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Around 11:30 we landed in a nearby city . It was a 40 minute drive to Atlanta with our rental. Considering my dad is one of the most known producers in America, my social media was still blowing up.  My dads name is Michael Gary. I got my name from my mom ( Noyoili Rentan) , so I'm Kelani Rentan.

We had to settle in a large apartment complex because them hotels are too crowdy for us. 

I immediately collapsed on the provided bed when I walked in. I only took a nap because I have to enjoy my day.

2 hours later

I woke up to a phone call. I'm glad she did call because I was not about to wake up anytime soon. It's 2 something now. I called my mom back

Ma: hello
Me:hey ma
Ma:hey sweetheart. Happy birthday
Me: thanks. Wouldn't have one if it wasn't fa you
Ma: Aw...what did you do today? I called earlier but dad picked up ya phone and said you were packing
Me:yeah its been a long morning. We landed a while ago and I just woke up from a nap
Ma: Ahaha. Okay...well I will call again later. Bye hon love you!
Me:Bye mama I love you too

My dad came in my room with an empty suitcase.
"I put up all of your clothes in my dresser. I wanted to switch dressers later because mine is bigger and I have less clothes than you" he smiled and walked out.

"Thanks dad! " I yelled.

This apartment was great! We had a full kitchen, three bedrooms, a big ass office, and even a downstairs. We had a balcony and a room with a small jacuzzi.

I got up and went to the fridge. I grabbed an apple and sat down on my bed. I turned on the flat screen to Nickelodeon and watched Sanjay and Craig for about an hour. Then I took another nap. I'll just celebrate tomorrow.


I woke up to my dad opening my door and some August Alsina playing.

"Huh?'" I groaned looking at him.

" I have a surprise for you baby" he smiled really big. I sat up and focused my eyes around the room. There was cupcakes and ice cream and hella balloons. Some with my name on them, some plain, and some with August Alsina printed on them. I smiled and giggled.

"Thanks daddy".

" Wait! Before you go back to sleep. Come with me." He pulled me out of bed and nearly dragged me downstairs while I was barely dressed. I only have on another big ass August Alsina T Shirt and some black leggings.  I hope he doesn't have company.

I scanned the floor. Great. He has company.

About 5 of his partnas were here. They all spoke. I'm cool with all of him...actually they are my "uncles".

I spoke back groggily but still smiling.

My dad let my arm go and went to talk to him friends.

What happened?

He looked up at me " Oh yeah...go to my office"

I rolled my eyes and turned the corner. I peeked in the room and noticed it as soon as I seen it. I almost died.

It was a perfect shade of brown.
It held a perfect tune.
It almost perfectly killed me.

It was August Alsina.


He turned the big office chair around and shuffled some papers. He was singing and bobbing his head to his own music.

He looked up at me and I froze again.

He smiled "Oh Hi, ya must be-"

My eyes widened when I realized he was talking to me. I screamed and ran all the way back upstairs. I jumped on my bed, which now had all my balloons on it.

Balloons surrounded me everywhere while they flew up in the air. Why the hell? His ass almost killed me.

Speaking to me like its normal. No nigga. That's not cool. Almost died. Shit.

I looked down and sighed, rolling off of my bed.

My dad came upstairs knocking on my door.

"Hey, are you alright?". He asked me.

I didn't answer him. " Kiki. I can ask him to lea-"

My eyes widened. "NO DADDY!!!!!" I yelled looking at him.

He put his hands up. "My bad. Just at least go talk to him. Happy Birthday." He said again  and smiled, walking away.

I panicked but smacked some sense into myself mentally.

I plopped on my bed but immediately got up, pacing.

It's okay. I convinced myself. It's only-

"August?" I whispered. He was standing in my door way smiling.

"Hi. Can we try this again?" He put his hand out.

"I'm Au-"

"August Alsina!!" I squealed running up to him.

I hugged him and kissed all over his face making him chuckle.

"Oh my god!! I- . What?!? Dont you have like..bodyguards or something?? Why are you here? You could've killed me! ". He hugged me back and smiled, probably not listening to anything I was saying.

I brushed my hair out of my face and stopped moving. I just stared at him. He waved him hand in my face.

" Hey....are you oka-"

"Can I have a picture with you?"

He shrugging his shoulders , about to speak.

I didnt listen. I hurried up and jumped over my bed grabbing my phone off of the charger.

I swiped up and the camera opened. My mama wouldn't believe this!!!

We took about 60 pictures. Me smiling extra hard in all of them. This is crazy bread!!

Forever (Urban Fiction) Book#1Where stories live. Discover now