Chapter 17: Slowly Falling In Love (REAL ENDING)

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The wedding day...

"Star, are you sure that your fine getting married to someone you don't know?" Pony Head asked Star who was wearing a wedding gown a tailor gave her 4 years ago.

"I guess so... you already spend some time with him and you didn't report any bad attitudes of him" Star said walking towards some hair dressers.

"Yeah but his not perfect for you" Pony Head said following Star.

"This is not about me Pony Head. I know your concern but this is for Mewni"

"I want you to be happy... because it was me who ruin your happiness at the first place" Pony Head turn sad.

"Don't blame yourself. It's not you but fate wanted it to happen. We can't do anything right now, so it's just a waste of time for blaming"

"Acting like a real queen huh?" Pony head asked raising her eyebrow.

"I was born for it, can't ignore it forever. I want my Mom to be proud of me at least something she wanted to happen" Star said not moving as the hair dressers are busy doing their job.

"That's what you said the last time you last saw Marco" Pony complain.

"Because its the truth" Star reply head down. "I don't even know why I still do this, I was not like this before. I hate forcing myself and I used to do whatever I want"

"If I'm on your position, I will also be confuse to myself" Pony added.

"I don't want to do this, I want to be happy and free with Marco but I can't just let my precious mom be down. This is what she wanted" Star said looking at the mirror in front of her.

The door squeak and was opened slightly by someone who's eavesdropping their conversation. Star saw it's reflection.

"Dad, I know your listening. Just come in" Star commanded her father. River did what he was told.

"You know Star, you could've just talk to your Mom about it. That must've been much easier than struggling the pain your feeling inside" He said walking near to his daughter.

"I know but I haven't done right to Mom with all my life. I am a careless, irresponsible, reckless and risky daughter to her. I wanted to do atleast something she wanted the most" Star said forcing to put a smile.

"Wow, you mature a lot Star. We only spend two days being free and it change you a lot." Pony Head pipe up.

"You actually don't have to do it" a female voice said making Star turned around behind her back and the dressers stopping their role.

"But Mom... I, I don't know else to do to make you happy and proud." Star said to Moon looking down at the floor.

"Star, if you're happy I'm also happy and it makes me proud as a mother seeing my daughter wearing a unique and genuine smile written on her face." Moon said lifted her daughter's chin to meet their eyes.

"I love you Mommy" Star stand up and attack her mother with a hug. And the queen hug back.

"I love you too my daughter" She reply while rubbing Star's back.

"Guys, I don't want to be a bummer but how about the wedding? You can't just leave the Kayters or Aquillians in the air" Pony Head reminded.

"Don't worry, leave it to me" Moon said proudly.

They all made a smile on their face then go back to their own businesses. Few hours later the bride was completely ready.

She was escorted by both her parents together walking a mysterious huge door. It slowly opened revealing a portal.

Thousands of thoughts run was on the princess's mind and gave her parents a confused look.

The King and Queen keep calm with a smile. It made Star more confused ob what's going on.

When the door was completely opened they started walking into the portal. Their visions saw a bright light and made Star cover her eyes.

After a few seconds she heard giant bells ringing. She immediately uncovered her eyes and found herself inside a church.

She scan the church and noticed everyone was turning their backs at her except for her parents beside her.
Everyone was covering their faces.

She look straight to the groom but he was also turning back wearing a black sombrero that completely covers his hair.

It made her more confused but her parents keep calm. Suddenly an organ started to play a sweet love song and they started walking towards the altar.

While they were getting closer the princess notice that the people are covering their faces with a book also the groom. Star got weirded out.

She was about to asked her parents about it but they already arrived at the altar. She just stepped closer to the altar knowing that the groom will not take her hand.

"River, you need to replace the priest" Moon whispers to her husband.

"Why?" River asked.

"Just look at him. With that he can't follow our instruction" Moon explain.

The King looked at the priest. The priest was opening the book upside down and his eyeglasses was not put properly.

"Okay, I'll take that" River said replacing the priest.

River opened the book properly and wear his own reading glasses. He cough before he speak.

"Do you groom take Star Butterfly as your loving wife in sickness and health?" River asked the groom.

Star made a quizzical expression. The groom just nod at the question.

"Do you Star Butterfly take this groom as your loving husband in sickness and health?"

"I do?" Star answered still weirded out.

The wedding ceremony continues still the groom cover his face and didn't speak.

A cute ring bearer came with the rings. And they started exchanging ring still the groom and the audience covering their face.

"You may now kiss the bride" The King announced.

Star got a little excited because the groom will uncover his face.

The groom opened the bride's veil and lean closer to Star's face. He slowly removed the book reveling his face then immediately press his lips hers.

Star become frozen and tears started to fall down her cheeks when she saw the smirking Marco kissing her.

When Marco pulled away Star was still frozen but the audience cheered making her to turn at them. More tears came out when she realize she was on Earth.

A warm hand touched her cheeks and wiped the tear with his thumb. She turned again to her best friend now husband and hug him tighter.

"I love you Marco" Star whispers at his ears.

"I love you too Star" Marco said hugging back.

The End

So it turns out this is the shortest ending in this book.

I hope you loved my first ever fan fiction.

Thank you for reading and I hope you'll read my next fan fiction. It's still Starco.

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