Got Some News Pt 2

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I set the test in the box and walked my hands. Then I threw water on my face. I was literally shaking.

Don't get me wrong I love babies. I practically have baby fever.

But is now a good time to have one? I mean I don't have a job. I'm not married. And my parents might not even approve.

August might not even want it.

I shuddered as that last thought went through my brain.

I wiped my face with a towel. Might as well tell him now.

I left out the bathroom with a nervous smile on my face. August was texting.

" I got some news for you." I said cheesing.

"Good or bad?" He asked setting his phone down.

" depends." I said, sitting on him.

"Depends...on what?" He asked truly confused.

"If you are ready for it or not."

"Baybeh." He nervously chuckled. "I'm ready fa anything you can throw at meh."

Here I go.

"August. Don't look at me when I tell you this." He sighed and looked away, smiling.

"Okay you can tell me now. I'm not looking."

I rolled off of him and paused the movie.

"Aumh mm prent" I mumbled.


"August. I'm pregnant. It's yours. I have a person in my belly." I said fast.

I moved my hands from my face to see his reaction.

"Okay. That's great news baybeh." I laughed wiping tears from his face.

I was happy that he was happy and I laughed, crying too.

He hugged me and we ranted on about it.

"But I don't have a job." I said.

"I can make enough money for the both of us." He said.

I felt a stab in my chest.

"August...." I whispered.


" I have to go back to Cali in a few weeks. What about the baby?" He frowned.

"Let's go talk to Mike." He sat up.

"No!" I panicked.

He shook his head.

"Then I will talk to him."

I rolled off the bed and got up, putting on my shoes.

"What I thought" he said and grabbed my hand.

We walked out of the door towards the apartment.

I walked in first.

" Daddy?" I screamed shutting the door.

No response. August followed me to Daddy's office.

I walked in and he had headphones on listening to some music. He looked at us and took them off smiling.

"I got some news for you baby!" He said.

I do too.

"Good or bad?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

I heard Aug snicker behind me. "Good."

I sat on his lap. "What's up?"

"We're staying here." He smiled.

I screamed and ran upstairs throwing my deflated balloons everywhere and jumping up and down.

This means I can keep the baby!!!

They came upstairs smiling and throwing balloons around too. I was so happy.

But, only August knew why.

"Wait." I said. They stopped moving.

"Daddy. I have to tell you something."

I said.

" What?" He asked.

" Me and August are having a baby. Don't be mad." I winced.

August and Daddy's mouth dropped open.

"Well dont just stand there!! Let's go celebrate some more!!!" Daddy yelled. We laughed and left in separate cars. I'm surprised he wasn't mad.


We were at Olive Garden. Sitting in a booth.

Mike laughed while slurping his noodles.

"You do know that you have to tell Mama, right" he asked Lani.

She smiled. "I know but I'm not ready."

"Sweety. " he said putting his fork down.

"Your mom will be happy for you. I promise."
He said.

"So I'm staying with you?" She asked. He nodded.

"Kinda. Im having your stuff sent here. And I'm getting a house. I paid off the cars so you can officially keep the one you are driving now."

He looked at me and winked. We had discussed sumn when she wuh on da phone wit ha Titi or somebody earlier.

"What?" She asked setting ha salmon down.

"Baybeh. You will move in wit meh next week. Ya don have ta get a job, like I said earlier. Til nine months are up, you can spend time wit Chelle and Chandra. " I smiled.

"To new beginnings" Mike raised his wine and we followed suit.

She smiled and nodded. "Thank you Daddy" she said smilin lookin at her dad.

It wuh risky but it wuh worth a try.

"No problem" I said looking down and stuffin a mouthful a noodles in ma mouth.

"You gon get enough of that August." Mike said glarin at me.

I smiled looking down pretending to stuff my face with noodles.

Me and Lani laughed quietly.

"Akikiki" Mike fake laughed, not smilin.

He stood up and threw a one hundred dollar bill on da table.

"Let's take you home." He said wit me and Lani following behind em.

We snickered loudly behind em and he got in his car while me and Lani got in mine.

He rolled down his window.

"Lani you can come to the apartment to get what's already there and the stuff from California will be here by tomorrow. I got it shipped last month."

She smiled and nodded. He rolled his window up , speedin off and we busted out laughing again, catching up wit em.


He pulled up five minutes after us and we were already in the house.

We packed my bags together and put them by the door.

I had everything.

It took us about thirty minutes to get it all done. Daddy was downstairs.

" well...let's go" Aug said with his cute accent and we went downstairs.

He grabbed my suitcases and started walking toward his apartment. I followed, occasionally grabbing one to release some weight.

It was like a half a block walk. Not a lot.

We entered his house and before I could unpack he stopped me.

"No. I wanna move too. I already bought da house. It's bout two miles from ya dad's new house."

I shook my head. "Where have I been during this whole movement?" I asked.

We packed for about five hours and went to sleep around 10.

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