Yugyeom Scenario

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A/N- sorry if this is kinda short, but since you didn't ask for a plot, I just randomly made it up lol. I still hope you like it tho!!

Request: Just a simple Yugyeom fluff
Plot: just enjoying being together + a hint of Yugyeom cuddles
Genre: fluff

A heavy groan escapes Yugyeom's mouth as he drags he's feet up the stairs. Finally his day has come to an end and he can finally relax. Because although being an idol was his dream, it was exhausting to go through. But it was all worth it because he got to meet one very special person, whom he still cherishes today; it was you. You were his one escape from all the drama, hard work, and over all anything that life was aiming to throw at him. You were his paradise from reality.

The journey up the stairs has finally been vanquished. Yugyeom unlocks the door and kicks his shoes off. Shutting the door from behind, he places down his bags and goes inside. Instantly, he is greeted by the one thing he's been looking forward to all day.

"Welcome home Yugyeom~"

A warm smile spread across his face. Although exhausted, he happily greets you back, "Hello Jagiya~ Where are you?"

"I'm in the kitchen!"

He walks through the rooms of your small, but homey, apartment. At the kitchen counter was you, preparing some sort of dish. You glance up and spot him with a smile.

"I was just preparing breakfast for you tomorrow. You leave so early, I wonder if you ever ate breakfast at all."

His smile still lingered as he walked towards you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and put his head on your shoulder. He turned his head slightly just so that his lips could caress your bare neck.

Yugyeom, "You know you don't have to do this for me everyday, I'll live from missing one meal."

You chuckled and replied, "I could, but I still want to. I want my Yugyeom to stay nice and healthy!"

Those words stayed plastered in his mind. My Yugyeom. It made his heart flutter every time he heard it. Because Yugyeom is yours, and you were his.

Yugyeom nuzzled his face into your neck, with a whimper in his tone he said, "(Y/N)~ I want to hold you."

"Not right now Yugyeom. Let me finish your breakfast and then we can cuddle."

He whined, "You can do it later. Right now I just want you...please?"

You glanced at Yugyeom and saw him give you a pleading stare. It was beyond your power to not give in to such cuteness, so accepted his request.

With a defeated sigh you replied, "Okay."

Yugyeom' s smile grew wide as he led you to the couch. He held your small hand in his larger one, with a light soft grasp. He plopped on the couch and pulled you down with him. Hugging you in his tight embrace, he played with the loose strands of your hair. Suddenly, Yugyeom stops playing and tugs at your clothes.

He says with a half smile, "Are you wearing my hoodie?"

You glitch from his realization and look up at him with an innocent face. You sat on his hips, laid down on his stomach, and with only the tips of your fingers hanging it the sleeves, you looked at him innocently and replied, "Mayyybe~"

He covered his smile and his blushing cheeks at how cute you were trying to be. You knew when acting cute in any debatable situation with Yugyeom, you usually got out of it.

He laughed and asked teasingly, "Why are you wearing my hoodie?"

Your eyes glanced down, "Because when I miss you, I put this on and it feels like your still with me."

Yugyeom went quiet for a second, then suddenly pecked you on the nose. You looked up at him perplexed making him laugh once again.

Yugyeom, "I'll always be with you (Y/N). And I don't just mean it through my clothes...."

You giggled at his comment to which a smile came across his face. He continued on,

"I mean that I will be with you forever. Whether it be in my clothes, in your mind, or in your heart...I will forever be with you."

He pecked your lips and caressed your cheek. You smiled at his words and felt the warm blush rise to your face. Yugyeom always made you happy like this, whenever you were down. He was always there for you, and likewise, you were there for him. And the one thing that he always finished it off with, was a tender kiss. Why not this time you return the favor?


Yugyeom, "Hm?"

You tapped your puckered lips and fluttered your eyes. He burst out laughing and covered his face. Your cute act was too much to handle and he just couldn't control himself. But this wasn't the reaction you wanted. You pouted your lips on his chest and puffed your cheeks. When Yugyeom calmed down, looking down at your cute pout, his smile appeared again. He tapped your chin making you look up. And then all at once, he pulled you in from the hoodie, and kissed you right on the lips. Now this, was the reaction you wanted.

After a few seconds, you pulled away. A wide smile was on your face showing your satisfaction. Yugyeom laughed in embarrassment and threw his head back. You didn't mind it though, and just snuggled back into his chest. Once calm again, he stroked your hair and kissed your head. This was how things were around here. And speaking honestly from the both of you, it was paradise.

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