No Love

57 3 0


39 missed calls
73 text messages

I sighed and put ma phone down. I got up from the bed and got in the shower.

I been stayin in a hotel since last night. Kelani made me mad as fuck. Like, really?

Ha mischievous ass been cheating an shit. The fuck I ever did ta ha? Can anybody answer me det?

I only wan ha but she playin games. Well....I only wanted ha. Before.

Before I found out she was hoelike.

Now I don't even want ha no moah.

See dis shit hea....dis da reason I don't wanna fall in love nie. It's been a good three years since ma last relationship and see wat happen?

So lemme not fall back in det trap again.

All these thoughts running in ma head as I get out and dry off.

Maybe it's bout time I head to the studio. I ain been der in a grip.


Chelle: please calm down baybeh
Me: I-i can't. He-he won't answer my c-calls and he is n-nowhere to be found.

I sobbed into the phone. Chelle is from New Orleans too.

C: look boo, don get worked up ova it. Hea be back in ya arms befa ya knows it.
Me: I don't know what t-to do.

C: chill mamas. Look ia be der in ten minutes
Me:OK. Thank you Chelle.

She hung up and I went to go fix some cereal.


"Y'all nighas got me fucked up thinking I'm a soft ass 'lemme-sing-a-lovesong-to-you' ass nihga.

But I'm doing what I gotta do, tryna get paid if ya try me you can die nigga....."

I wuh in da studio wit Mike rehearsin.

When I was done I packed up and left out of the box.

"Ayy wassup August?" Mike asked me.

"It's nothing sah." I replied.

"What happened between you and Lani?" He asked, pulling ma arm to the chair. He said across from me.

"Well sah, I caught ha cheating wit dis dude name Carta"

"Oh...Carter. I never liked him."

"Ya knew em?" I asked.

"Yup. He was a drug dealer in CA and he was bad news. He went to school with Lani and they went out a couple years ago. I was too happy when they broke up. But....tell me August, what she do?

" she Uhmm
...well I seen da messages. "

"Ohh. Say no more pimpin." He said. I nodded and stood up.

"So nie I'm in a hotel til furtha notice." I told em.

He shook his head standin up next ta me.

"Well" he said shakin my hand.

"I'll talk to her." He told meh.

"No need sah. I'm done wit ha."

"But August you have to-"

"I'm tied uh trying to fall in luv wit da wrong ones." I complained.

"August. Did you just say you were falling in love with her?" He asked.

"'s ova between me an ha. She can't put haself in ma shoes. She ont know what I go through on a daily basis and to come home to sumn like det....dat shit is painful Mike."

He walked me to tha doo'.

"Well, next time she calls, pick up. And try to see her view on this."

"Okay sah. I can fagive ha but iain going back." I said and pulled off in ma Audi.


I cried some more into Chelle's shoulder.
"Baybeh let's go find em." She said.

I got up and got ma keys.

We left in my Daddy's otha rental.

"Where wud he be?" I shrugged ma shoulders.

"Okeh....da studio it is." She went towards downtown.

We pulled up and I got out the car.
I went in and my Daddy was shuffling papers at the front desk. Nobody that I knew was here. I walked up behind him and before I could say anything....

"You were wrong Lani." He said turning to face me.

I sighed. "Daddy I didnt-"

"That boy has been hurt more than anybody I've ever known. You better go fix it. And don't come home til you do." He said pointing his finger in my face.

I walked out with Chelle and called August.


My phone started to vibrate.

I picked up. "Hullo?"


"Sorry mamas, you got the wrong numba. This ain Carta." I said going to hang up.

"No August wait!!!" She yelled.

I sat back, driving towards Chandra's house.

"What Kelani?" I asked.

"I'm sorry August." She pleaded.

"I am too" I wuh going to hang up again when I remembahd what ha dad told meh.

"I didn't mean to hurt you babe." I hung up and reversed ma direction.

I ended up at home. I got out da car and opened the doo'.


I heard keys rattling and I was going to open the door when it opened ba itself.

"August?" I jumped on him and hugged him kissing him over and over.

Chelle had left to pick her daughter up from daycare.

"I forgive you baybeh." He said.

I laughed and he carried me upstairs.

I'm tired of hurting you August.

(First and probably last time) Michael POV

I got a text from August.

Mission accomplished sir

It said. I smiled and set my phone down, turning on the TV.

Remember Chandra was August's dead brothers gf.

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