.

You didn't mean to act that way and say what you said, but how were you suppose to apologize now? Maybe it was for the better that you had some distance for a while. Both of you being idols with an equally busy schedule​ already made it extremely stressful. You just hope that this argument will soon pass and that you can be in Mark's arms once again.

Its been nearly three hours after your fight and you haven't gotten any texts or calls since. Soon two more hours pass by and your phone remains silent. Your concert was going to begin in half an hour and you were getting seriously restless. Mark was always there to calm you down before your concerts and never left your side until it was time to go on. With the stress of the argument and the nervousness of the concert, you begining to become a nervous wreck.

When you are called in for one last look at your clothes and makeup, you were practically shaking like rattle. You'd been this stressed out since your first concert, and even then Mark was there to comfort you.You regret ever getting mad at him and just wanted him to come in and hug you in his arms.

And it looks like your prayers had been answered. Just then, Mark comes bursting through the door, slightly panting from what looks like running up four flights of stairs. You didn't even hesitate and ran into his arms. He tenderly hugged you back repeatedly whispering, "I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry.."

You pulled away from the hug with your cheeks stained with tears. Caressing Mark's face in your hands you saw he too had been crying. With a smile you pecked him on the lips and hugged him once again saying, "I should be saying that you dummy. I'm sorry I didn't give you time to yourself."

He shook his head and took your hands in his, "No, I'm sorry for not giving you enough time. Neither of us seeing each other that often, I should make more time for my girlfriend. When it comes to my career or you, I'd choose you any day."

Your tears swelled up again with a smile spread across your face. You kissed Mark passionately, wrapping your arms around his neck. He kissed you back with a smile forming on his lips. The staff behind you even clapped at seeing you and Mark make up with each other. You both backed away from the kiss and laughed at the staff's reaction. Mark looked back at you and stroked your hair, "Now... you think you're ready to go out and make people scream?"

You laughed and confidently replied, "You bet I am!"

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