You What?

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When August came home he was in a bad mood.

All day I been picking with him, being annoying and trying to make him speak to me.

I was leaning on the doorway with my legs crossed, on IG.

He tried to walk by but he didn't say anything.

I didn't move. He just stared at me.

"Wassup? Where you from? Can I get yo digits baby?" I asked in a fake NY accent.

He didn't laugh so I just let him through.

I heard him downstairs in the game room so I went down there and sat next to him on the beanbag chair. He was playing GTA 5.

He didn't say anything.

I sighed and turned off the TV, aware that I erased his progress.

" August don't say anything but at least just listen to me." He turned to me and cleared his throat, folding his hands.

"Baby before we were boyfriend and girlfriend, we were best friends. And from the looks of it..." I pulled out my phone and went to the dictionary.

"....bestfriends tell each other everything. There is no hiding secrets. Even if you get together, you two are still bestfriends." I read.

He shook his head and wiped his hands on his joggers.
And for the first time in seven hours, he finally spoke.

"Nautica. Me and Reg seen ha today and she caught an attitude wit me. Talk bout fuck me and my girl. And how you just gon leave like the rest." He said.

I pulled his head to rest on my lap.

"August. You know I wont leave you.
Im this close to being in fucking love with you." I hugged his head.
He didn't respond.

"Aug you do know that I'm not going nowhere right?" I asked.

He got up and walked back upstairs.
I followed him with burning tears behind my eyes.

"August." I gasped. " I'm staying. Please tell me you believe that. "

"I believe det baybeh. I'm just still upset" he said pulling off his shirt and throwing it on the floor.

I sat on his lap, picking his shirt up.

"I tell you what....we can go to the movies. Daddy's Home is playing and we haven't went in a grip." I said putting his shirt back on him.

He nodded and kissed my forehead.

Thank goodness.

We got up and put our shoes on. Then we headed out in his Audi.

** ** ** ** ** **

"Next in line?" I heard the Brazilian girl say. We were in a different theater.

We walked up, me pulling him behind me.

"Two adult tickets for Daddy's Home." I spoke.

She nodded. "$16.96" she said.

Before August could react I pulled out a 20 and gave it to her, smiling.

"Oh and can I get a large popcorn and two large frozen drinks?" I asked.

She turned around and got our stuff when August was holding my hips. I quickly turned around and pecked his lips before turning back around and getting our stuff. August grabbed his drink and the popcorn and I grabbed my drink.

He handed her a 20. She gave him $5 back and he set it in a little girl's princess bag. The pocket was already open and the girl was talking to what I assumed was her mom.

We walked in the auditorium and the first thing I noticed was the recliner seats.

"Aug look!" I squealed pointing.

"I know. I been hea befa" he smiled finally. I smiled too and we shared a chair.

** ** ** **

"That was good" I remarked.

He nodded, pulling out his key.

" It was alright but it was gay." He said getting in the Audi.

"How?" I laughed.

"Because it just was." He said starting the car.

I shook my head and buckled my seat belt, already prepared for what was to happen.

He pulled off dangerously, with the music on low.
"Hiphop" was playing.

I just layed back and went to sleep, enjoying the outcome of this day.


When we pulled up to da house Lani was slumped. I picked ha up and carried ha to the doo', unlocking it with my left hand.

We went in and I set ha on the bed, laying out some pajamas fa ha next to ha, in case she woke up.

Then I took our jackets and shoes off and put them in da closet.

I guess today was pretty fun. It got Nautica off ma mind.

I got dressed in ma boxers and layed next ta ha, drifting off.

** ** ** ** ** *

When I woke up, Lani was still sleep so I got up to make breakfast.

I grabbed ma phone off da table next ta ha and I had about ten missed calls from Nautica and endless txt messages about how I "still want ha" and shit.

I put my phone on airplane mode and pulled out da eggs, bacon, pancake mix, fruit, toast, and apple juice.

I got started on breakfast.


I woke up to the smell of bacon.

I got up and went downstairs to see what it was, which I had already presumed, it was August.

He was humming and flipping bacon in his plaid pajama pants. I walked up behind him and put my hands in his pockets, kissing his neck from the side.

"Well good morning to you too baybeh. Glad to see you're up." He smiled.

I smiled and sat down at the island.

"Why are you making breakfast. We could just go to Bob Evans." I said.

"But I do appreciate it baby boy."

He turned around with a plate and a cup and set it in front of me.

I Snapped it and added a caption.

Baby boy cooked for me y'all

"Taste it." He said.

"Thank you baby. " I took a bite of the pancake with blueberries on it and smiled.

"Mmm. How did you learn how to cook?" I asked, surprised.

"Well when you don't have any siblings or friends to chill with and you're mama is at work half the time, what do you expect?" He said.

I nodded." Oh yes, I know exactly how it is."

"We are much alike aren't we?" He asked getting up and sitting next to me.

"We are. Really." I replied.

"Lani." He said, looking down.

I looked up.


" I Uhmm..." He stuttered wrenching his hands.

"What?"I asked putting my fork down.

"I love you."

Forever (Urban Fiction) Book#1Where stories live. Discover now