Chapter 5: You Are Gonna Be Cinderella

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Marco's PoV

"Star, get out of your room now if you don't want to be late at school" I said knocking at her door.


"Why no?" I asked

"I just remembered that I lied to Jackie yesterday and I am uncomfortable to go to school and see her" she yell.

"What do you want? Do you want me to get mad at you? Or go to school like nothing happened? " I said still knocking.

"Go to school" she finally get out.

"Well good"

I grab her hand and race to the front door. And Mom is standing there.

"Here's your money Marco,  you left it yesterday" she said handing me the money.

"What? So you really left your money yesterday" Star asked in confusion.

"Yup, see? That means you didn't lie to her" I said with a smirk. "Let's go"

"Sure" Star said following me.

(Time skip)

"Yay, I didn't lie to anyone" Star said jumping up and down.

"Star, move on you're saying that thirty times right now"

"I just can't believe it" she said with a huge smile on her face.

I just reply her with a smile and we continue walking to our class in math. We are in the classroom before Miss Skullnick does. She came in with her usual troll face that is always angry I guess.

"Okay class, bring out your assignment or if you don't have, do 1000 push ups and 1000 jumping jacks." She said angrily I guess, she always looked angry.

I took out my assignment from my bag and gave it to her with a fake smile. And she take it.

"I hope, Diaz is not the only one who had an assignment" she said "Everyone who don't have an assignment, stand up right now"

Half of the students stood up nervously.

"Go to the gym right now, I will follow later" and they did what she said.

"Now, the people remain is gonna take this quiz" she wrote the quiz on the broad. "See you later" then she go out.

"Hey Marco, do you think they are having fun in the gym?" Star ask me.

"I am definitely sure the answer is no" I answered.

"Aaaa, I want to go there also so they will have fun"

"It's better that you should stay here Star, just stay out of trouble." I told here.

"But I'm-"

"Star Butterfly please go to the principal's office." Star got interrupted. " I repeat Star Butterfly to the principal's office" the speakers sounded actually it's the principal.

"What did you did this time Star?" I asked her trying not to act like a parent.

"Oh relax, I haven't done anything yet" she said leaving.

I started answering the quiz. Find the X? Oh man this is the easiest in all. I can just finish this in like a minute.

"Hey Marco, can you explain to me how to get the x in no. 5?" A whisper of a girl said I turn around and saw Jackie.

Jackie's PoV

The group said that I need to be close to Marco if I want him to be mine. They scare me because if I don't Star and Marco will be Starco, and I will not allow it. So I am starting with this Math solving since he is a Math genius. And it's perfect Star is not here anymore.

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