Ravi Scenario

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A/N- so they don’t exactly end up waking up in this scenario (I hope that’s ok ;;) but maybe it could go on to a part two in the future idk. Also idk if this is what u wanted but never the less I hope u like it ^^ (btw just imagine the setting of the mv ok)

Request: Hello please can I request a vixx smut. Where they are normally really shy around their crush but when they turn into their Hyde form (from the Mv) they have a very rough and dominate sex with them, but when the member wakes up they don’t remember anything that happened. You can pick the member :)
Genre: smut

“So this is the place?”

“Yep! The old, eerie, and haunted graveyard.”, Your friend said with character.

You rolled your eyes and leaned back on a tree. Crows squawked in the distance as the cold wind blew through your hair; it gave chills down your spine. Suddenly you heard footsteps coming your way. Low and behold cane the group of guy friends you were all waiting for.

Your friend put her hands to her hips, “Took you long enough! We’ve been waiting for almost thirty minutes.”

Hongbin, “It’s or our fault! Hakyeon had to do his hair.”

Your friend rolled her eyes, “Seriously?”

“If I’m goin to get scared tonight, I might as well look good while doing it.”, He defended.

“Well whatever, is everyone ready to go?”

“Wait for me!”

Everyone looked behind and saw Ravi running to catch up. Hongbin patted his back as he bent over from being out of breath. “I thought you weren’t coming Ravi?”

Ravi, “W-Well…You see..uh..”

He glanced over your way but quickly looked back.

Ravi, “I just thought it could be fun ya know? I doubt it’ll be that scary anyways.”, He weakly laughed.

“Then let’s get started shall we?”

Your friend grabbed your hand and led the way into the spooky graveyard. Soon everyone was casually chatting with each other, side by side. Until suddenly, your friend stops in her tracks. Everyone halts to a stop and waits for an explanation. She slowly turns around and speaks in a deep voice.

“Whooo wants to come with me~ and raise…THE UNDEAD!?”

“Not me.”, You bluntly answer.

Hakyeon, “I-I second that answer.”

She slumps down her shoulders and goes to grab Hongbin, “Come ooon~ it’ll be fun! Plus we might actually get an answer! You in?”

Hongbin, “I guess I’ll give it a try. But only if Hakyeon does it!”

Hakyeon, “I’ll do it if Ravi does it!”

Ravi, “U-Uh I’ll do it if (Y/N) does it!”

All eyes land on you. You weren’t really the type to mess with this kinda stuff but it’s all make believe anyway right? And plus, the way Ravi is looking at you right now…it’s really hard not to give in.

You sigh, “I guess so. But try not to wake up the whole cemetery alright?”

Hakyeon, “Y-You can do that?”

Your friend stood in front of a random gravestone that read an interesting name.Vlad Hyde The name itself gave you shivers. Your friend now got out this white looking crystal hanging from a string; you guessed it had the power to speak to the ghost. Everyone gathers around her as she starts to ask questions ‘beyond the grave’.

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