Best friend

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Well its been a week since we've been here and it turns out that August lives in the same complex that we do.

I'm going insane. Maybe I'm overreacting, but he is fine as fuck. Like....mmm....things I would do to him.

I went downstairs and my dad was already up. Cooking.

"Hey daddy." I said jumping on a tall, four feet tall stool. He smiled at me

"Good morning baby. You going to celebrate your afterbirthday with August today?"

"Hell yeah" I said looking at him crazy.

August is my now best friend or whatever. That' that's like bae.

"Well..." He said turning off the stove.

"I'd go get dressed because he said he was coming over in an hour." I got on alert.

"And...that was an hour ago." He said smiling.

"Daddy!" I yelled pushing his chest. "What?" He asked.

I ran upstairs with a handful of bacon and brushed my teeth. When I spit it out I heard a car pull up.

I washed my face and out on my eyeliner and mascara.

I heard the car door close.

I ran to my room, brushing my hair and dancing to August's music. I started going through my dresser. Daddy already switched them.

I heard a knock at the door.

I pulled out some dark skinny jeans and a plaid light blue and white button down.

"Yeah she's upstairs" shit.

I put my hair in a puffball and slipped on some socks.
I turned around and-

"Knock knock."

"Yknow usually when I hear knock knock I expect someone to actually be knocking." I said smiling at him.

He smiled back. "My bad shawty."

I looked him up and down.

He had on a light blue button down plaid shirt and some dark baggy jeans.

He smirked at me." See sum ya like ma?" He asked me.

"Yeah...we matching." I smiled.

He looked me up and down and gave me a hug

" Well....let's go da the mall. I'm bored" he said.

"Wait best friend" I said grabbing his arm.

He turned around and I grabbed my purse and charger and we took a few pictures.

Only about 45.

" let's go!" He said walking downstairs.

"Woah!! Look at y'all" my dad said as we came down.

I smiled and Aug shook my dad's hand.

"Be back by 11" he yelled as we walked out.

We got in his car and he pulled off like he was being chased. "Damn" i said putting my seatbelt on.


"So...if its not a sensitive topic...." I started.

"Wassup" he said, grabbing my bag from me.

"Can you tell me about your childhood. Like...I kinda already know from listening to your songs, but...."

"Nah its alright." He said, kicking an empty smoothie cup.

"Well....meh dad was never really in ma life. And ma mom got a boyfriend, but he wuh a crack addict. I wuh running da streets a lot then I dropped outta high school senior yeah."

"Why? You were almost done!" I semi-yelled.

"I know, I know. But....I ran across a betta oppuhtunity." He continued.

"A job?" I asked.

"Yeah, well sort of. It was a well payin job but I wuh being payed with dirty moneh. I was on da streets....selling crack on da cornuh. It worried ma mom to death and she barely could believe it when word got round. I felt kind a bad cuh ha boyfriend started buying from me. I sort of became a lord and the money started rolling in." He chuckled.

But then his eyes for dark and he looked away from me. He pulled my arm and we sat on a bench next to a vending machine.

"But then...." He mumbled.

My eyes sparkled with worry. I have a feeling I already knew what he was going to say.

"But then...?" I encouraged.

"But then..... Ma brodder Melvin. He wuh shot."

I sighed and grabbed his hand.

"As you probably already know he didn't survive it. And I was... I was outraged. I was really pissed." He said and started shaking his leg.

"The nigga neva got caught, but somebody had to do something." He said.


"He couldn't just be let go. I mean....he had to be punished." He mumbled.

"August what did you do?" I asked rubbing his jaw.

"I ...I killed him Kelani. And it's terrible because it couldve been someone's big brother. I felt like a hypocrite but...." He said.

I looked down as his eyes started getting watery. It was clear that he didn't wanna cry now.

"Afta drugs got old, I started singing, and I started off small but look where it got me."

He got happy again.

I giggled and pulled him out of the seat.

"Okay August. Let's go do something else. I'm bored. " He stood up and grabbed my bags.

"Guh if you don't take dese bags" he warned, raising his eyebrow.

I giggled again, dancing around him.

"You're cute when you are impatient." I said walking out of the door with him following behind me.

He popped his trunk and I helped him put my many bags in it.

I got in the driver's seat while he closed the trunk.

He looked at me like I was crazy.

" Nah baybeh....not da Audi" I rolled my eyes as he leaned on the car door.

"Cmon Aug, lemme try it out." I pleaded

"Try it- hell nah! You neva drove befo?" He asked
I shook my head, smiling.

He paced around the car and opened the door. He picked me up and put my in the passenger seat. "Not today" he put his hand out.

I gave him his keys.

" where you wanna go?" He asked.

"Ion know. To see a movie or sumn." I shrugged.

He started the car and smirked at me.

'What are yo- AHHHH!" I screamed as he pulled off whippin through the parking lot.

Forever (Urban Fiction) Book#1Where stories live. Discover now