She May Forgive You

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Reg: Dude.... So you telling me that you killed your girlfriend's brother and she doesn't know?

Me: Yeah. I don't know what to think. I know he killed my brother but damn.

Reg: Look maine. All I'm saying is you gotta tell her someday. You can't hide it forever.

Me: I know but shit. Well I'll talk to you later or sumn

Reg: Ight bro

Me: Aight

I hung up, rubbin meh hands o'er meh face. I sighed and let ma head hit the steerin wheel. The horn went off but I didn't move.

I don't even know how I would feel if I wuh in ha position.

I heard a knock on da window but I didn't look up.

The car doo' opened an I felt a hand lift ma head up.

"Yes La-" I jumped.

It was Cassis.

I rubbed my eyes and squinted. She finally decided to show up huh?

"Well you never needed me before. Til now." She said.

"Well I sure as hell needed you when I was a yungin. Sleepin on da floo' and shit" I said.

"August don't you agree that there is a bigger issue at hand here?" She asked.

I nodded. "Help meh Cassis."

She nodded and rubbed my arm.

"Let her know easy, softly. She may hit on you or she may forgive you. She may leave-"

"Don say det"

"-or she may forgive you. "

"This is crazy. Why did you let me kill em?"

"Because I knew that this moment would change things forever." She said.

I hung my head back down. " you know what she gon do." I said.

She nodded and I fell on the doo'.

I closed my eyes and opened them after a few seconds due to Cassis tapping ma shoulda.

"What Ca-"

"No." Lani cut me off.

I sat up and I wasn't in the car no more. I was in my bed wit a ice pack on my head.

"A neighbor found you in the car with the windows rolled up. He and his husband brought you in. I thought you had heat stroke but he was a specialist. He said you just passed out from your headache and stress"

I sat up but immediately sat back down when my head started hurtin.

She rubbed my cheek and kissed me.

"Your temperature is 112°F. I called my dad and he said you can get the day off."


"You let some gay guys feel on me while I wuh passed out and unaware and sweaty?"
I asked.

She laughed and kissed me again."its okay. I made sure they didn't violate you."

She gave me a pill and some water. I took it.



"I can't let you help me get well"


"I have to tell you somethin. I know who killed ya brother"

"Oh my God! You do! Who?"

I cleared my throat.

"The day you told me your brothers name realization hit meh hard as hell. I heard that Mel was shot up by a dude named Antonio. I was mad and I went out looking for him. My nigga Franki seen it all and he gave me a picture of the guy. So.... By automatic reaction I was upset and overwhelmed so I went and...."

She was sobbing now.

"I'm sorry baybeh I didn't know he was your brother then. I'm really sorry Lani I didn't know. Please....say sumn"

She got up and ran out the room.

I grabbed a pair of crutches that were next to me, which I assumed were mine.

I hopped down da stairs. Well....half of them. I fell down the last ten or so...

"Lani." I crawled to the couch due to the fact that my ankle was wrapped up in a cast.

She was still crying. I held her tight and let her salty tears run down my bare chest

She still didn't say anything to me.
She just held on to me and cried a lot more.

"I wo-wont tell my d-dad August."

I sighed and rubbed her back, relieved that she didn't hate me.

I looked out the window and Cassis was looking at us nodding her head. She saluted me and I nodded to her.

"Forgive me....please." I whispered in Lani's ear.

Forever (Urban Fiction) Book#1Where stories live. Discover now