Chapter 16: The Last Visit Part 2 (Love Is A Powerful Magic)

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Star's Pov

We looked at each others eyes and smile. He hugged me so tight that I mostly can't breath.

"Don't leave me again" Marco whisper to my ear. I felt a tear drop fell on my shoulder from Marco's chocolate eyes

"I'm sorry" I said hugging him back. I notice that he wiped his eyes with his arm.

We feel that someone were watching us, we stopped hugging and turn our heads to my left. I remember that Pony, Stephanie and Jackie were still with us.

"Sorry if we got too cheesy" I apologize.

"No, it's totally fine. You two are so cute! I hope you guys get married but too bad she's al-" I immediately cover Pony's  mouth. I felt my palm get wet by Pony's tongue. I pull my hand and wiped it on her dress.

"Did you just licked my hand?" I asked in disgust.

"That's what you get for putting your hand on my mouth" She reply with a smirk appear on her lips.

"That was freaking gross" I complain. I don't want Marco to know that I'm engaged to someone. I want to tell him by myself. I thought to myself.

"Why? What's the problem?" Marco asked in curiosity.

"I'm the problem" a familiar voice said behind us. We all turn around and saw my enemy, Ludo.

"Ludo! How did you escape the outer space?" I said posing into a fighting position and everyone else does.

"Let's just said that" he pause a bit and pull out a skeletal arm. "That your crystal helped me a lot".

I frown and scan the skeletal arm. The half of my crystal is in there.

"I think it's time for you to return what's not yours" I said with confident noticing that it's gonna be 1 vs 5.

"Apparently that's not gonna be easy" He said smirking then he whistle.

A bunch of rats approach behind them was a huge bird and spider. They all guarded Ludo and looked like ready to fight anytime.

"You hid in Mewni?" Pony Head asked.

"What? How can you tell?" Marco asked.

"Well, to kill time I always go to that rat's hideout and make fun of them. I noticed them because of that one with red eye"  Pony explain while pointing at one rat that have one red eye.

"Enough with the chitchat" Ludo said annoyed. "ATTACK!!!" Ludo yell and the rats run towards us.

"Extreme Narwhal Blast" I yell out my spell and a giant narwhal stucked fourths of the rats.

We all jump to fight. I cupcake blast the rats one by one. Marco kicks the rats that get near him. Pony Head looked like she's just dancing but she dodges all the attack the rats about to give and also attack them.

Jackie and Stephanie are helping hands. They both battle with a same techniques.

"Add a little challenge" I said making Ludo groan.

"Girls, attack the princess" Ludo commanded the spider and the bird. The two quickly approach me.

"Marshmallow Laser" I yelled hitting the big freaking turkey with hot and sticky marshmallow. It fell but the spider is still running towards me.

It was about to shoot it's webs to me but "Rainbow Mirror Refraction" I yell out my spell a mirror appeared in front of me and took the web then bounced it back to the spider.

When I was busy dealing with the spider I'd notice the rats sneaking an attack to me.

"Yes!" Ludo exclaim.

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