Jooheon Scenario

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A/N- My phone auto corrects his name to sunshine isn’t that cute

Request: Can you write a fluffy Jooheon Scenario? Any plot is fine 
Plot: Cafe AU with shy Jooheon yes
Genre: fluff

Another day at work you push open the door and the smell of coffee beans fill the air. Some might say a job at a cafe is kinda boring, but actually you meet a lot of interesting people. One day an old lady dressed entirely of green came in here; she ordered the green tea frappucchino. And another time these two girls, who look like sisters, while one was covered in warm clothes, the other was wearing a tank top with shorts. One ordered hot tea and the other ordered ice tea. But it’s not to the person you think it goes to. Yes, just another average day in the cafe, or so you thought.

Your boss called you over, “(Y/N) come here for a minute.”

“Yes sir?”

He leaned on the counter crossing his arms, “Your a great worker (Y/N), and if anything I would want all my other employees to be just like you.”

“Thank you.”

“Yes. And because you are so good, I want you to show the new employee how we do things around here. Good?”


He patted your shoulder and went back into his office. Frankly you were quite excited to have a new employee, and that since they’ll be with you so much you could maybe have a new friend! But you don’t wanna get your hopes up too high. After all they could be a total jerk. Even if they were though you’d still do your job right, you wanted to get paid didn’t you?

After a while you heard a ring from the door, but the cafe wasn’t open yet. Your boss walked to him and patted his back. He was wearing a cap so you couldn’t really see his face, that is until he came over to you.

Your boss announced, “(Y/N) this is Jooheon, he will be working with us from now on. Please treat him well ok? And show him everything he needs to know.”

“Will do sir.”

“Excellent. Good luck son!”, and he went back into his office.

You looked back at Jooheon who was keeping his head down and fiddling with his fingers. He must be nervous on his first day so you thought it best to be very caring with him. You tapped his shoulder making him look up slightly, still not enough to see his face.

“Come on. First we’ll get you your uniform alright?”

He nodded and follows you behind the kitchen. You gave him his uniform and he walked in the bathroom to get changed. He soon came out but still had that shady cap on.

“Can’t have this.”, You swipped the hat off.

Jooheon almost instantly went for his hat, and tried to take it back from you. Although he was tall and could easily reach above your head, you were too quick. It was actually kinda funny when he reached for it under someone so short beneath him. You started to giggle when you looked up at him. You almost froze at the sight of him.

‘He’s really cute…’

Your eyes wondered from his sparkled eyes to his plump pouting lips, to his adorable dimples. You nearly pinched his cheek seeing how fair and soft they were. But before you could Jooheon stepped back and sighed in defeat. He pouted looking up at you with puppy like eyes. You had to cover your mouth from squealing right then and there. After a moment you cleared your throat and spoke to him.

“Hats aren’t part of the uniform so don’t even think about taking this back.”, You placed it with the rest of his clothes. “Now, let’s get started!”

You then showed him how to make the drinks, set the tables, where everything is, how to talk to customers, and how to give then their orders. He was surprisingly a great listener and did most of his jobs well. All but speaking to customers. He was very nervous when it came to that but you weren’t going to give up. You were going to test him.

You sat at one of the tables, “Alright pretend I’m.a customer. All you have to do is serve me my drinks and go back to the counter ok?”

He nodded and got the tray of two drinks. He began walking to you but started to have his hands shake mid way. This made you a bit worried seeing him so nervous. Only just a foot away from your table he tripped, and both drinks flew over spilling everywhere. He immediately went to the floor and started wiping up the mess, and of course you go down and help him out. As you two were cleaning when you went to go and pick up the cup, your hand fell of top of his. You looked up at each other and it felt like time had slowed down. You were staring into each other’s eyes with your hand holding his. You felt blush rise to your face and looked away.

“W-We better clean t-this up…t-the boss will get mad..”

Joonheon bit his lip, “Yea..”

You cursed yourself for stuttering but still helped clean up. After that happened you hard a little bit of a hard time looking at Jooheon because it made your heart start to skip a beat. You did find courage though and still showed him the right ways of the store. He started to improve rapidly and soon costumers poured in wanting to see the handsome waiter. You could lie you were a bit jealous but you were mostly happy for him. And what made you even more happy was that after every successful pay, every order, and every satisfied customer, Jooheon would come to you and you alone to show of how good he was doing. He was so proud of himself for coming out his shell, and it was all thanks to you.

As the days go on you get to know each other better. With every break time at the cafe, another story is shared between you. Although there were days you didn’t get to see him because he and you would both have break days by yourself. But being so attached to Jooheon, why not visit him in the cafe just this once? Without having to actually serve someone or clean the tables it might be a treat for you.

You pushed open the door making the bell ring on top. Jooheon was at the counter and the moment he saw you walk in, a smile crept to his face. You walked up to him on the other side of the counter and smiled as soon as you saw his cute dimples dent in his cheeks.

Jooheon, “What can I get you miss?”

You giggled, “Hmm..maybe just a cookie? And a small talk with you if your free?”

He bit his lip with a grin and looked down, “One cookie coming up, and I guess I have a little time.”

You talked only for a brief moment before your boss came out and saw you two chatting. He pointed his finger and told Jooheon to get back to work. Jooheon sighed and rung up your cookie. You started to leave before Jooheon tugged at your shirt.

He looked down with a blush, “U-Um I’m f-free after three today? If you want w-we could hang out a little bit? I-I-If you want to I mean..”

You turned back to him and smiled, “I’d love to.”

He looked up at you and started jumping up and down behind the desk with excitement. He stopped suddenly when he heard the boss call out his name in a ‘Get back to woooork’ tone. Jooheon quickly turned back to you and pecked your cheek. And with a wave of his hand he went back into the kitchen leaving you like a statue.You touched your cheek where he kissed and covered your mouth. Because if anyone saw you smiling this much,

They’d think you were crazy.

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