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My dearest Hunter,

I know that for years you've been asking about your father. Questions I told you I didn't know. Well I wasn't being truthful. This letter is to explain what I know about him and why I kept him a secret.

His name is Brian, Butch, O'Neill. He used to be a cop for Caldwell Police Department. He frequented bars like Screamers. He would drink until he was drunk and he would hook up with women. Not random women. Ones who knew what he liked. Sadly to admit, I was one of those women. Something about a bad boy cop wanting you drew women to him. We met there three times a week. A few times he made me feel special. Before we knew what was happening I fell in love. He didn't want that. Didn't want a relationship and shortly after just disappeared from town. I had his phone number and called many times but he never answered it. It may be disconnected by now but I want you to have it just in case you want to get to know him.

I didn't tell him about you because if two reasons. He never answered his phone and I didn't want to spilt your life. I wanted you to have a whole life where you weren't being shuffled house to house, parent to parent. I didn't want that for you. I wasnt sure what he would say and I didn't want to drag him down a road he clearly stated he didnt want.

Now my child this is the end of this letter. His phone number was 555-231-7704. Just don't get your hopes up. I've looked for him for years.

I love you more than anything my dear Hunter. I would do anything for you.

Love Mom.

What had he been thinking in opening the letter again. He'd been reading it a lot lately. He kissed his mother. Though he also tried to find his father. He never tried calling the phone number. He was always scared to. He also avoided the bar his father was said to frequent. He was scared. He picked up his phone and dialed the number.
Ring, ring.
" You have reached Butch O'Neill, leave a message." Beep.
"Hi um.. I am Hunter Jackson. You don't know me, but my mother told me about you and claimed you were my father. I just want to see if it's true. She told me you frequented Screamers when you knew her. I'll be there tomorrow night at nine. I won't leave until eleven or sooner if I feel you really won't be there. Sorry if this isn't Brian O'Neill." He said and hung up the phone.
He set his phone down and shook his head. Who was he kidding. The man wouldn't show up. He probably didn't even have the phone anymore. Hunter wished he had known when he was younger. He would have had the ability to do more. Now... Now he was nervous, scared, and oddly growing more and more tired by the day. What he would give for coffee, but he swore it off and wasn't going to throw that out the window. He sat on his couch clutching the letter.
" Oh, mom, you take the prize. I swear if I make a fool of myself I will be mad at you." He mumbled as he dropped the letter on the table.

Short first chapter I know but I was too excited to wait!!


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