Chapter 13: Goodbye Earth

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(Three weeks later)
Star's pov

The farewell party will start tonight at 7pm. The school's King and Queen will be announce. It's gonna be more fun if  you'll come.

"What should I wear Marco?" I asked him while flipping the card.

"You need to wear a very nice dress, it's gonna be like a ball" he said taking the card from my hand.

"Okay" I go to my room and open my closet.

"What color should I wear?" I ask myself.

"Your Mom is calling" my mirror said. I grab two dress from my closet and run to the mirror.

"Hi Mom, what a wonderful surprise. Why did you call? Can you help me which dress should I wear?" I said to my Mom.

"Star, your gonna leave earth tonight" Mom said strictly.

"WHAT? But why?" I ask.

"Because of the things you did what you should not do as a future queen" she answered calmly.

"How? Why? What? Who? But" I said panicking.

"I asked Mr George Eagle to have an investigation about you on earth. He represented all the informations he got earlier that turns out to be more dangerous that I expected"

"The school's ball is tonight and I want to come atleast say goodbye to my friends" I excuse.

"Sure, I'll send some helpers there to pack your things for tonight and wear your normal princess gown in Mewni."

"Bye" I said to my mom before the mirror turn off. I return to my closet with a sad face and get the princess gown.

"It's damaged and I can't wear this. I can't remember when is the last time I wore it "

*knock knock knock*

"come in" I response. Marco came in wearing a very magnificent tuxedo and he looks so handsome.

"What do you think? Do I look handsome or what?" He ask showing off his clothes.

"You look very han-tastic" I answer with a smile and soon faded.

"Why are you sad?" Marco ask walking towards me. "You can't wear that gown anymore it's ruined, let's take it to the best tailor in town"

"What's a tailor?" I ask in confusion.

"A dress maker but the best tailor here is so extraordinary, she can finish a dress in just two or three hours" he said proudly.


We get out to go to the tailors shop. When I turn the door knob, I saw my two guards in the way.

"Where are you going your highness?" One of the guard asked.

"We're going to repair this dress, say did you guys brought the royalty silk and cloth?" I response.

"Yes, because the queen said so. And she told us that you should wear this" he reply, he give me a bracelet-like that will ring like a bell if it's time to go.


(Time skip)

"Hello Marco" said a woman who is between 37-40 of age. "Who is this young girl with you? Is she your girlfriend?"

"N-no" Marco reply nervously.

"Really? You guys can be a perfect couple" she said. Marco and I blushed. "So what brings you here?"

"Can you repair my gown?" I told her showing the ruined dress.

"With that much damage I can't but I can make another one" she reply.

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