Chapter 15: A Little Weird

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A/N: In this fan fiction, Pony Head turned into a Mewman on her sweet sixteen. It's gonna be their nature but she'll turned back into a pony if her parents die.

4 years later
Pony Head's PoV

For all the years I found out that Star and Earthturd are in love. I become their only communication since I am not forbidden to dimensional jump. Everytime I talk to them I always feel bad for the fact that it was all my fault why Marco and Star can't see each other.

Glossaryck's suggestion turn out to be useless but Star discovered that the wand is still powerful and safe to use as before but a bit different.

My Dad always tells me the meeting they had. Now Dad is telling me one.

"Cupcake, we had another meeting earlier with the royalties from Aquilla our once enemy in the past" as he enjoy telling me.

"What are they doing here?" I asked pretending to listen.

"Mewmans and Aquillians still can't get along, Queen Butterfly and Queen Kayter decided that a royalty from each dimension should get marry as a sign of unity of each dimension."

"Who will get marry?"

"Prince Nicholas Kayter from Aquilla and Princess Star Butterfly but the two haven't meet"

"What? Star will marry someone she don't know? Can I first know the Prince before they meet just to make sure that Star will not get hurt"

"That's fine with me since you and Princess Butterfly are close friends but you should asked the queen."

I quickly run to the highest castle and ask the queen. She agreed because she also want her daughter safe. She commanded a servant to open a portal to Aquilla. The queen of each dimension had a little chat and let me go in the portal. I gladly went to Aquilla.

"Hello your majesty, I am Princess Pony Head from Mewni. I'm glad that you allowed me to know your son before he and my best friend get marry" as I thank formally.

"Of course I will Princess Pony because I understand why. I promise you that she will like my son"

"Let's see about that" I said with a sarcastic smile.

"Servant, bring this princess to Prince Nicholas" as she commanded a servant.

The servant asked me to follow him. We walk to the castle's garden and stop at a big tree then he left me.

"Hello? Prince Nicholas?" I call out.

"I'm here" a voice from above said. I lift my head up and saw an 18 years old boy with a blonde smooth hair, blue round eyes, fair white skin wearing a white suit.

"Isn't a Prince should not climb a tree" as I wonder why his up there.

"I know, can you please keep it as our secret?" He begged but I just roll my eyes. "Fine. Can you climb a tree?" He ask handing his hand.

"I'm a wayward princess from Mewni that means I can do anything" as I rejected his help and simply climb the tree.

"This is the reason I like to climb this tree" he said pointing the view. The village below is like a million stars on the ground and it really looks awesome.

"You said that your a wayward princess from Mewni right? So are you Princess Star Butterfly the princess who's gonna be my future queen?" He asked obviously his hoping I will say yes.

"It's not your lucky day, I'm not her. I'm Princess Pony Head also from Mewni but I am her best bestie overall. I came to get to know you before you will meet her and don't be so excited about your wedding because I'm gonna do everything just to stop it" as I said strictly.

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