Chapter 3: Do You Like Marco?

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Jackie's PoV

Yesterday was so close on blowing the secret group. This group is actually a fan girls group of having a crush to the secret heartthrob. Yeah, I am also part of it that means I like him too like the other girls here. They are all senior high already.

"Jackie where is the photo of them hugging?" Maria said, she is actually the leader this month.

"It's here in my phone" I grab my phone from my pocket, just as I pulled it out Maria grabbed in split second making our whole group run and look at the screen of my phone.

"So this is Star Butterfly? She looked bubbly, adorable and in love with him too" Rebecca piped up, she too is a member.

"Jackie, did you do what we want?" Maria spoke with a scowl placed on her face.

"I did but she managed to make people still love her plus I got caught by him while taking the picture" The bell rang making me stop talking.

"Well girls, looks like we'll meet again tomorrow"

Maria turned around and walked away making us do the same. I know it's unbelievable that I, Jackie Lynn Thomas have a huge crush on the school's safe kid Marco Diaz, I fall in love with him not long ago it started at Brittney's birthday. He looked so gross at that time but he save us all in the bus. And the best thing about it, is that he tried to be my friend.

If only Marco feel the same as I do. I wish it would be me by his side and not Star, I wish I would be the one who makes him laugh when he is sad, I wish I could hug him and not her, I wish it was all me.

Lunch time came by pretty fast and Marco haven't even say hi to me or just nod making me wonder if he is maybe angry at me because of what I did. I do need to apologize for what I did but first I need to find him.

I skateboard while looking for him. Where is he? I stopped for a moment scanning the room I looked to my right only seeing Ferguson and Alfonso but no Marco. I looked to my left it's Star talking with someone behind the wall. She had a shock expression on her face making me curious which lead me to walk over there.

Star's POV

"Wohoo, it's lunch time Marco. I want to eat those colorful sweet bears"

"Star I told you many times they are called gummy bears" he corrected me, but I don't care I like the sound of colorful sweet bears it makes it sound more cool.

We entered the cafeteria. I was looking around the room then my eyes landed on Jackie. A smile curved in the corner of my lips.

"What?" Marco asked I full curiousness.

"Let's invite Jackie to eat with us. Does that sound good?" I said while softly punching his arm.

He stopped his footsteps making me do the same. He huffed running his hand through his hair giving me this awkward look.

"I-I kind of possible, maybe have a hint of dislike for her now" he murmur looking at his feet

My little smile dropped shock taking over my body. That couldn't be true I can't even believe it. I mean its Marco for crying out loud, he is in love with her with the very start. How could he change his felling like that?

"WHAT?!" I yelled way to loud making everyone snap their heads to our direction. Don't blame me, I couldn't control myself.

"Hey lower your voice" he hushed me.


I looked up hoping Jackie didn't hear my yelling but my hopes die down when I caught her walking this way making me panic.

"She is coming" I poked Marco on his stomach probably a little too hard making me earn a groan from him.

"What's going on Star? I saw you from there and I wonder if anything happened" Jackie spoke putting both hands on her hips

I turned my head to Marco probably hoping he would help me answer her but he keeping his head with a pinkish blush on his face.

Marco now it's not the right time to blush, I turned my head back to Jackie rubbing the back of my head awkwardly.

"No, nothing's going on its just Marco... uh... "I stammer.

What should I do? Do I tell the truth or no? I don't want Marco getting angry to me again but I also don't want to lie to her.

"'Uh' what?"

"Uh, he left his money at the house and now we can't buy the colorful sweet bears" I lied. A pang of guilt hit me. Marco looked up flashing a smile at me making me smile back. The thing I do for you Marco.

"So if that's the case, I will treat you guys with gummy bears"

My smile grew even wider, if that was even possible. I jumped up and down clapping my hands repeatedly

"I can still eat those bears!"

"Sweet bears here I come" I ran to the vending machine. Yes, I manage to memories the name and that was not easy at all.

I pinned my face on the machine not wanting to let go. Jackie poked my back giving to me the bag of sweet bears.

"Awwww... thank you Jackie" I grab the bag and hug it while walking over to the table we usually sit on. I sit on the corner of the long table to let Jackie and Marco to sit next to each other. I opened my bag of sweet bears and did what I love to do with it. Play with it.

"Mr. Red bear the monster mouth is attacking again. No! Mr. Yellow this will be the end of our sweetness, Mr. Red, the monster is in the front of us, Ahhhhhhh! You're going into my mouth. Yum" while I was enjoying my little play time. I looked around and Marco was gone and I didn't even noticed.

"Jackie, where's Marco?"

"Oh, you didn't hear him? He said he is go to the bathroom"

"Oh, Okay"

"Umm, Star can you be real for a minutes?" She asked looking directly in my eyes.

"Yeah sure, what is it?"

"Do you like Marco?"

"Of course I do like him" I said smiling.

"No, I mean, do you like like him?"

"Yeah, who wouldn't like like him his kind and protective. So it looks like the other like is for being kind and the other like is for being protective, wait I just said 5 likes" I said still smiling I hoping I encourage her to like Marco back.

"No, I don't mean that. I mean, Do you like him like..."she paused clearing her throat "like to be your prince?"

I choked on my sweet bears. Did she just said that? What made her think like that? I love Marco as my friend nothing more than that. Maybe.

Why would she ask that?

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