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When I woke up August was gone and I had a text message.
Imma be gone handling business til around 1

It was from August.

I called my dad.

"Where are you Lani?" He asked.

"I'm at August's house Daddy." I replied.

"Okay. That's where I was wondering you were. But you can come get some clothes and go back if you want."

"Kay I'll be there in a minute."

I got up and brushed my teeth and hair, and took a shower. I got dressed in a black and gold crop top and some high waisted black jeans. I added some black and gold sandals and some gold jewelry.

I went home and got a couple outfits and stuff. My dad was sleep.

I left and went back to August's apartment.

I looked at my phone screen as I was walking.

10:38 am

It's pretty early. Just then I got a text from and old friend, Carter.

When I was in tenth grade we went out but we broke up when I had to move to California.

Hey old friend. How has life been?

It's been great actually. How about you?

Well I guess, except I'm single.

Lol are you really tripping about that? Gone and go to nigga.


What's that supposed to mean?

I walked into his house with his key that he left.

It means that I miss you. Can I visit you?

See, the problem is I'm in the A.

Well would you look at that, I'm here too. I was going to leave later on tonight but I guess I could stay.

Okay, I'm at a friends house now so come on ahead.

Kay. What's the address?

Westbound Apartments. Building A. Room number 10.

Kay I'll be there in an hour.

Okay I'll be here.

I called August. He sent me to voicemail with a text message.

Hol on babe I'm in the studio now but I will see you later.


He didn't respond so I got up from the couch and popped some popcorn.

An hour later.

I went to the bathroom to wash to popcorn grease off of my hands and went I can back I heard a knock on the door. I wiped my hands on my pants and paused the movie.

I opened the door and of course it was Carter.

"Carter!!! I haven't seen you in a grip."

He hugged me and chuckled.

"I miss you girl." We hugged for a long time and sat on the couch catching up.

25 minutes later.

"Well, I'm about to take a nap, so I'll see you later" I said.

"Wait" he said grabbing my arm.

I turned around."Whadd-" he cut me off with a kiss.

I wanted to pull away but I was literally pulled into it. We kissed a long time then I pulled away.

"Uhmm...I'll see you later."

"I'll text you Lani." He said. I nodded and close the door.

I was texting him all night.


I kissed Carter and he walked away and got into his car.

This is the fifth day that we've been kissing and stuff. August hasn't even found out yet. He's been at the studio everyday. I've been surprisingly tired all week.

I went in August's room and went to sleep.

I woke up to the door slamming. I jumped up and checked the clock.


It's too early. He was knocking things around and he came in the room.

"Hey Lani." He said licking the inside of his jaw and tapping his foot.


"Who's Carta?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes and layed back down.

"Why do you ask August?" I asked.

"Because of this!" He shoved my phone in my face and I seen our messages.

"Why are you go-"

"I wunt. He texted you and it popped up on ya phone screen." He said.

He got mad again and threw the phone on the floor walking out.

I was feeling sad and super guilty.

He went in the bathroom and I heard the shower running.

I was crying and deleting our messages.
Then I heard him singing.

"Love is fa suckas
That's why I don't trust em
Cause when you try to cuff em
You end up in trouble sayin
Love is fa suckas
That's why I don't need it
Cause when she say she love ya
She'll make ya believe that you're in
Now she got you open
And she got you hoping you're in love,love,love,love,love
But you shouldn't trust ha
Cuz you're just a sucka fa love
Ooh you
Ya not in love youre just a sucka fa love
Ya not in love ya just a sucka fa love

I listened in amazement as I realized how sad he really was. I heard the shower turn off and I was just sitting on the couch frowning.

When he came out he had a towel covering his lower body. He went in the room and came back out with an outfit on.

"August I'm sorry I-"

"Please Kelani. Don't."

He put his hand up and grabbed his keys.

"August can't leave me at your own house."

"You're not in love youre just a sucka fa love."

I sighed."Stop singing that."

"Just a sucka, just a sucka."

He put on his shoes.
"At least let me explain" he shook his head, not looking at me.

"Just a sucka, just a sucka."

I cried some more grabbing on his arm.

Then he walked towards the door with a duffle bag.

"You're not in love ya just a sucka fa love"

He sang and walked out.

Forever (Urban Fiction) Book#1Where stories live. Discover now