Not As Bad As You Make It Seem

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After I got to the nearest hospital, I hopped out the car with it still running.

I ran in and ran up to the desk.

"Can I see August Alsina please?" I asked sweating.

He started typing on the computer and told me the room number.

"Floor 8 room 6" I ran to the elevator, bumping into people on the way there.

I got to his room and there were machines everywhere. He was sleep. I hope.

I started crying and I walked in slowly. He had his own room.

The nurse came in. "Hello hon. You are...."

"Kelani Rentan. " I spoke shaking her hand.

"Well Mr.Alsina's heart disease is starting to take over dramatically." She said.

"And?" I asked impatiently, seeing his shoes on the chair.
"And...some man called and told us that he was passed out. He suffered a rare case of disorder: NMHHS disorder. Nausea/ Mental health and heart stress. Obviously somebody broke his poor little heart to the point where he couldn't take it anymore. He could wake up in as little as a week-"

"Oh thank God!!!!" I yelled crying

" much as six months."

I nearly fainted because of the possibilities and because I knew that I had caused this.

I called his sister and his mom from his phone. Then I called my dad. They all were up here within 30 minutes.

I never actually met his mom but she instantly have off a yournotgoodenoughforhim vibe.

But considering the circumstances I didn't say a word.

His sister ran to him, hugging him while I filled everyone in on what the doctor had told me.

His mom started crying and I couldn't help but to feel bad.

What have I done?


August POV

I jumped up in a cold sweat. I seen white everywhere. What happen?

I stood up and I was wearing my same clothes, but they wuh white.

The hell? I'm in heaven?

"No" I soft voice spoke behind meh.

It was a short lady around 40 years old. She smiled at me an' came up to me.

"This is the PDWA :the partially decided waiting area." She told meh.

"It's where people go when they are not fully dead but are being decided on whether they live or not" This gotta be a dream.

"Wrong again August. You're in a coma. You passed out from heart failure - typically because of the girl."

I shook mah head. This shid is crazeh.

"I'm your guardian angel, August. I will be there to guide you through the way until you are old enough to do things smartly on your own. You won't be submitted into the real world until next week."

This wuh too much to take in at once.

"Geez... " I mumbled."What is Kelani doing? Do they know I'm in the hospital?"

"I am not allowed to tell you where Kelani is or where anybody is or is doing for that matter. We have to keep your feelings safe. On the other hand, yes, your mother, Kelani, Chantel, and your producer do know that you are in the hospital."

"Bruh" I said and fell back on the clouds.


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