S.Coups Scenario

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Plot: OC's name is Jack he/him pronouns
Genre: fluff

You were practically running at the speed of light, you absolutely couldn't miss this. It was finally the weekend and were spending it with your best friend in the entire world. The one and only Sungcheol, or as you like to call him S.Coups. The reason why you so excited was because you had a slight crush on him. Ok, maybe not slight, more like went crazy every time he came near you. But feeling this way wasn't exactly easy. All the guys in our school teased us about always hanging out together and being really close,calling you 'Jack and Coups more than bros', but you couldn't help it. Coups never minded them though, if anything he emphasized it MORE. He hugged, held your hands, even tried to kiss you! You always went along with it because you couldn't let him know you actually liked him in that way. But you couldn't tell if he actually liked you as a guy, or was just playing. Man he's confusing!

"S.Coups!", You finally made it to the school gates.

He waved back to and immediately hugged you.

S.Coups, "Are you ready to have fun today Jack?"

"I can't wait!"

S.Coups, "Oh, hold on a second..."


S.Coups straightened out your outfit and brought down your collar on your button up. He kept his on there for a second and looked up at you.

S.Coups, "Were you always this messy? Heh, lucky you have me huh?"

"Uh huh, yea..."

S.Coups laughed and ruffled your hair, "C'mon, we've got loads of things to do!"

Then he dragged you by the hand leading you into the school gates. It was the annual school fair celebrating another successful year together. All the high school students were here and had booths, rides, food shops, everywhere. And lucky for you, You get to spend it all with Coups. You thought nothing today could make it any better!

He took you from ride to ride, going on each one like a piece of cake. Speaking of cake Coups also bought you all your favorite foods! For some reason though he always insisted on paying, even when you begged for you to pay. Coups has always been such a wonderful person towards you, and you wanted to pay him back somehow. You then came up with a plan to win him a gift at the shooting booth. Surely it can't be that hard.

"Jack, I'm gonna go to the bathroom, be right back."

Great now's your chance! You dashed over and handed the man a quarter to play. You saw a white stuffed puppy plushie, and aimed right at it. You missed. You aimed again. Miss. You did this about twenty times before you finally ran out of quarters. Just then Coups comes up from behind you.

S. Coups, "Jack? What are you doing?"

You sigh, "I was tryna win you that toy, but I suck at this game. And I used all my money."

S.Coups, "Aw, that's ok." He ruffled your hair again. "At least you did your best."

"But I wanted to do it for you! You always do nice things for me, why couldn't I do something for you!"

S.Coups, "Jack..."

"You think you could move it along buddy? I don't want you faggots near my booth." The man at the shooting booth rudely spoke.

S.Coups, "What?"

"You heard what I said, get lost! And take your loser boyfriend with you!"

You grabbed Coups's arm and tried to pull him away, "Come on let's go."

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