Chapter 6: Something Dumb

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Star's PoV

"Why so shock Marco?" I ask him

"Uh huh nothing I was just, oh look what time it is were gonna be late to school" he said grabbing his bag and go out.

"I think his just nervous" I said

"Yeah maybe" Mrs Diaz said

"Oh well, I can't wait to dance with Oscar" I said grabbing my bag "Bye Mr & Mrs Diaz" I go out  just perfect the bus is here.

I enter the bus and find Marco. But his not here, maybe he use his legs again. I need to find a sit. Hmmmm. Maybe I can sit beside Jackie but the sit beside her is already taken by Blake (remember the guy that grew a bread just in one night). Hmmm How about this new girl at the back? I sat next to her.

"Hi! I'm Star Butterfly maybe your new cause I don't remember seeing you in the school." I said to her.

"Yeah, your right probably cause I once lived here two years ago" she said trying to smile.

"Oh, sorry cause I just arrived here this year"

"Oh I forgot to introduce myself my name is Stephanie Jones"

That name is very familiar I think I heard it before or just yesterday. Maybe she knows Marco.

"Do you know Marco? Marco Diaz" I asked

"Yeah his the son of the family that I lived with two years ago"

Oooooo she's Marco's new crush.

"Well nice to meet you Stephanie, hehehe" now I will make sure that this girl and Marco will get together.

"Why are you laughing? ?"

"Oh I'm not laughing" I said "I'm just thinking of something" I whisper to myself.

(Time Skip: Practice)

Oh my gosh were gonna dance. I can't wait. Oscar slowly walks towards me, he bow at me I bow in return, he ask for my hand I gladly gave it. We started to dance.

"Ooouuuccch!!!" I cried out. He stepped on my foot.

"What happen miss Butterfly?" My teacher ask me

"My foot, it hurts like crazy"

"Teacher, I already told you that I can't dance" Oscar said.

"But what about your grade?" Teacher ask

"Can I be the servant instead?"

"Fine but you need to find someone as the prince, someone who knew how to dance"

Hmmm, someone who how to dance, I think I know someone. Oh yeah Marco can dance.

"Teacher Marco Diaz can dance" I raise my hand.

Marco's PoV

I'm in the classroom sitting on my chair. Just waiting for math period to end.

"Okay class you have a new classmate" miss Skullnick said caught all our attentions. A very familiar girl but except she's not wearing an eyeglass like someone I hate and her hair is straight.

"Good morning everyone I am your new classmate and my name is Stephanie Jones"

Whaaaat???? *bang* I fell down my chair.

"Mr. Diaz are you okay? " miss Skullnick asked.

I immediately stood on my feet "Yesss maam, it's just my chair got a little slippery. " I excuse. I sat down and look at Stephanie and she wave at me. That means she recognized me. I bow down my head.

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