Chapter 17: We Love Each Other (Good End)

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The wedding day...

"Star, you don't have to do this you know" River said to his daughter.

"Dad I'm fine. He also love someone else so I think we will just become a married strangers" Star reply to her father.

"Married strangers? That sounds funny but I hope it will"

A couple of knocks interrupted the two. A servant open the door revealing the prince they were just talked about.

"I heard that Pony told you about my confession" he said.

"Yup, she did told me. What now?" Star asked with a smile.

"I want you to help me. Will you?" Nicholas said.

"Well if it's fine with Dad, I will" Star said looking at her father.

"As long as you won't make my little princess cry then it's fine" River reply.

"You heard that? It's a yes" Star said.

"Well then here's a plan-" Nicholas said

(Time Skip)

"Star! Everyone's waiting for you. You're the bride you should not miss this one" Pony tell her best friend.

"I was about to go there but I want you to wear this beautiful pearl dress so that we can be matchy." Star said with a smug on her face handling the dress.

"Fine, as long as you'll be happy" Pony said as she took the dress and wear it.

"Now let's go" Star was happily dragging Pony out of room.

"Star, where's your father? He should be your escort to the ceremony" Pony asked.

"Oh! He's already there because I please him that I want you on my side instead of him. Is that cool?" Star said.

"Really? I mean very cool" Pony exclaim.

The two walk out of the castle and enter a chariot going to the church where the wedding will be held.

A smirk is glued on Star's face and it makes Pony feel uncomfortable. It somehow worries her.

"Star are you alright?" Pony asked.

"Me? Of course. Never better" Star response. "Actually, I don't like wearing veil so can you please wear it for me?"

"No way, that will make me look like the bride." Pony reply.

Star pout and think of something. She rub her eyes until it turn red and keep rubbing until Pony notices it.

"Stop rubbing it" Pony warns.

"I can't help it. It is so itchy, maybe it is because of the veil" Star reply still rubbing her eyes.

"Take it off then. You don't have to be a traditional bride" Pony said.

Star smiled and take her veil off. She again think of something. She pulled out her wand and smile at her best friend.

"Hey Pony! You won't mind me if I'll make your hair beautiful right?" Star said.

"Sure no problem. Just don't put them on fire" Pony joke.

"You know me"

Star's wand glow and a blast hit Pony's hair. After the light was gone, Pony's hair looked stunning.

"You look perfect Pony Head" Star said.

A few moments later they arrived at their destination. When the two got out of their ride, Star turned her white dress into a blue one with her wand.

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