Chapter 1: Where's Your Wand?

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Star's POV

Good morning earth I've been here for a very long time, but this is my first morning on earth without my wand. After I destroyed it last night. I must admit I already miss my wand.

I walked to my window staring outside, thinking how will I make my day fun even though I don't have my wand anymore. This is stressing me out already I shouldn't be frowning, I am Star Butterfly I'm always happy I can't be frowning now. I heard a light knock on my door making me snap out of my thoughts.

"Star, its me Marco can I come in?" He said from the other side of the door.

"Of course, come on in" I said forcing to put a smile and having a positive energy. He opened the door poking his head in and I saw him with a worried face "Good morning Marco, how's your sleep?"

"Good morning too Star,  I think I'm supposed to ask you how was your sleep not the other way around" he walked in walking closer to me. "Are you sure your still fine here on earth after last night?"

"Of course I'm fine, do you still remembered that day I proved myself that I can go forward without using any magic?" I said with a big grin placed on my face.

"Yeah I remembered it, it took a few days to clean all that beard all over the house. Why would I forget that!"  he put on a smile.

"That's the spirit, just don't worry about me actually you should be more worry about yourself"

"Yeah, can I ask you something?"

I nodded my head in respond.

"If you said not to worry too much to others why did you choose to destroy your wand just to save my life?" He said looking directly at me.

"Why wouldn't I? Your my bestfriend and we save each others life a lot. Sometimes you need to sacrifice something for someone"

I saw his smile grew wider and it made me feel happy to see him smile knowing that he is not worrying about me or anything. I don't like it when he his sad because it just makes me sad too.

Marco is my best friend and best friends are always there to help, just to make them happy no matter what problems we have, or where ever we are, we always sacrifice for each other.
"Yeah, I guess you're right. So anyways, my mom said breakfast will be ready in a few minutes" he walked out the room shutting the door. "Hurry up!" I heard him yell.

"Okay, I'll be there before it's ready!" I yelled back .

I run to the bathroom having a quick shower making sure I clean up good. When I finished I was about to search for my wand but I realized I don't  have it, which means I have to do it the hard way. I change into my everyday outfit and brushed my hair making myself look neat and that was really a hard job in all honesty, it's really hard without my wand.

"Star! breakfast is almost ready!" Mrs. Diaz yell from the kitchen.


I went down stairs still brushing my hair. I have no idea that my hair is this hard to brush. I enter the kitchen as I entered I inhaled the delicious smell of pancake, delicious indeed .

"Good morning Mrs. Diaz, good morning Mr. Diaz" I greeted.

I took a set next to Marco flashing him a wide grin.

"Morning Star" they both reply happily.

"How was your sleep?" Mrs. Diaz ask while preparing the food.

"It was awesome, I had this dream that I was chasing a wild unicorn in Mewni!" I exclaim.

"Well, looks like you still have your highly happy energy after all. We were afraid that you will change"

I chuckle at what Mr Daiz said. That's impossible, I will never change. Why would I? I love being who I am nothing can change me.

"Don't worry I will not change even if everyone will betray me"

"Betray by what? By food, promise, or maybe love life?" Marco asked while stuffing his face with pancakes.

"What? Food will be fine with me. Promise? I can easily moved on and forgive and love life? I don't think I want to have a love life again after what happened to me and Tom"

It's true I really don't want to have another love life ever again after what happen to me and Tom. It was so frustrating. Tom would just get angry really fast, he thinks he own me and I'm all his. I don't like that feeling.

"Well that's who you are Star... " he shoved another pancake in his mouth

"Anyway, I just thought about it and realize that you will actually gonna feel like a normal person here on Earth. Since your wand is not with you, Ludo and his monsters are gone also Toffee"

"Well, I think that I will be back to myself when I was ten I guess, cause that's my age when I'm still not fighting monsters and don't have a magic" I said while biting my hairbrush.

"Star you know you cannot bite something else except food while in the front of the dinning table" Mr.Diaz said while pointing at my hairbrush.



After breakfast me and Marco made our away to school talking about random stuff just like how we used to.

I was nervous without my wand. I am used to have my wand with me where ever I go. I don't even know how to open my locker without my wand.

"Well Star, good luck for your first day of school without a magic" Marco said with a smile.

"Ahhh, thanks Marco"

We continue walking inside the campus, until a group of student keep up to me.

"Hi Star! Can you turn me into a unicorn?" One of the student run up to me with excited expression.

"I would love to do that but I don't have my magic" I said politely.

His smile dropped turned into a frown then he walked away with a disappointed face making me feel really bad.

We continued walking until we reach to Marco's locker.

"I think your going to lose your popularity without your wand" Marco piped up when we reach to his locker.

"Why Star, where's your wand?" A voice asked I turn around to see who it is. It's Jackie.

"Ummm, I..." I paused for a while thinking how to explain "I destroyed it last night and my parents took it" I said with a low voice

Everyone turned there gaze at me showing a shocked expression. They started whispering things to each other making me feel uncomfortable. Jackie put a hand on my right shoulder and start to speak up.

"Look Star, we like you because of your wand that's what makes you unique here at school. You're even the number one on the popularity ranking but now that you don't have your wand you're at the losers rank"

It was like a slap on the face. I couldn't move or talk I just stood there feeling my jaw hit the floor. How would they?  They like me just for my wand? I wanted them to like me for me and now I know that truth hurts.

"Finally!" I heard a voice yell from across the hall  "I'm back in my rank again! Thank you very much Star Butterflee" Brittney snicker

I felt some grabbed my hand pulling me out the crowd when we finally got away from them. We stopped walking and Marco stood in front of me.

"This people are horrible than you can imagine" he sigh running his hand through his hair

"Come on, let's go" he forced a smile on his face so did I do the same

This was not what I expected.

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